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.:. OCS


OCS stands for Overall Channeling Strength.

You will find your Overall Channeling Strength listed
in your score.  This is a number that determines your
overall strength and ability to channel the One Power.

OCS is explained in more detail under Policy OCS.

See Also:  Emote Channeling, Skills, and Score

:: Beginning

.:. OFA

OFA stands for Overall Fighting Ability.  This is a raw number based on your
weaponmastery skills, level, stats etc. and is a means of keeping track of how
skilled you are, overall, in melee fighting.

Previously, there was no way to compare the ability to fight in melee combat
between two players. Some players argued the primacy of levels, while others
argued the primacy of WM Skills. Therefore, this system was created as a
stopgap effort until MikkiMUD 3.2 comes in, when code will solve that problem
definitively. In the meantime, OFA is the one and only determinant of skill
with weapons. If one character has a higher OFA than another, the first
character is a more skilled fighter than the second.

Of course, a slight edge in OFA isn't a guarantee of victory. If two characters
begin to fight, and their OFA scores are within 10 points, the outcome of the
combat is a toss-up. If the difference in OFA scores is between 10.1 and 20
points, the character with the higher OFA has a distinct advantage. If the
difference in the scores is between 20.1 and 40 points, it should be a
relatively easy win for the character with the higher OFA. If one character has
an OFA more than 40 points higher than his or her opponent, the fight is likely
to be entirely one-sided, barring any interference or other outside factors.

For those who prefer bullet-points:
* 0-10 point advantage in OFA = Effectively equal.
* 10.1-20 point advantage in OFA = Distinct advantage.
* 20.1-40 point advantage in OFA = Relatively easy win.
* 40.1+ point advantage in OFA = One-sided victory.

Every month or so, a list is put up on the Project board ("project show"
or "project list") with the 10 characters with the highest OFA who have RPed in
the past four months. There is also a post noting the general OFAs of Trollocs
and Fades.

If you are curious what the OFA score is for a particular character of yours,
simply contact the Weaponmastery Immortal.

See Also:  Score, Stats, Skills, and Weaponmastery

:: Beginning


Ogier are a nonhuman race. They are very tall (adult males
average 10 feet, slightly less for females), have long tufted ears and
broad noses. Ogier live in steddings, which are areas where the One Power
does not work or have any influence. Usually, they do not leave steddings
willingly, if they leave for too long they sicken and die. Ogier are slow
and pacific people and do not anger easily. Humans they consider hasty.
Of course, Ogier do live at least three or four times as long as humans.
and pacific people and do not anger easily. Humans they consider hasty.
An Ogier of seventy is young. Ogier love knowledge and do not pass up any
opportunity to study. Their books contain information and stories lost to
humans. Often they use ancient names of places in their speech, also
forgotten to humans. The Ogier have interesting marriage customs. All
marriages are arranged by the mothers of the parties. The man has no say
in his marriage, and the woman very little. Often they do not even know
each other before marriage.

Ogiers are great stonemasons. Most of the great cities of the
world are Ogier-built. The Ogier also built the Waygates, and are now the
only ones who can act as guides in the Ways. Most humans have never seen
an Ogier, for they rarely leave the steddings. Many think Ogier are
legends. It is said, though, that Ogier hate trollocs, and assisted
humans in Trolloc Wars. Some Ogier have a special talent called
treesinging. Indeed, the Aiel call them Treebrothers. Ogier love nature
and trees.

                              Ogier Ranks

1. Ancient One                
2. Eldest of the Elders
3. Elder
4. Speaker
5. Treesinger
6. Teacher
7. Stonemason
8. Ogier
9. Youngster


1. Shangtai
2. Tsofu
3. Cantoine
4. Tremalking


:: Beginning

.:. ogier tongue

Ogier Tongue

The Ogier in the "Wheel of Time" appear to use the common tongue as their normal means
of communication. The script used to communicate this language is very different from
any other script known currently. The script and letters resemble flowing vines and leaves
which flow from letter to letter in a very organic fashion. Few non-Ogier know how to
decipher these words.

While Ogier appear to use the same verbal language as ordinary people, their script is
vastly different. It resembles vines and leaves, flowing from letter to letter in an
organic fashion. Very few non-Ogier of the modern age can read the script.

:: Beginning

.:. OLC

OLC stands for OnLine Creation.  OLC is the system used by a Moment in Tyme to
create rooms, objects, and mobile creatures for the enjoyment of players.

The OLC command is used to grant builders access to specific zones, and also
to list any areas that have been modified and not saved yet.
(NOTE: To save, used the EDIT command that was used to create the content.  For
example, to save rooms in zone 100, you would type: REDIT SAVE 100)

Syntax:  olc grant <player> <zone> <type> <level>
         olc ungrant <player> <zone> <type> <level>
         olc status   -- Display unsaved files status.

<player> is the player to grant the permission to.
<zone> is the zone number.
<type> is one of:
   room   - Player can edit rooms
   object - Player can edit objects
   mob    - Player can edit mobiles
   shop   - Player can edit shops
   zone   - Player can edit zone data
   all    - Player can edit anything in the zone
<level> is the level of access granted.  As of right now, everything requires level 2 access.

Please note that you can grant a player multiple access levels in the same zone.
For instance, to grant Duren the ability to edit objects and mobs in zone 100:

olc grant duren 100 object 2
olc grant duren 100 mob 2

This would allow Duren to edit objects and mobs, but not rooms, mobs, shops, or
zone data.  Permissions can be ungranted using the ungrant syntax.


:: Beginning

.:. old

Old Tongue

The Old Tongue was the common language during the Age of Legends. Currently, it
is only spoken by scholars and nobles and even then not perfectly. The Old Tongue
fell into decline after the Breaking of the World and fell out into disuse after
the Trolloc Wars. Modern dialects have evolved from this language. The Old Tongue
may sound familiar to people who speak the common language, and any speaker fluent
in the Old Tongue will be able to understand the common language.

An excellent guide on the Old Tongue can be found at :


For more help on specific languages, please see:

New Tongue, Common, Trolloc, Ogier, Dialects

:: Beginning

.:. old tongue

Old Tongue

The Old Tongue was the common language during the Age of Legends. Currently, it
is only spoken by scholars and nobles and even then not perfectly. The Old Tongue
fell into decline after the Breaking of the World and fell out into disuse after
the Trolloc Wars. Modern dialects have evolved from this language. The Old Tongue
may sound familiar to people who speak the common language, and any speaker fluent
in the Old Tongue will be able to understand the common language.

An excellent guide on the Old Tongue can be found at :


For more help on specific languages, please see:

New Tongue, Common, Trolloc Tongue, Ogier Tongue, Dialects

:: Beginning


See: Help Channeling for more information on this subject.

:: Beginning


See: Help Channeling for more information on this subject.

:: Beginning

.:. OOC

This command sends a message to everyon on the mud who has the channel
on. This is also an abbreviation for 'Out of Character'.

> ooc <string>
> ooc Hello.
You OOC, 'Hello.'

> ooc @
This lists everyone visible on the MUD, and displays whether or not they
have OOC turned on or off.

See also: Channels

:: Beginning

.:. OPEN

Use these commands to open, close, lock and unlock doors.

> <open | close | lock | unlock> <door> <direction>

> open door east
> lock door north
> unlock door up
> close gate west

See also: Lockpicking, Enter

:: Beginning


   The options' menu (type "options" to open it) allows you to
select and activate/deactivate a number of options for your character,
regarding both role playing and code fighting.

   It is simple to do this; typing "
option doing resting on a chair" for
example will give your character a description of what he/she is doing
right now; typing "
option doing" will toggle it off again.

   The options togglable through this command menu are evident if you
type "
option list".

Also see: auto.

:: Beginning


This command is used to order mobs or players compelled to your
control to do what you want them to do. You can order everyone
under your command with
<order followers>. This command is also
used to order retainer mobs to have them Emote or Pemote.
Note that the compulsion weave is currently disabled. At present
this command may only be used on retainers.

> order <retainer> <command>
> order followers <command>
See also: Retainers

:: Beginning


Your race is basically your region of origin. Your character may be
from any point in the known world you desire, so long as it is IC.
However, some rules do apply. For instance, if you wish to Roleplay
a character from Seandar you would have to gain approval from the
Seanchan Guild Leaders, and probably be guilded to their Multiguild
as well. If you think your character infringes into the realm of
a certain guild, it may be wise to speak to that guild's GL before
beginning to RP your character.

Also note that it would likely be unwise to attempt to RP a character
from places like Shara, or the Land of the Madmen (from the Wot Guide:
the big white book) since there is no evidence that they had any contact
with the people of Randland in general. Sharans kept to their own lands
and only had contact with Aiel or Seafolk, whenever the two races went
TO Shara.

:: Beginning

.:. OSAY


This is the command used for IC (
In Character) conversation in your
immediate room.  Using 'say' counts as role-playing, and we strongly
encourage using 'emote' instead, as 'say' is somewhat outdated as a
means of RP.

say <string>
say Hello!

You say, 'Hello!'


This is the command used for OOC (
Out Of Character) conversation in
your immediate room.

osay <string>
osay Hello!

-> Yourcharacter says, 'Hello!'

See Also: Emote, OOC, IC, Rp, Channels

:: Beginning

.:. Ounces

The unit of weight measurement in the Wheel of Time series was as follows:

10 ounces = 1 pound
10 pounds = 1 stone
10 stone  = 1 hundredweight
10 hundredweight = 1 ton

While this makes calculations easier, it does not allow measurements to be easily
understood by players/readers.  In order to make things more comparable to real
world weights, A Moment in Tyme has adopted British Imperial units for weight:

16 drams  = 1 ounce
16 ounces = 1 pound
14 pounds = 1 stone
8 stone  = 1 hundredweight
20 hundredweight = 1 ton

These match up with real world weights very closely so you can better comprehend
the units being used.  To convert between book units and our units, we assume
that one 'pound' in the Wheel of Time world matches one 'pound' in the real
world, thus it is the other units that need to be converted.

:: Beginning

.:. Out of Character

-------------------- IC and OOC --------------------

Some basic concepts:

A character is the person that you play. He/she can be good, evil, or
anywhere in between. You have complete control over your character's

A player is you, the person sitting over the keyboard staring at
the monitor.

In Character (or IC for short) is the mode your character is in.
Everything he/she says or does affects the world of a Moment in Tyme
to some extent. It is advised to be IC as much as possible, since that
is the main focus of the MUD. You are always assumed to be IC, unless
clearly marked otherwise.

Out of Character (or OOC for short) includes anything you,
the player, say to anyone else. All channels of communication (tells,
gdt, obviously the OOC channel) are assumed to be OOC, unless clearly
marked otherwise.

NOTE: It is not acceptable to request help with an IC situation
your character might be in using OOC means, or to use OOC information
in an IC manner. If in doubt, ask a member of the Immortal staff.

See also: Emote, Pemote, Say

:: Beginning

.:. Out-of-Character

-------------------- IC and OOC --------------------

Some basic concepts:

A character is the person that you play. He/she can be good, evil, or
anywhere in between. You have complete control over your character's

A player is you, the person sitting over the keyboard staring at
the monitor.

In Character (or IC for short) is the mode your character is in.
Everything he/she says or does affects the world of a Moment in Tyme
to some extent. It is advised to be IC as much as possible, since that
is the main focus of the MUD. You are always assumed to be IC, unless
clearly marked otherwise.

Out of Character (or OOC for short) includes anything you,
the player, say to anyone else. All channels of communication (tells,
gdt, obviously the OOC channel) are assumed to be OOC, unless clearly
marked otherwise.

NOTE: It is not acceptable to request help with an IC situation
your character might be in using OOC means, or to use OOC information
in an IC manner. If in doubt, ask a member of the Immortal staff.

See also: Emote, Pemote, Say

:: Beginning

.:. Overall Fighting Ability

OFA stands for Overall Fighting Ability.  This is a raw number based on your
weaponmastery skills, level, stats etc. and is a means of keeping track of how
skilled you are, overall, in melee fighting.

Previously, there was no way to compare the ability to fight in melee combat
between two players. Some players argued the primacy of levels, while others
argued the primacy of WM Skills. Therefore, this system was created as a
stopgap effort until MikkiMUD 3.2 comes in, when code will solve that problem
definitively. In the meantime, OFA is the one and only determinant of skill
with weapons. If one character has a higher OFA than another, the first
character is a more skilled fighter than the second.

Of course, a slight edge in OFA isn't a guarantee of victory. If two characters
begin to fight, and their OFA scores are within 10 points, the outcome of the
combat is a toss-up. If the difference in OFA scores is between 10.1 and 20
points, the character with the higher OFA has a distinct advantage. If the
difference in the scores is between 20.1 and 40 points, it should be a
relatively easy win for the character with the higher OFA. If one character has
an OFA more than 40 points higher than his or her opponent, the fight is likely
to be entirely one-sided, barring any interference or other outside factors.

For those who prefer bullet-points:
* 0-10 point advantage in OFA = Effectively equal.
* 10.1-20 point advantage in OFA = Distinct advantage.
* 20.1-40 point advantage in OFA = Relatively easy win.
* 40.1+ point advantage in OFA = One-sided victory.

Every month or so, a list is put up on the Project board ("project show"
or "project list") with the 10 characters with the highest OFA who have RPed in
the past four months. There is also a post noting the general OFAs of Trollocs
and Fades.

If you are curious what the OFA score is for a particular character of yours,
simply contact the Weaponmastery Immortal.

See Also:  Score, Stats, Skills, and Weaponmastery

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
.:. Top of Page