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The UBERMAP is a to-scale map of the area between Caemlyn, Tar Valon,
Cairhien and Aringill.  This includes the Braem Woods, and the various
villages and rivers, farmlands and hills that are within this area.

UBERMAP may be found at:

See Also:  Policy ICTravel, Policy Questor

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

unaffect <victim>

Removes all affections (i.e., spell effects) from a player.

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

These commands prevent anyone from a site with a hostname containing the
site substring from logging in to the game. You may ban a site to ALL, NEW
or SELECT players.  Banning a site to NEW players prevents any new players
from registering.  Banning a site to ALL players disallows ANY connections
from that site.  Banning a site selectively allows only players with site-ok
flags to log in from that site. Ban with no argument returns a list of
currently banned sites.

Unban removes the ban.

ban [<'ALL' | 'NEW' | 'SELECT'> <site>]
unban <site>

> ban all
> unban

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

unbond <victim>

UNBOND severs the bond between one player and another.

See also: Bond

:: Beginning


Entering GROUP with no argument shows the status of your group.
Typing "
group <player>" will add someone following you to your group,
while entering "
ungroup <player>" will remove someone already in the

<group all> will add everyone currently following you
to your group. Entering
<ungroup> with no target, or simply quitting
out of the MUD will disband the group entirely.

When a group is formed, the GTELL or GSAY command can be used to talk
only to other members of the group.

> gtell <string>
> gsay <string>

See also: Follow

:: Beginning


Use these commands to open, close, lock and unlock doors.

> <open | close | lock | unlock> <door> <direction>

> open door east
> lock door north
> unlock door up
> close gate west

See also: Lockpicking, Enter

:: Beginning


This command allows you to see which boards have posts
that you have not yet read.  This is convenient if you
are logged in for a long period of time and want to
see if there are new posts without reading each and
every individual board.  Simply type unread and
you will either get a list of boards you have unread
posts on, or it will tell you that you have no unread
posts at this time.

See Also:  Proj Show, Glboard, Templates

:: Beginning

.:. UP

In order to move from place to place on this MUD there are six
directions you need to be very familiar with. UP, DOWN, EAST, WEST,
NORTH, and SOUTH. These will take you in whichever direction you
want, assuming there is an exit in that direction from the room you
are currently in. These can all be abreviated to: n, s, e, w, u d.

See also: Move, Stats

:: Beginning


   The update command is designed to give players an IC output based
on what rumours and news circulate around any specific region or city; that
should only be used as In Character information, however, if your character
would be living, travelling near, or have contacts in these places.
   These news and rumours are being maintained by both Immortals and
Guildleaders, so if you have something to be added there, please notify
one of the above.

   The way to use
update is easy:
   First type "
update". You will get a list of all listed locations that are
being maintained by players, along with the number of current entries in
each category and each place.
   If you wish to see specifics for a certain category, type "
update <location" -
for example, "
update cairhien". You will then get a list of all recent rumours
and news in that region, divided into these two categories, and each will be followed
by a short title describing what the word is about, and a keyword which you can use
to read the entire thing.
   Therefore, if you wish to read a rumour in Cairhien with the keyword "celebration",
you simply type "
update cairhien celebration" to see its full text.

Example: update cairhien celebration

See also: icedit.

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

Displays when the game was booted and calculates how long ago that was.

> uptime

:: Beginning


This command allows you to use items with special abilities, such
as Ter'angreal. There are no such items in the game currently. In
the event that Ter'angreal are brought back, the command may
once again be useful.

> use <item>
> use <item> <target>

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

USERS gives a list of all sockets (i.e., connections) currently active on the
MUD.  The multi-column display shows the socket number (used by DC), class,
level, and name of the player connected, connection state, idle time, and

The following switches are available:

-k or -o   Show only outlaws (killers and thieves)
-p         Show only sockets in the playing sockets
-d         Show only non-playing (deadweight) sockets.
-l min-max Show only sockets whose characters are from level min to max
-n <name>  Show the socket with <name> associated with it.
-h <host>  Show all sockets from <host>.
-c list    Show only sockets whose characters' classes are in list

See also: DC

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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