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These commands are for Immortals and Guild Leaders only.

> echo <string>
This echoes a message to the room the one echoing is standing in.

> gecho <string>
Sends the message to the whole MUD.

> qecho <string>
Sends the message to those on the same Quest channel as the qechoer.

> zecho <string>
Sends the string to all players within 50 rooms distance.

> send <player> <string>
Sends the message to a single player.

:: Beginning

.:. QPS

When you participate in Quests you will often times be awarded Quest
Points. The number of Points you earn depends much upon your performance
during the Quest. QPs may be used to purchase Quest Skills and perhaps
Quest Equipment.
See also: Quest

Update:  For the moment there are no quest skills or equipment implemented.
The only use for Quest points currently is the ability to exchange them for
experience.  The rate is 150 xp for 1 quest point.

exchange <#>

See also: Exchange

:: Beginning


There are certain herbs, potions and brews on the MUD. Things that,
when quaffed, grant an affect to your character. The affect can be
positive or negative, so one is advised against quaffing items when
they are uncertain of the results.

> quaff <item>

See also: Wisdoms, Affects

:: Beginning


Quests and Events are one and the same. They are run by Event Immortals
or occasionally by mortals with Event Imm supervision. Quests will be
announced, usually via gecho to inform the MUD that one is starting.
They range in content and can be anything the Event Imms can dream up.
Often, if you participate in a Quest, you will be rewarded Quest Points
which you may then use to purchase Quest Skills or perhaps useful equipment.
You will only receive QPs for participating in IC Quests.

Joining a quest is simple. To do so, when one is announced, type:
If the Quest is on a specific quest channel, you will be notified of this, and
must simply add a number after the command to enter that channel:
<quest 44>
In order to speak on the quest channel, type: qsay

See also: Qsay, Quest Points

:: Beginning


When you participate in Quests you will often times be awarded Quest
Points. The number of Points you earn depends much upon your performance
during the Quest. QPs may be used to purchase Quest Skills and perhaps
Quest Equipment.
See also: Quest

Update:  For the moment there are no quest skills or equipment implemented.
The only use for Quest points currently is the ability to exchange them for
experience.  The rate is 150 xp for 1 quest point.

exchange <#>

See also: Exchange

:: Beginning


When you participate in Quests you will often times be awarded Quest
Points. The number of Points you earn depends much upon your performance
during the Quest. QPs may be used to purchase Quest Skills and perhaps
Quest Equipment.
See also: Quest

Update:  For the moment there are no quest skills or equipment implemented.
The only use for Quest points currently is the ability to exchange them for
experience.  The rate is 150 xp for 1 quest point.

exchange <#>

See also: Exchange

:: Beginning


When you participate in Quests you will often times be awarded Quest
Points. The number of Points you earn depends much upon your performance
during the Quest. QPs may be used to purchase Quest Skills and perhaps
Quest Equipment.
See also: Quest

Update:  For the moment there are no quest skills or equipment implemented.
The only use for Quest points currently is the ability to exchange them for
experience.  The rate is 150 xp for 1 quest point.

exchange <#>

See also: Exchange

:: Beginning


The QUESTION and ANSWER channels are public and are available to
everyone. Anyone who has the channels turned on will hear the Questions
asked and may Answer them if they wish. It is a good way to get information
on topics you might not find in help files.

See also: Channels

:: Beginning


When you participate in Quests you will often times be awarded Quest
Points. The number of Points you earn depends much upon your performance
during the Quest. QPs may be used to purchase Quest Skills and perhaps
Quest Equipment.
See also: Quest

Update:  For the moment there are no quest skills or equipment implemented.
The only use for Quest points currently is the ability to exchange them for
experience.  The rate is 150 xp for 1 quest point.

exchange <#>

See also: Exchange

:: Beginning


Quests and Events are one and the same. They are run by Event Immortals
or occasionally by mortals with Event Imm supervision. Quests will be
announced, usually via gecho to inform the MUD that one is starting.
They range in content and can be anything the Event Imms can dream up.
Often, if you participate in a Quest, you will be rewarded Quest Points
which you may then use to purchase Quest Skills or perhaps useful equipment.
You will only receive QPs for participating in IC Quests.

Joining a quest is simple. To do so, when one is announced, type:
If the Quest is on a specific quest channel, you will be notified of this, and
must simply add a number after the command to enter that channel:
<quest 44>
In order to speak on the quest channel, type: qsay

See also: Qsay, Quest Points

:: Beginning

.:. QUI

Just to prevent accidental quittings and/or shutdowns.
This command doesn't DO anything, it simply is.

:: Beginning

.:. QUIT

To save, simply type the command <save>. This saves your
character's current information to the MUDs databases. The game
periodically auto-saves your character as well.

If you wish to quit out of the MUD, simply type
<quit>. Though it
is suggested you save first. You do not need  to put your items in a locker
or rent anything to save your character. No matter where you are, if you
quit out of the MUD you will log back in exactly as you left it.

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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