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.:. Clients

  .:. DOS
    :: MudMaster
       (Win95/NT Console) Very fast and nice featured text mode mud client.

  .:. Windows
    :: MonkeyTerm
       Scriptable MUD client using VBScript.
    :: MudMagic Mud Client For Windows
       A very good start to a cross platform MUD client. Includes basic features such as macros, triggers, automapper, etc
    :: MudMaster 2000
       Free GUI version of MudMaster. (Warning: Does not support TELNET protocol and thus does not work properly)
    :: MUSHclient
       Powerful client with scripting support for JScript, Perl, Python, and VBScript.
    :: Portal
       MUD Client with lots of features including a built in MP3 player and Boss-Mode.
    :: SimpleMU
       Straight-forward and powerful MUD client.
    :: WinTin
       Windows port of TinTin++
    :: zMUD
       Very popular and full featured client.

  .:. Macintosh
    :: Cantrip
       Freeware OS X MUD client.
    :: MudMagic Mud Client For Mac
       A very good start to a cross platform MUD client. Includes basic features such as macros, triggers, automapper, etc
    :: Rapscallion
       Very popular MUD Client for the Mac
    :: Savitar
       MUVE/MUD/MUSH client.

  .:. Linux/Console
    :: MCL
       Perl and Python scriptable lightweight client.
    :: TinyFugue
       One of the most powerful yet lightweight clients you can get. Offers very powerful scripting and excellent kay mapping abilities.

  .:. Linux/X
    :: JamochaMUD
       Good client with multiple language support - Cross platform so it runs on any OS that supports Java

  .:. Linux/KDE
    :: KMUD
       Powerful client with automapper and regexp support.
    :: KMuddy
       Full featured client.

  .:. Linux/GNOME
    :: GNOME-Mud
       Nice MUD client with lots of features, including an AutoMapper.
    :: MudMagic Mud Client For Linux
       A very good start to a cross platform MUD client. Includes basic features such as macros, triggers, automapper, etc

  .:. BeOS
    :: BodySnatcher
       Customizeable client for x86 BeOS.

  .:. Amiga
    :: AmiMUD
       Full featured client with Rexx support.

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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