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Please select by the first letter of the name or type in your search below:

- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

.:. AC

Your AC is your Armor Class.

AC is not used at this time.

See also: Score

:: Beginning


Combat specific codes:
$b - Bodypart name
$r - Region name
$c - Code determined color.
$f - Form name

Generic Codes:
$n - Characters name
$N - Victims name
$m - Him, her, it.  Based on characters sex
$M - Him, her, it.  Based on victims sex
$s - His, her, its.  Based on characters sex
$S - His, her, its.  Based on victims sex
$e - He, she, it.  Based on characters sex
$E - he, she, it.  Based on victims sex
$o - Object name
$O - Second object name
$p - Object short description
$P - Second object short description
$a - a or an, depending on if object name starts with a vowel
$A - a or an, depending on if second object name begins with a vowel
$T - Text.  if no victim or second object is used, text may be passed.
$F - First name.  Only displays the first alias (name) of an object/victim if
     it has multiple

See also:  MOB ACT CODES

:: Beginning


Any man or woman who has touched the One Power without having been guided
and taught the proper way to channel, is referred to as a Wilder. These
people have "blocks" in order to prevent them from accessing their abilities
consciously, and they cannot channel voluntarily until and unless it is broken.
Those who would become Wilders in time, but have not yet touched the One Power
are known as

The "blockbreak" skill is only able to be gained by channelers guilded in
the channeling guilds. However, if you find someone willing to roleplay
breaking your block you do not have to be guilded in order to have it

See also: Channeler, Channeling, Latent

:: Beginning

.:. addnote

Immortals Only

addviolation <player> <comment>
- adds an entry to the mud owned text note /violations/<player>
  containing <comment> and a timestamp. Use this command to keep
  track of policy violations.
addnote <player> <note>
- adds an entry to the mud owned text note /notes/<player>
  containing <comment> and a timestamp. Use this command to keep
  track of player information such as allowed multis, etc.

See Also: edittext, viewtext, listtext, deltext

:: Beginning

.:. addviolation

Immortals Only

addviolation <player> <comment>
- adds an entry to the mud owned text note /violations/<player>
  containing <comment> and a timestamp. Use this command to keep
  track of policy violations.
addnote <player> <note>
- adds an entry to the mud owned text note /notes/<player>
  containing <comment> and a timestamp. Use this command to keep
  track of player information such as allowed multis, etc.

See Also: edittext, viewtext, listtext, deltext

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

advance <victim> <level>

ADVANCE moves a player to a new level.  If used to promote a player to an
immortal level, and if you have the autowiz program installed, the wizlist and
immlist will automatically be recreated.

> advance ishamael 80

:: Beginning

.:. Aes Sedai Requirements

-------------------Aes Sedai Requirements--------------------

The White Tower is the home of the Aes Sedai, Gaidin, and Tower Guard.
Also counted within the Shining Walls are Novices, Accepted, Trainees,
Servants, those seeking Asylum, and visiting scholars.  

Path 1 - Aes Sedai
Only three templates for Aes Sedai; Born with the spark, Able to learn,
or Wilder.

Path 2 - Gaidin/Tower Guard/Bryne's Army
Templates for these positions are almost endless, a few examples are:
the Righteous, the Dutiful, the Cryptic, the Devoted, the Unemployed,
the Obligated (if you would like information on these templates, or
for examples of backgrounds please contact one of the White Tower GLs
and we will gladly send them to you.)

Path 3 - Visiting Scholar
Path 4 - The Asylum Seeker
Path 5 - The Servant

The White Tower GLs
Denaad  -
Rayenia -
Jezz -

See Also: Ajahs, Aes Sedai, Channeler, Template Show 11

:: Beginning

.:. AesSedaiRequirements

-------------------Aes Sedai Requirements--------------------

The White Tower is the home of the Aes Sedai, Gaidin, and Tower Guard.
Also counted within the Shining Walls are Novices, Accepted, Trainees,
Servants, those seeking Asylum, and visiting scholars.  

Path 1 - Aes Sedai
Only three templates for Aes Sedai; Born with the spark, Able to learn,
or Wilder.

Path 2 - Gaidin/Tower Guard/Bryne's Army
Templates for these positions are almost endless, a few examples are:
the Righteous, the Dutiful, the Cryptic, the Devoted, the Unemployed,
the Obligated (if you would like information on these templates, or
for examples of backgrounds please contact one of the White Tower GLs
and we will gladly send them to you.)

Path 3 - Visiting Scholar
Path 4 - The Asylum Seeker
Path 5 - The Servant

The White Tower GLs
Denaad  -
Rayenia -
Jezz -

See Also: Ajahs, Aes Sedai, Channeler, Template Show 11

:: Beginning


This displays all of the weaves, diseases or skills that are
currently affecting your character. Upon reaching level 30,
entering this command will also list the duration of the affect.

Syntax: <affected> (or any abbreviation of the word)

:: Beginning


This displays all of the weaves, diseases or skills that are
currently affecting your character. Upon reaching level 30,
entering this command will also list the duration of the affect.

Syntax: <affected> (or any abbreviation of the word)

:: Beginning


This displays all of the weaves, diseases or skills that are
currently affecting your character. Upon reaching level 30,
entering this command will also list the duration of the affect.

Syntax: <affected> (or any abbreviation of the word)

:: Beginning

.:. Affinity for Weapons Talent

This talent provides your character with a natural affinity for using weapons.
It does not grant your character any actual skill with weapons, just the
potential for that skill.  This talent is a prerequisite for Blademaster.

See also: Nonchanneling Talents

:: Beginning

.:. AFK

Type <afk> and tells to you will be accepted, but a message will be
sent to the teller. To turn off your AFK flag, simply enter the command

To customize the message sent to the teller, type:
> afk <string>

> <afk I'm taking a nap.>

This syntax would send the message "I'm taking a nap." to the person
sending you a tell.

See also: playback, tell

:: Beginning

.:. AGE

This is the IC age of your character. The command AGE sets your
IC/Code age. Note that your age has no direct code effect on your

> age <value>        Sets your age to <value>
age 17             Sets your age to 17.

See Also: Score

:: Beginning

.:. AIEL

Aiel (eye-EEl)
The Aiel are a race of people who live between the "wetlanders" in the Westlands
and the Sharans in the east, in a desert which the Aiel call the Three-fold Land
and which everyone else calls the Aiel Waste. Physically, Aiel can be recognized
through their unusual height, characteristic pale eyes and light-colored hair, as
well as their distinctive clothing.

Not much is known about the Aiel by the outside world. Any wetlanders (as they call
those who live to the west) entering the Waste are killed on sight; only peddlers,
gleemen and Aes Sedai are given free passage. Tinkers can also move freely in the
Waste if they so choose, as no Aiel will go near them. Aiel have a reputation for
being vicious fighters, a reputation which was known by Artur Hawkwing, after a
failed invasion, and by the Borderlands which have been raided repeatedly by the

For further information on Aiel, see also:

Aiel Clans
Aiel Descriptions
Aiel Dictionary
Aiel Handtalk
Aiel Names
Aiel Relations
Aiel Sayings
Aiel Societies
Aiel Terminology
Aiel Waste

:: Beginning


Aiel Clans
The Aiel are organized on several different levels.  There are twelve Aiel
clans, each of which has a clan chief; clans are further divided into septs,
and septs subdivide into holdings which are individual settlements; each clan
and sept also has a central hold.  Aiel warriors also affiliate themselves
with various warrior societies, which cross sept and clan boundaries, of
which there are twelve. (See help Aiel Societies for the list of societies.)
The lines of loyalty amongst clan, sept and society are tangled; but, roughly,
allegiance to one's warrior society trumps clan allegiance.  Aiel from any
clan can join any society and will not raise spear against fellow society
members, this allows open lines of diplomacy between all clans at all times.

The twelve clans are the Taardad, Nakai, Shaido, Chareen, Goshien, Shaarad,
Codarra, Daryne, Tomanelle, Miagoma, Reyn, and Shiande.  In the Aiel guild
of a Moment in Tyme, some of the clans are not available to players except
by application only. The Shaido, Codarra, Daryne, Miagoma, and Shiande clans
are closed to players, except by application.  When choosing a clan, please
keep this in mind.

The Aiel clans and septs for each are listed below:

Taardad         | Goshien       |
| Bitter Water    | High Plain    |
| Bloody Water    | Jhirad        |
| Chumai          | Mosaada       |
| Four Holes      | Red Salt      |
| Four Stones     | Red Water     |  
| Iron Mountain   | Stones River  |  
| Jagged Spire    |===============|  
| Jindo           |
Reyn          |
| Miadi           | Musara        |
| Nine Valleys    | Two Spires    |
Chareen         | Nakai         |          
| Jarra           | Black Cliffs  |  
| White Mountain  | Black Water   |
| Cosaida         | Salt Flats    |
Shaarad         | Tomanelle     |
| Black Rock      | Jenda         |
| Haido           | Serai         |
| Imran           | Shorara       |

:: Beginning


Aiel Descriptions

Aiel Features:

The Aiel as a race are normally very tall. Their skin is naturally pale,
but their faces and hands tan deeply because of the sun in the Waste.
Their hair color varies from platinum and white-blond to red and reddish-
brown. Aiel have eyes the color of grey, blue, green and hazel. No Aiel
has dark eyes.  Aiel men generally wear their hair short-cropped, with
women growing it out in long and luxurious tresses. Maidens of the Spear
cut their hair short, leaving a long tail in the back.

Aiel Clothing:

The Aiel warriors dress in the cadin'sor, "working clothes" in the Old
Tongue, where the coat and breeches are brown and gray to fade into rock,
sand, and shadow. Since coming across the Dragonwall into the wetlands,
the cadin'sor have been adapted to suit the greener lands. They wear a
soft, laced knee-high boot for their shoes. They also wear a shoufa, a
scarf-like garment the color of sand or rock. It is worn wrapped around
the head to protect them from the relentless sun and the warriors attach
the trademark black veil to it for ease of access when they are ready to
kill. The cut of a warrior's cadin'sor will indicate the wearer's clan
and society.

Aiel Wise Ones wear bulky brown skirts and loose white blouses, normally
made of algode, with brown shawls.  They are also typically covered in
jewelry if they wish to wear it; female gai'shain and Maidens wear none.
Gai'shain, those who submit to a year and a day of servitude because they
are touched in battle, wear only white hooded robes and sandles. Aiel men
who do not wear the cadin'sor can often be found in loose breeches and
tunics, and men always go clean-shaven. Young girls wear short skirts and
have braided pigtails, while young boys wear simple tunics and breeches.

Aiel Weapons:

Aiel carry an assortment of weapons with them. Some societies specialize
in different weapons, but they have some proficiency with all of the
weapons found in the Waste. The most common weapon is the stabbing spear.
Maidens use a set of three short spears; Sovin Nai prefer long, curved
knives; Seia Doon specialize in the sturdy hornbow. Aiel will never
touch a sword, but they can be found wielding very long knives, some a
foot or more in length. The hands and feet of an Aiel are often the most
dangerous weapons they possess, though, and should never be considered
truly 'unarmed'.

:: Beginning


Aiel Dictionary (Old Tongue Terms)

Aan             - One
Aan'allein      - One man / Man who is an entire nation.
Aethan          - Shield(s)
Aiel            - Dedicated
Alcair Dal      - The golden bowl
Algai'd'siswai  - The spear fighters
Algode          - Cotton-like material
Allein          - Man
Aman            - Dragon
Atha            - Person
Atha'an         - People
Bekkar          - Blood
Cadin           - Clothes
Cadin'sor       - Working clothes
Cair            - Gold
Cal             - Red
Car             - Chief
Car'a'carn      - Chief of Chiefs
Carn            - Chiefs
Conde           - Walker(s)
Cor             - Night
Da'shain        - The original name of the Aiel (Da'Shain Aiel)
Dai             - Battle
Dal             - Bowl
Dar             - Sister
Darai           - Spear
Dareis          - Spear
Doon            - Eyes
Dore            - Dancer
Duadhe          - Water
Far             - Of
Gai             - Battle
Gai'shan        - Pledged to peace in battle
Gaidin          - Battle Brother
Hama            - Mountain
Har             - Hand
Jenn            - True (Jenn Aiel - Truly Dedicated)
Ji              - Honor
Kardon          - Green-skinned fruit from a leafless spiny plant
M'taal          - Dogs
Mael            - Hope
Mahdi           - Seeker
Mahdi'in        - Seeker(s)
Mai             - Maiden
Man             - Related to sword or blade
Mashiara        - Beloved of heart / A love lost
N'dore          - Dancers
Nai             - Knife
Oosquai         - An Aiel liquor
Rahien          - Dawn
Sara            - Dance
Seia            - Black
Sha'mad         - Thunder
Shadar          - Shadow
Shae            - Stone
Shae'en         - Like Stone(s)
Shaiel          - She who is dedicated
Shain           - Peace
Shan            - Lord
Shoufa          - A dustveil
Siswai          - Spear
Siswai'aman     - Spear(s) of the Dragon
Sor             - Working
Sorda           - Rat
Sorei           - Runner(s)
Sovin           - Hands
Staera          - Copper scraping stick (used in sweat tents)
T'mat           - Tomato
Tai             - True
Tai'shar        - True Blood
Toh             - Obligation / Duty
Zemai           - Maize or corn

:: Beginning


Aiel Fauna

- bloodsnake

This snake is thick as an arm and three paces long.
        Its bite kills in three minutes.
(V: 274: VI: 262)

- blindworm

(V: 127)

- capar

A boar-like beast in the Aiel Waste. It is smelly
        and foul natured. It's meat is edible and it's hide
        can be used for many things.
(V: 185)

- gara

Two feet long and thick, with yellow stripdes running
        down its bronze scales, this lizard can bite through a
        boot and has venom enough to kill a bull. It isn't
        dangerous unless you are stupid enough to step on it,
        although it does blend in well with the cracked clay of
        the Three-Fold Land.
(IV: 792)

- lion

A large, savage cat that has become accustomed to the
        harsh lands of the Aiel Waste. The males are maned, and
        the females hunt in packs. They have tan-brown fur.
(IV: 792)

- mountain king

A very poisonous snake which lives in holes in the ground
        in the Three-Fold Land.
(IV: 856)

- ridgecat

A medium-sized feral cat which is known among the Aiel
        for its stalking abilities.
(III: 456,IV: 298)

- rodehen

(V: 263)

- sorda

A sorda is a mean and especially vile rat, especially
        sly and good for absolutely nothing. Its flesh is rank,
        and even cats seldom ate the ones they kill.
(V: 92)

- stinkadder

(V: 60)

- two-step

The two-step is a small brown snake with deadly venom.
        It is said that those who are bitten by this snake are
        dead before they take two-steps.
(IV: 792)

- yellowfly

(VI: 287)

:: Beginning


Aiel Flora

- bluespine

(V: 101)

- corpse moss

A dark grey moss which can be found growing profusely
        in deep caves in the Aiel Waste.
(IV: 96)

- kardon

A leafles, spiney plant that produces a sweet bulbous
        fruit with a tough greenish skin.
(IV: 812)

- loveapples

A plump fruit.
(IV: 585)

- needleburr

A sticker or burr which is irritating against the skin.
(IV: 561)

- segade

A fat, leathery and spiney plant with large white blossoms.
(V: 98)

- silverleaf

(IV: 559)

- sweetroot

(V: 277)

- t'mat

A fruit grown in Aiel gardens which is like a tomato.
(IV: 885)

- zemai

A vegetable grown in AIel gardens which is like maize,
        or corn.
(IV: 885)

:: Beginning


Aiel Handtalk

Every clan and society of the Aiel use some kind of what they
term handtalk. It is a flashing of the hands and fingers to
relate words and phrases. It is a warrior language, as it is
often used to direct battles without alerting the enemy of their
intent, before or during battle. All Aiel know some of this
handtalk, but only the Maidens of the Spear have made it a full
language. It is said even a silent Maiden can talk one's ear off,
unless you tie her up.

:: Beginning


Aiel Names

This  list  represents  all  of  the characters  named in the
books; it  is  not  intended to be an exhaustive  list of all
Aiel names, however.  Despite  the  length of the list, there
is evidence of the same  name  being  used for  more than one

These names are examples of Aiel names, and should be used to
help you choose a name which sounds suitably Aiel.

Female: Adelin, Aerin, Aeron, Agirin, Alarys, Alsera, Amaryn,
Amys, Aviendha, Baerin, Bain, Bair, Beira,  Belinde, Beralna,
Carahuin, Chaelin, Chenda,  Chiad, Chiarid,  Chion,  Chuonde,
Coedelin,   Colinda,   Corana,  Corehuin,   Corelna,  Cosain,
Cowinde,   Dailin,   Desaine,   Desora,   Domeille,   Dosera,
Dorailla,   Dorindha,    Dyrele,   Edarra,   Efalin,  Emerys,  
Enaila,   Estair,   Estalaine,   Faraighin,   Harilin,  Isan,  
Jair,  Jalani,  Joinde,  Jolien, Lamelle, Lerian, Liah, Lian,
Luaine, Maira, Malindare,  Megana, Meira, Melaine,  Melindhe,
Melindhra,   Mera,  Micara,  Modarra,  Mora,  Morin,  Naeise,
Nandera,  Nerilea,  Niella,  Norlea, Rhiale, Rhian,  Riallin,
Rodera,  Sarinde,  Seana,  Sefela,  Sevanna, Shaiel,  Somara,
Someryn, Sorilea, Sotarin, Sulin, Suraile, Surandha, Therava,
Tialin, Tion.

Male:  Bael, Bendhuin, Bruan, Cairdin, Caldin, Camar, Cassin,
Coram, Corman, Couladin, Darin, Dedric, Dhael, Dhearic, Erim,
Feran,  Garan,  Gaul, Hamal, Han,  Heirn,  Indirian, Janduin,
Janwin,  Jenric,  Jeordam,  Jheran, Juranai,  Juric,  Laerad,
Leiran,  Maeric, Mandelain,  Mandhuin, Mangin, Maric, Meciar,
Muradin,  Rhuarc, Roidan, Saeric,  Sanduin,  Sarien,  Seirin,
Suladric, Taric, Timolan, Turol, Urien.

:: Beginning


Aiel Relations

First-sister: woman with the same mother.
First-brother: man with the same mother.
Near-sister/brother:  friend  who  is  as  close  as a first-sister/brother.
Second-sister: woman who is your mother's niece.
Father-sister: woman who is your father's niece; this is not as close a bond
  as second-sister.
Sister-wife: woman who shares your husband.
Second-mother: your mother-in-law.
Sister-mother and sister-father: aunt and uncle on your mother's side.
Greatmother and greatfather: your mother's parents.
Second greatfather and second greatmother: your father's parents.

:: Beginning


Aiel Sayings

I see you, [name] =
This is the standard Aiel Greeting used
in the Three-fold Land.
I am [name] of the [sept] [clan].  May you
        find shade this day =
This is the standard Aiel introduction used
in the Three-Fold Land.
May you always find water and shade =
This is usually used as something an Aiel
says when leaving.
My water is yours =
A sign of friendship offered and respect.
Water is scarce and a peaceful offering
can be used to strengthen relationships
between people or clans.
My water is yours and the shade of my
septhold will welcome you =
This sign of friendship can only be used
by a Sept Chief or a Clan Chief.
Your honor is mine =
A sign of great respect.
May I never know shade if I do(n't) =
Exceedingly strong oath.
Dance with me [name] =
Said to an enemy during battle.
Sleep well and wake/Sleep to wake =
Said at times of leaving as a goodbye.
Grounding the spears =
Making peace, or putting away thoughts
of war.
The dream ending/Waking from the dream =
Turning my own spear on me =
Giving me a taste of my own medicine.
Stab your own foot with a spear =
Shoot yourself in the foot.
Your tongue tosses bright colors on the wind =
You boast.
Shade of my heart =
My love.
May we see the sun rise together, shade of my heart =
I'll see you again, Light willing.
They hear only the wind =
They will not listen.
Some time again maybe, someday =
'Up spears!' =
'Ship', 'bridge', and 'city' are strange words to the
Aiel, and don't exactly roll off the tongue.
Most Aiel stumble over words like 'boat' and 'dock' --
they are just things in stories.
Aiel commands are sometimes phrased as suggestions.

See also: Aiel Terminology

:: Beginning


Aiel Warrior Societies
All Aiel warriors belong to a Society. There are twelve
such societies.

Seia Doon (Black-Eyes), Far Aldazar Din (Brothers of the
), Rahien Sorei (Dawn-Runners), Sovin Nai (Knife-Hands),
Far Dareis Mai (
Maidens of the Spear), Hama N'dore (Mountain-
), Cor Darei (Night-Spears), Aethan Dor (Red-Shields),
Shae'en M'taal (
Stone-Dogs), Sha'mad Conde (Thunder-Walkers),
Tain Shari (
True-Bloods), and Duadhe Mahdi'in (Water-Seekers)

Women may become warriors, but they may only join the
Maidens of the Spear.

The Aiel Societies are complex organizations, almost as
tightly knit as clans.  Even if two clans are at war, one
society member would not fight another of a different clan.
Thus lines of communication are always open between the
clans. Some members of a society will not even marry close
kin to their society-brothers, as it would be like marrying
your own blood.

Each society has a different purpose, and there is specific
information in each clan under their personal help files (Listed
in red).

See also: Black Eyes, Brothers of the Eagle, Dawn Runners
Knife Hands, Maidens of the Spear, Mountain Dancers, Night Spears,
Red Shields, Stone Dogs, Thunder Walkers, True Bloods, Water Seekers.

:: Beginning


Aiel Terminology

General Terms:
Algai'd'siswai = Warriors. Literally 'spear fighters'
Armcry = Battlecall.
(The) Dance = Battle.
Da'tsang = Despised one.
Gai'Shain = Warriors who were taken in battle - they serve for a year and a day,
obeying humbly, touching no weapons, and doing no violence.
Insults = Cowardly snakes. Honorless dogs. Dogrobbers.
Ji'e'toh = Honor and obligation/Honor and duty.
Lost One = Tinker.
Oosquai = Potent liquor made of zemai. Brownish hued and mostly tasteless.
Regard-Gift = When a man gives a woman a gift.
Soft-Lands = The lands outside the Three-Fold Land.
Three-Fold land = Aiel name for the Waste.
Treekillers, Oathbreakers = The Cairhienin.
Water-Oaths = Anyone who takes water-oaths say that anyone with them will be
treated as if there are of the same society.
Watersharers = What the Cairhienan are called.
Wetlander = A non-Aiel, a person from the wetlands.
Wetlands = The lands outside the Three-Fold Land.

Shadow Terms:
Sightburner, Leafblighter, Sightblinder, Grassburner = The Dark One
Shadowsouled = Forsaken.
Eyeless, Shadowman, Nightrunner = Myrddraal.
Shadowtwisted, Leafblighter's Get = Trollocs.
Shadowrunners = Darkfriends.
Soulless = Gray Man.
Shadoweyes = Animals that spy for the Dark One. (Ravens, rats, etc.)

Common Sayings:
Grounding the spears = Making  peace, or putting away thoughts of war.
The dream ending = Dying.
Turning my own spear on me = Giving  me a taste of my own medicine.
Stab your own foot with a spear = Shoot yourself in the foot.
Your tongue tosses bright colors on the wind = You boast.
Shade of my heart = My love.
May we see the sun rise together, shade of my heart = I'll see you again, Light willing.
They hear only the wind = They will not listen.
Some time again maybe, someday = Never.

Formal greeting: I see you, [name].  May you find shade this day.
A gesture of respect: My water is yours.
Another word of respect: Your honor is mine.
Greeting: I see you, [name].
Greeting: I am [name] of the  [sept]  [clan].  May you find shade this day.
Greeting: May you find shade this morning, [name].
Goodbye: May you always find water and shade.
Goodbye: May you find water and shade, [name].
Goodbye: May you find water and shade this day, [name].
Goodnight: Sleep well and wake.
Thanks: My water is yours, and the shade of my septhold will welcome you.
Aiel Oath: May I never know shade if I do.
Aiel Oath: May I never find shade if (it is not/I don't/it is/etc.)
Battlecry: 'Up spears!'

'Ship', 'bridge', and 'city' are strange words  to  the Aiel, and don't exactly roll
off the tongue.
Most Aiel stumble over words like 'boat' and 'dock' --  they are just things in stories.
-This is growing less and less true the longer the Aiel spend in the wetlands and grow
accustomed to the softer lands.
Aiel commands are sometimes phrased as suggestions.

See also: Aiel Sayings

:: Beginning


Aiel Waste
The Aiel Waste is a vast, arid land to the east of the Westlands,
separated from the latter by the mountain range known as the Spine
of the World, or the Dragonwall, to the west, the chasms and
precipices of Shara to the east, the Blight in the north, and the
Sea of Storms in the south. These four borders, and the hot, dry,
roadless terrain keep the Waste an isolated land, as does the
Aiel's harsh treatment of foreigners. Blistering temperatures
ravage the land by day and glacial ones freeze it at night. It is
a land of mountains and valleys dotted by numerous rock formations,
including many spires. It has almost no vegetation and what there
is, is small and virtually useless. Not many animals live in the
Waste, but the ones that do are usually as treacherous as the land

Despite the daunting environment, the Aiel people make the Waste
their home. The majority of Aiel live in and among the craggy rock
formations. These holds, as they are called, are approximately the
size of villages. The Aiel have their own name for the Waste, the
Three-Fold Land: First, because it is a shaping stone to make them;
second, it exists as a testing ground to prove their worth; third,
it serves as a punishment for their sins against the Aes Sedai. The
Aiel have absolute control of the land and only allow peddlers,
gleemen and Tinkers to enter it.

During the Trolloc wars, the Trollocs gave it the name Djevik K'Shar,
or "The Dying Ground," due to the immense ferocity and fighting
prowess of the Aiel.

:: Beginning

.:. AIR

Your flowstrengths reflect your proficiency in the five flows (air, water,
spirit, fire, earth).  Generally, men are stronger in fire and earth, and  
women are stronger in air and water.  Flowstrengths are used as preconditions
for various spells.

Air:    Air is used to gain spells such as wrap, gag, etc.
Water:  Water is the flow needed for spells like create water, waterwalk, and so on.
Spirit: Spirit is needed to use such spells as shield, gentle, etc.
Earth:  Earth is required for weaves along the lines of earthquake.
Fire:   Fire is the flow needed to manipulate spells such as slice weave, fireball, etc.

The higher your flows are, the better. Higher flows allow you to cut weaves
much easier. So, for example, if someone attempted to weave wrap upon you
and their flow of Air was lower than yours, you would stand a greater chance
of slicing their weave than they would have at succeeding at it. That is,
of course, if you have the slice weave spell.

To raise a flow from:
1  - 10     1 practice raises 3 points
11 - 20     1 practice raises 2 points
21 - 30     1 practice raises 1 point
31 - 40     2 practices raises 1 point
41 - 50     3 practices raises 1 point

See also: Training, Stats, Score

:: Beginning

.:. Ajahs

All full Sisters (
Aes Sedai) choose an Ajah, and they may choose from the following:

Red Ajah: The Red tend to dislike men and search out and gentle men who are able to
wield Saidin, believing this the only way to stop another Breaking.

Blue Ajah: Aes Sedai of this Ajah tend to work for causes or quests. They believe by
involving themselves in the world they can help remove the Shadow's spread, and thus
prevent another Breaking.

Green Ajah: The Green tend to love men and may hold bond with multiple warders. They
are what is known as the Battle Ajah. They hold themselves ready for Tarmon Gai'don,
the Last Battle, when light faces dark finally.

Grey Ajah: These are peace-makers and mediators, involving themselves in the dealings
of nations, as well as the Tower, to resolve conflict or ease it.

Yellow Ajah: Think of little else but Healing.  They strive to solve the problems, or
limitations, of Healing in the current Age. They tend to be the strongest and most
skilled Healers of all Aes Sedai.

White Ajah: Logical and stoic, the White Ajah eschews the world and the value of
worldly knowledge, devoting itself to questions of philosophy and truth.

Brown Ajah: Devoting their lives to the unearthing of lost knowledges and wisdom.
They tend to shut themselves off from the world in the process of scouring it for
lost artifacts, etc.

All but the
Red Ajah and Green Ajah have one warder. The Red Sisters do not bond
a Warder while the Green Ajah can have as many as she may desire (
however limits
may be imposed by the GL

See also: Template show 11, Aes Sedai

:: Beginning

.:. ajax client

Ajax Client

The Ajax Client for a Moment in Tyme is an excellent way to
connect to the mud if you do not have access to a full telnet
client. It also allows you to log in, even if you are currently
logged in from home, and see a mirror of what is happening on
your home connection.
There are several steps to take before you can use the Ajax
Client. First and foremost, you must initially log in to the
character you wish to use and type 'option ajax'. This will
enable the Ajah Client to be used on this character.
Next, go to the Moment in Tyme website located at:
Click on the Connect tab. In the right hand of your screen,
you will see an area for you to logon your mud character.
Once you logon to the character you enabled the Ajax Client
for, scroll down to where it says "Ajax enabled web client".
You should now be connected to your character. If you have
not already, you may choose to "Logon" the character of your

See also: Ajax Options

:: Beginning

.:. ajax options

Ajax Options

There are several options to choose from in the Ajax Client.

Enable/Disable headers/footers.

This option will enable or disable the website headers and
footers. This is a good choice for those who want to make
more space for the Ajax Client.


If you are not already connected from another client, you
may choose to Logon the character of your choice.


You may choose from five different fonts. The default is


The option changes the width of the scrollback that appears
on your screen.

Max Scrollback Memory

You may choose how much memory is used in retaining your
scrollback. The default is 65 kilobytes.

Update Settings

Hit this button to update any of the settings you may have

Pull Down Tab

Below the MUD output screen, there is a pull down tab. This
allows you to choose from actions you have previously into
into the MUD.

Command Line

Directly beneath the pull down tab there is a long black line.
You may enter MUD commands and actions here.


You may click this button to submit your MUD commands, or
you may simply press enter.


The default port for the live MUD is 6969.

Auto Scroll

If this is clicked, your screen will automatically scroll.

Auto Refresh

If this is clicked, your screen will automatically refresh
with the most current actions on the MUD.

:: Beginning


An alias is a single command used to represent one or more other
commands. The ALIAS command can be used to manipulate your character's
aliases.  Type ALIAS alone to see a list of your currently defined aliases.

Syntax: <alias>

Type "
ALIAS <alias name> <command>" to create a new alias.  The
alias name must be one word.  The command can be any string. Any
command may be overridden by an alias.

> alias pbd playback delete all
> alias gac get all corpse

To delete an alias that you have made, type
ALIAS <alias name>.

> alias pbd
This would delete the alias "pbd" from your list.

A semicolon can be used to define multiple actions to be taken with
a single alias.

> alias st wake<semicolon>stand
Entering this alias while you were sleeping would make you wake up, then
stand up.

The variables
$1, $2, ... $9 may be used to represent arguments given with
an alias. The variable
$* may be used to represent any string of words after
an alias.

> alias nuke weave 'call fire' $1 <semicolon> weave 'implode' $2
> nuke dain jaret
This would weave call fire on Dain, followed by weaving Implode on Jaret.

> alias gdt wc $*
> gdt Morning guys, kill any DFs today?
This would allow you to use the WC guild channel by typing gdt <string>.

Variables may be used repeatedly and in any order.

> alias helpem weave 'heal' $1 <semicolon> weave 'protection' $1
<semicolon> weave 'strength' $1
This would cast all three of these weaves on the target.

:: Beginning

.:. Ambidexterity Talent

**This talent allows one to use both hands equally without penalty
when relating to writing and wielding weapons.

*see also: Nonchanneling Talents

:: Beginning


             Help Information for the Nation of Andor

SIGIL: A rampant white lion; the White Lion
BANNER:  A white lion rampant on a field of red
SYMBOLS:  The Lion Throne and the Rose Crown of Andor
RESOURCES:  Grain, wool, tabac, precious metals, iron

The realm of Andor is the largest nation in the Westlands,
stretching from the Mountains of Mist in the west to the
River Erinin in the east. It is one of the oldest nations,
dating back from the time of Artur Hawking's death at the
start of the War of the Hundred Years. Before this, it was
a province under Hawkwing's governor Endara Casalain.  The
royal line of Andor can still trace its rule to Joal Ramedar,
the last King of Aldeshar before Hawkwing's time.

Upon Hawkwing's death, Endara's daughter Ishara joined with
Hawkwing's grestest general, Souran Maravaile, taking control
of the province from her mother, and became the first Queen
of Andor.  Since that time, only Queens have ever ruled Andor,
thanks to a long lineage of daughters, eventually making the
phenomenon a tradition that has endured even today.  Only a
Queen may wear the Rose Crown of Andor and sit the Lion
Throne, which is sized for a woman.  The eldest daughter is
named the Daughter-Heir, and by law is sent to the White Tower
to study, and then ascends the Lion Throne upon her mother's
death or retirement.  Her eldest brother is the First Prince
of the Sword, and is sworn to protect her, trained from
childhood to command the Queen's armies and serve as her
military advisor.  When there is no surviving daughter, the
Lion Throne is given to the nearest female blood relative.
Much dispute arises in these decisions, for lineage is not
based only on close relation to the Queen, but also in
matrilineal descent from Ishara.  Sometimes, it leads to
what are known by those outside of Andor as 'The Andoran
Wars of Succession.'  Andorans, however, prefer to refer
to them as 'disturbances' and stubbornly avoid calling them

Much of Andor's success can be attributed to its export of
goods such as wool, precious metals and ironwork, tabac, and
grain, providing a healthy economy.  The Andoran mark is one
of the more highly valued coins, and has more weight in gold
than 'equivilant' coins of other nations.

Andor's other strength is her military, in a tradition set
forth from Ishara's time.  Made up primarily of the Queen's
Guards, Andor's forces are to be reckoned with.  Andor has
always been subject to outside pressure, particularly from
the Children of the Light, and the bordering nation of
Murandy to the south.  As well, Andor has been at war with
Cairhien more times than any two nations except Tear and
Illian.  Despite this animosity however, Andor has been a
major supplier of grain to Cairhien since the Aiel War.

Currently, Andor is ruled by Elayne Trakand Aes Sedai, by
the Grace of the Light, Queen of Andor, Defender of the Realm,
Protector of the People, High Seat of House Trakand.  Of the
Green Ajah, Elayne is the first Aes Sedai Queen in over a
thousand years, for none other before her have been strong
enough.  Her brother Gawyn is the First Prince of the Sword,
while a woman, Birgitte Trahelion, serves as Captain-General.
Elayne ascended the Lion Throne, narrowly avoiding a War of
Succession, after her mother, Queen Morgase, disappeared.
The former Queen is presumed dead, as she has been missing
for quite some time.

See Also: Andorans, Nations, Rulers, Update, Andoran Law

:: Beginning


                     The Laws of Andor

Whereas the Queen of Andor, By the Grace of the Light, Seat of
our Government, who holds sovereignty over the nation and us all,
who provides Protection for us, and who sits as Commander of Her
Guard, is Just, her Laws are written as such and shall be obeyed
and executed without question or tarry.

Whereas the Queen is good and the Queen is just and the Queen is
sanctioned by the Light, the statutes of Andor are thus also and
are these:

Rebellion is the willful attempt to undermine the Queen's
Authority, and whereas it is also an attempt to willfully undermine
Her Sovereignty and the Realm's sovereignty, shall it be outlawed,
and shall the punishment for it be death, or a more merciful
castigation should the Court or the Queen or any other Ministers of
Justice believe it to be needful.

Vigilantism is an attempt to undermine the Queen's authority,
by taking the law into one's own hands, shall it be outlawed, and
the punishment be death, banishment, imprisonment, or fines
gathered by the State, depending on the extent of the crime.

Service to the Shadow is the willful dedication of oneself
to the Shadow, and whereas Service to the Shadow is anathema
to the Light, shall it be outlawed, and shall the punishment be death
should the transgressor not be turned to the Light, and if the offender
is once again turned to the Light, then shall the individual be tried
and punished for any other crimes against the Law of Andor.

Murder is the work of the Shadow and the destruction of a
Thread from the Pattern, shall it be outlawed and deemed foul and
cruel.  The punishment for Murder done violently and knowingly and
out of spite or offense shall be death, banishment, or long
imprisonment.  For Murder of a nature that is without knowledge or
done mistakenly shall the punishment be imprisonment, and shall
the State have the right to demand a fine and the family of the
victim seek remuneration of a feasible amount.

Threatening Murder is coercion to perform acts unwanted,
shall it be outlawed, and shall the punishment be imprisonment and
a fine gathered by the State and the victim.

Assault is the doing of violence by one to another, shall
it be outlawed, and shall the punishment be imprisonment, or a fine
gathered by the State and the victim, or shall both actions be taken
if the assault be of brutal enough nature.

Whereas threatening
Assault or other violence is coercion to
perform acts unwanted, shall it be outlawed, and shall the
punishment be imprisonment or a fine gathered by the State and the
victim, or shall it be of nature grave enough, shall the punishment
include both.

Torture is cruel and Assault and the means of the Shadow,
shall it be outlawed, and shall the punishment be long
imprisonment and flogging, banishment, or death as the
occasion warrants.

Harassment is unwarranted and bothersome behavior towards
any one individual by another, shall it be outlawed, and shall the
punishment for such actions be imprisonment or a fine gathered by the
State and the individual victim, or shall both punishments be placed
upon the transgressor as the occasion warrants.

Theft is the stealing of goods from one person by another,
shall it be outlawed, and shall the punishment be repayment twofold
the value of the goods stolen, and shall the theft be of a grand
enough nature, then, too, shall imprisonment ensue.  If the debt
cannot be repaid, the offender shall be assigned to community service
for an appropriate time period.

Banditry is the threatening of individuals to coerce the
resignation of goods, shall it be outlawed, and shall the
punishment be long imprisonment or banishment, and shall the act of
banditry include acts of Assault or Murder, shall the punishments
for those, too, be applicable.

Kidnapping is the unwanted capture of an individual, and
whereas it is the theft of one's personal freedom and rights, shall
it be outlawed, and shall the punishment be long imprisonment,
banishment, or death as the occasion warrants.

Espionage is the conspiracy of other states to undermine
the security of the Realm, and whereas it is an attack against the
sovereignty of the Queen and the State, shall it be outlawed and
the penalty be death, banishment, or long imprisonment.

Forgery is the clear fabrication of papers signed or sealed
by one with the name of another, and whereas it is deception to
those viewing papers of law, shall it be outlawed, and shall the
punishment be imprisonment and a fine gathered by the State and by
that person whose name was besmirched.

Impeding the Court's Justice forestalls Justice itself and
conspires to send the Realm into anarchy, shall it be outlawed, and
shall the punishment be imprisonment or a fine gathered by the
State, or shall the punishment be a combination of both as the
situation might be.

Disobedience or Insubordination to the Queen or the
Ministers of Her Justice seeks to further anarchy and chaos, shall
it be outlawed, and the punishment for such actions shall be as
the Queen Herself or the Ministers of Her Justice believes to be

See Also:  Andor, Andorans

:: Beginning


               Andoran Appearances and Fashions

The people of Andor are referred to as Andorans.  They are usually
fair-skinned, often with blue eyes and blonde hair, though dark
hair and dark eyes are more common.

Andoran women usually wear dresses with square-cut necklines,
showing little if any cleavage, with fitted sleeves.  Embroidered
flowers and leaves are not uncommon, as well as woven belts.
Andoran noblewomen usually wear silk dresses with embroidery in
metallic threads, and belts of woven silver or gold.  Commoners
usually wear good stout wool, with an apron.

Andoran men wear trousers and shirts with a coat over all. The
coat is made with turned-back cuffs and an upstanding collar.
Noblemen often wear silk or brocade, embroidered with metallic
threads.  Common men usually wear serviceable wool.  Both men
and women usually wear cloaks as needed.

Palace servants wear livery of red with white collars and the
White Lion of Andor on their chests.

The uniforms of the Queen's Guards include a red undercoat,
gleaming mail and plate armor, and a brilliant red cloak.
Long white collars hang over the armor, and white cuffs
at the wrist.  Their helmets are conical with barred visors,
and they often carry lances with thin red streamers.  High-
ranking officers wear knots of rank on their shoulders.  The
Captain-General wears four golden knots and wide gold bands
on his (or her) white cuffs.

Andorans are known to be stubborn, but brutally honest.
They are not fond of intrigues or beating around the bush,
and are considered a practical, hard-working and loyal
people for the most part.

Battle Cry:  Forward the White Lion!

See Also:  Andor, Nations, Andoran Law

:: Beginning


Angreal, Sa'angreal and Ter'angreal are artifacts of an earlier age,
created with the One Power for various purposes.  All are physical
objects (a ring, a plaque, a disc, a box, a pendant, a doorframe, etc.).

An Angreal is an item which increases the total amount of power which
a channeler can safely handle.  This increase is apparently large, but
seems to vary with the Angreal.  Non-channelers have no use for these.

*'angreal are rare and given to players infrequently and only through
the Story department.  See
Ayasha with questions.

See also: Sa'angreal, Ter'angreal

:: Beginning

.:. ANSI

If you have a color-capable terminal and wish to see useful color-coding
of information, use the COLOR command to set the level of coloring you see.

> color off
This command disables all color.

> color sparse
> color normal
> color complete
Advanced use only:
> color show

These three commands turn color on to various levels.  Experiment to see
which level suits your personal taste.  COLOR SHOW is an advanced command that
causes the MUD to display the embedded color codes rather than translating them
into colors on your screen.  This is useful for copy-pasting colored text, for

Using color will slow down the speed at which you see messages VERY slightly.
The effect is more noticeable on slower connections.  Even if you have
color turned on, non-colorized messages will not be slowed down at all.

You can also add color to titles or text by typing `` followed by
!-* excluding only the $ symbol. This color code does not work correctly
so instead, the symbol * substitutes for
Blue color.

Keep in mind, you must end all strings with color codes added to them with
the color code
` to keep the color from bleeding on yours and others

See also: Colorcodes, talkcolor, color show

:: Beginning


The QUESTION and ANSWER channels are public and are available to
everyone. Anyone who has the channels turned on will hear the Questions
asked and may Answer them if they wish. It is a good way to get information
on topics you might not find in help files.

See also: Channels

:: Beginning

.:. AP

-------------------- Attack Points --------------------

Attack Points are those Combat Points used to attack an opponent
while in battle. Anything not used for an attack can be used
for defense.

See also: Phase, Turn Attack, Combat Points, Defense Points

:: Beginning


                Help Information for Arad Doman

Pronunciation: AH-rahd do-MAHN

SIGIL:  A silver hand, grasping a silver sword by the blade,
        point down; the Sword and Hand.
BANNER:  The Sword and Hand on a field of four green and
         three blue horizontal stripes.
CAPITAL CITY:  Bandar Eban

The nation of Arad Doman lies off the coast of the Aryth Ocean,
and has relied largely upon trade for its wealth.  Over the
years, Arad Doman has bickered with the nation of Tarabon over
the land to the south known as Almoth Plain.  This bickering
came to outright war, just before the arrival of the Seanchan.
Arad Doman is one of the few nations which surrendered to the
Seanchan after the former ruling family was deposed or had fled
the country.  As a result, Almoth Plain was 'awarded' to Arad
Doman for its cooperation, and both territories are now ruled
by Philipe Ankaer, High Lord of the Blood, a native of Arad
Doman raised to the Blood after swearing the Oaths.

The nation's capital is Bandar Eban, which is said to have
been built on the ruins of an older city after the War of the
Hundred Years.  It lies at the mouth of the River Daghon on
the coast of the Aryth Ocean, and is home to the famous Terhana
Library.  Since the arrival of the Seanchan, the city has been
stable. No one seems to know what happened to King Alsalam since
the Seanchan arrived, nor the rest of his family.  Rumors suggest
that the Seanchan did something to them, and these rumors tend
to cause a great deal of uneasiness among the people.  There
are also rumors of a "Domani Resistance" beneath the surface,
and despite the Seanchan's best efforts to quell it, this small
group of brave souls somehow refuses to be crushed.


Arad Doman is a nation known best for its women and the skill
of its people in commerce.  Most Domani merchants are women,
and the nation has owed its wealth and success to their skill
in bartering and wrapping men around their fingers in a brand
of seduction that has become, among them, an art form.  Domani
women are legendary for their beauty, copper-skinned and
exceedingly graceful.  It is said they can twist a man around
their wrist with a look, and imprison his heart with a smile.
Their dresses are scandalous by most standards, barely opaque,
and clinging to every curve, hinting at everything, while
revealing nothing.

Domani men usually have long, thin moustaches and wear earrings,
and are known famously for their quick tempers.  Some blame
their temperament on having to deal with their women, while
others claim it is caused by eating with
sursa, which are
thin, lacquered sticks.

In the past, the Domani acquired much of their wealth by
trading with the Seafolk, but with the Seanchan presence,
the Atha'an Miere have been scarce.  Arad Doman's commerce
has turned to Tarabon and Saldaea, as well as through sea
trade with other nations and the Seanchan.

:: Beginning


                   Help Information for Arafel

SIGIL:  A red rose and a white rose; the Roses.
BANNER:  Three white roses on a field of red quartered
          with three red roses on a field of white.
CAPITAL CITY:  Shol Arbela
RESOURCES:  Farming, Trade

The nation of Arafel is one of the Borderlands, and lies between
Shienar to the west, and Kandor to the east.  It is a rugged and
slightly less hospitable country than most regions, and is mostly
made up of farming communities.

Currently, Paitar Nachiman, King of Arafel, Shield of the North,
Defender of the Land, and High Seat of House Nachiman holds the
throne.  His sister, PrincessKiruna Nachiman, is an Aes Sedai of
the Green Ajah.

The people of Arafel are known as Arafellin.  Their men usually
wear their hair in two long braids with silver bells attached to
the ends.  Most Arafellin are pale-skinned and appear to have
unusually large eyes.

Arafellin warriors are highly skilled, and always wear two
swords strapped to their backs, one hilt over each shoulder.  
They are trained in ambidextrous combat, so that they can use
both swords at once, one in each hand.

"Light and Honor." - Arafellin Greeting
"The dancing is sweeter on the edge of a sword." - Arefellin saying

Other tidbits:

Arefellins have strange ideas about honor and death.

Arefellin Kings often rely more on their Queen for advice than from

Arefel, like all of the Borderlands, have a distinguished and
formidable military reputation.

See Also:  Update, Nations

:: Beginning


                   Help Information for Arafel

SIGIL:  A red rose and a white rose; the Roses.
BANNER:  Three white roses on a field of red quartered
          with three red roses on a field of white.
CAPITAL CITY:  Shol Arbela
RESOURCES:  Farming, Trade

The nation of Arafel is one of the Borderlands, and lies between
Shienar to the west, and Kandor to the east.  It is a rugged and
slightly less hospitable country than most regions, and is mostly
made up of farming communities.

Currently, Paitar Nachiman, King of Arafel, Shield of the North,
Defender of the Land, and High Seat of House Nachiman holds the
throne.  His sister, PrincessKiruna Nachiman, is an Aes Sedai of
the Green Ajah.

The people of Arafel are known as Arafellin.  Their men usually
wear their hair in two long braids with silver bells attached to
the ends.  Most Arafellin are pale-skinned and appear to have
unusually large eyes.

Arafellin warriors are highly skilled, and always wear two
swords strapped to their backs, one hilt over each shoulder.  
They are trained in ambidextrous combat, so that they can use
both swords at once, one in each hand.

"Light and Honor." - Arafellin Greeting
"The dancing is sweeter on the edge of a sword." - Arefellin saying

Other tidbits:

Arefellins have strange ideas about honor and death.

Arefellin Kings often rely more on their Queen for advice than from

Arefel, like all of the Borderlands, have a distinguished and
formidable military reputation.

See Also:  Update, Nations

:: Beginning


Entering this as a command provides a list of all of the MUDs areas
currently in the game and their builders.

> areas

:: Beginning


Your AC is your Armor Class.

AC is not used at this time.

See also: Score

:: Beginning

.:. ARMY

-------------------------War Council--------------------------

War Council' main function is to keep track of all troops and
armies' positions and size in the world, and resolve battles or
conflicts as they arise. Any such conflicts -must- be resolved
as quickly and objectively as possible - conflicts should not be
left 'hanging' for many days at a time without good reason.

After the initial settings of each nation's and guild's exact
troops and placements of such by the War Council, in accordance
with the books written by Robert Jordan, everything is fluid: an
army can lose troops in combat, for example, or a guild may initiate
massive recruitments trying to increase its army, or hire trainers
to improve its effectiveness - but these things cost a lot of gold
and take some time. It is up to the War Council for the specific

Given the above, the list of duties the War Council has been set
before them to accomplish seems fairly straight-forward and simple,
once we get past the initial barrier of finishing up all of the MUD
army sizes and such.

- It is the job of the War Council to determine the size and
overall capabilities of any given Army.

- It is the job of the War Council to track the movements and
recruitment drives and casualties of each army.

- Should an army or any substantial group of armed men wish to
reposition or move, it is up to the War Council to determine
just how long it will take to for them to accomplish this.
(Time to be determined in RL days)

- Should a battle or war between any number of MUD armies occur
it is up to the War Council to determine the casualties,
successes, and in the end, victory or defeat, depending upon
the actions of each during conflict.

- It is up to the War Council to determine the costs of maintaining,
recruiting and repositioning armies and charging the army's leader
accordingly in gold on a regular basis.
One note: It will be significantly more expensive
to recruit, give advanced training, or to reposition
troops throughout Randland than it will be to simply
maintain your current army as is.

- It is up to the War Council to keep News and Rumors updated with
relevant army information as it becomes needed. IE: BotRH invades
Shienar, we let folk know.

- If any given army or nation has some sort of info-net, the leader
of said army or nation may inquire of the War Council what they
might know about the actions of the various other armies in Randland.

See also: Policy War

:: Beginning

.:. asha man

The Asha'man Guild consists of the Lord Dragon Reborn's male channelers and
those who live around them on the grounds of the Black Tower. They are the only
source of training for male channelers except for the Shadow. The Asha'man
themselves are easily recognizable by their pure black uniforms and the pins at
the collar of their officers and underofficers. They have a fearsome reputation
because the Taint upon Saidin meant that they were destined to go mad, and few
want to be around someone so powerful when they may become insane at any moment.

Those wishing to join the Asha'man must do the following:

* Have a clear understanding of the Wheel of Time channeling system, or be
willing to learn.

* Be a male channeler.

* Have a description which fits into the world of the Wheel of Time.

* Submit a character background for approval by the Asha'man leadership.
Send all background submissions to the GL via mudmail.

* RP with and get the sponsorship of one Asha'man ranked Soldier or above.
The more sponsors, the better.

Anyone wishing to play some member of the Black Tower besides an Asha'man
should send an application to the GL. (Check wizlist or GLList)

For all backgrounds, please remember that men who have channeled before joining
the Asha'man are a rarity. Most men simply wish to serve the Lord Dragon or
take advantage of the Amnesty he has proclaimed. Also, please try to stay away
from stereotypical backgrounds involving killing the Trollocs who slaughtered
your family and fleeing the scene with your family's jeweled sword and hidden
stash of coin.

Template Show 2 also has information on the seeking process for the Asha'man guild.

See Also: Black Tower, Channeling, Saidin, Wilder, Latent

:: Beginning


The Asha'man Guild consists of the Lord Dragon Reborn's male channelers and
those who live around them on the grounds of the Black Tower. They are the only
source of training for male channelers except for the Shadow. The Asha'man
themselves are easily recognizable by their pure black uniforms and the pins at
the collar of their officers and underofficers. They have a fearsome reputation
because the Taint upon Saidin meant that they were destined to go mad, and few
want to be around someone so powerful when they may become insane at any moment.

Those wishing to join the Asha'man must do the following:

* Have a clear understanding of the Wheel of Time channeling system, or be
willing to learn.

* Be a male channeler.

* Have a description which fits into the world of the Wheel of Time.

* Submit a character background for approval by the Asha'man leadership.
Send all background submissions to the GL via mudmail.

* RP with and get the sponsorship of one Asha'man ranked Soldier or above.
The more sponsors, the better.

Anyone wishing to play some member of the Black Tower besides an Asha'man
should send an application to the GL. (Check wizlist or GLList)

For all backgrounds, please remember that men who have channeled before joining
the Asha'man are a rarity. Most men simply wish to serve the Lord Dragon or
take advantage of the Amnesty he has proclaimed. Also, please try to stay away
from stereotypical backgrounds involving killing the Trollocs who slaughtered
your family and fleeing the scene with your family's jeweled sword and hidden
stash of coin.

Template Show 2 also has information on the seeking process for the Asha'man guild.

See Also: Black Tower, Channeling, Saidin, Wilder, Latent

:: Beginning

.:. ASK

Ask is a command like whisper that allows you to direct a question
to a player who is in the same room as you, without anyone else
hearing it.


ask <Target Name> <Question>
ask Parol What did you do with my heron mark blade?

Parol will see you ask him your question.  Other players will see
that you have asked Parol a question, but they cannot see what you
asked him.  This command is not generally used much anymore for IC
purposes, though it can, as stated above, be used in place of the
'whisper' command.

See Also:  Whisper, IC, OOC, Emote

:: Beginning


The ASSIST command no longer works. In order to aid a friend
in battle, you must now type "turn attack <target>"

See also: Turn-Based Combat

:: Beginning

.:. AT

Immortals Only

AT can be used to perform an action in a location other than where you are
standing.  The first argument can be a virtual room number or the name of a
character or object.  The remainder of the line is passed to the command

> at 16000 look
> at Alzireth poke Alzireth
> at 3.corpse get all corpse

See also: Goto

:: Beginning

.:. Attack Points

-------------------- Attack Points --------------------

Attack Points are those Combat Points used to attack an opponent
while in battle. Anything not used for an attack can be used
for defense.

See also: Phase, Turn Attack, Combat Points, Defense Points

:: Beginning


Your stats, statistics, affect quite a bit about your character.
They define your character, and determine in code what are your
character's strengths and weaknesses. If you have low Strength,
your character is rather weak. If you have high Dexterity, you
might be more nimble than most. Since the conversion to MM3, stats
have undergone a rather sizable overhaul. These are the stats and
their general affects.

Strength: This affects your character's overall strength, making you
          hit harder in battle, be able to carry more weight, as well
          as wear heavier armor.

Dexterity: This makes you naturally more difficult to hit in combat. It
           affects your speed and agility and precision. In relation to
           code combat, it serves to increase your Combat Points. In
           addition, a raising DEX allows you to hold more items in your

Constitution: This affects your Life and Endurance, giving you more Stamina
              allowing you to last longer during battle and take more wounds,
              yet continue fighting regardless. For Channelers, Endurance will
              affect how much you can Channel, how many Weaves you can cast
              before exausting yourself.

See also: Training, Levels, Flows, Score

:: Beginning


This talent is not currently available.

:: Beginning


This talent is not currently available.

:: Beginning


When you first start, you are an "Unauthorized" character.  Your range of
commands is *very* limited at this point, and you are confined to a small
area of the mud.

If your name is acceptable an Immortal or Visitor Guide will authorize you and
you will have access to the rest of the mud and to more commands.

The reason for Authorization is twofold: 1. It prevents new players from
spamming others and killing newbies.  2. It is insures the mud isn't filled
with OOC names (ComputerDude, LeatherHead, etc.).

See also: Names, Immortal

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

authorize list | <victim> | revoke <victim>

AUTHORIZE can be used to authorize an Unauthorized player or to revoke that
players autorization.

> auth list                      {lists the Unauth'd players on}
> auth traes                     {authorizes Traes}
> auth revoke traes              {remove's Traes's authorization}

See also: Authorization

:: Beginning

.:. AUTO

There are several automatic actions you can activate here; to toggle them,
enter their names.

AUTO        : See what auto actions you have on.
AUTODOING   : Alerts when you move and still have a 'doing'. ("help doing").
AUTOEXIT    : Automatically display exits.
AUTOGOLD    : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOSPLIT   : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOLOOT    : Automatically loots the corpse of the one you just killed.
AUTOSAC     : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOASSIST  : This option is no longer functional.

Channelers Only:

AUTOCUT     : Automatically tries to cut all flows woven on you.
LINK ACCEPT : Allows you to enter links without cutting the flows.

-> autoexit .
-> Autoexits disabled/enabled.

See also: Link, Slice

:: Beginning


There are several automatic actions you can activate here; to toggle them,
enter their names.

AUTO        : See what auto actions you have on.
AUTODOING   : Alerts when you move and still have a 'doing'. ("help doing").
AUTOEXIT    : Automatically display exits.
AUTOGOLD    : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOSPLIT   : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOLOOT    : Automatically loots the corpse of the one you just killed.
AUTOSAC     : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOASSIST  : This option is no longer functional.

Channelers Only:

AUTOCUT     : Automatically tries to cut all flows woven on you.
LINK ACCEPT : Allows you to enter links without cutting the flows.

-> autoexit .
-> Autoexits disabled/enabled.

See also: Link, Slice

:: Beginning


There are several automatic actions you can activate here; to toggle them,
enter their names.

AUTO        : See what auto actions you have on.
AUTODOING   : Alerts when you move and still have a 'doing'. ("help doing").
AUTOEXIT    : Automatically display exits.
AUTOGOLD    : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOSPLIT   : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOLOOT    : Automatically loots the corpse of the one you just killed.
AUTOSAC     : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOASSIST  : This option is no longer functional.

Channelers Only:

AUTOCUT     : Automatically tries to cut all flows woven on you.
LINK ACCEPT : Allows you to enter links without cutting the flows.

-> autoexit .
-> Autoexits disabled/enabled.

See also: Link, Slice

:: Beginning


There are several automatic actions you can activate here; to toggle them,
enter their names.

AUTO        : See what auto actions you have on.
AUTODOING   : Alerts when you move and still have a 'doing'. ("help doing").
AUTOEXIT    : Automatically display exits.
AUTOGOLD    : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOSPLIT   : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOLOOT    : Automatically loots the corpse of the one you just killed.
AUTOSAC     : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOASSIST  : This option is no longer functional.

Channelers Only:

AUTOCUT     : Automatically tries to cut all flows woven on you.
LINK ACCEPT : Allows you to enter links without cutting the flows.

-> autoexit .
-> Autoexits disabled/enabled.

See also: Link, Slice

:: Beginning


There are several automatic actions you can activate here; to toggle them,
enter their names.

AUTO        : See what auto actions you have on.
AUTODOING   : Alerts when you move and still have a 'doing'. ("help doing").
AUTOEXIT    : Automatically display exits.
AUTOGOLD    : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOSPLIT   : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOLOOT    : Automatically loots the corpse of the one you just killed.
AUTOSAC     : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOASSIST  : This option is no longer functional.

Channelers Only:

AUTOCUT     : Automatically tries to cut all flows woven on you.
LINK ACCEPT : Allows you to enter links without cutting the flows.

-> autoexit .
-> Autoexits disabled/enabled.

See also: Link, Slice

:: Beginning


There are several automatic actions you can activate here; to toggle them,
enter their names.

AUTO        : See what auto actions you have on.
AUTODOING   : Alerts when you move and still have a 'doing'. ("help doing").
AUTOEXIT    : Automatically display exits.
AUTOGOLD    : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOSPLIT   : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOLOOT    : Automatically loots the corpse of the one you just killed.
AUTOSAC     : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOASSIST  : This option is no longer functional.

Channelers Only:

AUTOCUT     : Automatically tries to cut all flows woven on you.
LINK ACCEPT : Allows you to enter links without cutting the flows.

-> autoexit .
-> Autoexits disabled/enabled.

See also: Link, Slice

:: Beginning


There are several automatic actions you can activate here; to toggle them,
enter their names.

AUTO        : See what auto actions you have on.
AUTODOING   : Alerts when you move and still have a 'doing'. ("help doing").
AUTOEXIT    : Automatically display exits.
AUTOGOLD    : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOSPLIT   : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOLOOT    : Automatically loots the corpse of the one you just killed.
AUTOSAC     : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOASSIST  : This option is no longer functional.

Channelers Only:

AUTOCUT     : Automatically tries to cut all flows woven on you.
LINK ACCEPT : Allows you to enter links without cutting the flows.

-> autoexit .
-> Autoexits disabled/enabled.

See also: Link, Slice

:: Beginning


There are several automatic actions you can activate here; to toggle them,
enter their names.

AUTO        : See what auto actions you have on.
AUTODOING   : Alerts when you move and still have a 'doing'. ("help doing").
AUTOEXIT    : Automatically display exits.
AUTOGOLD    : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOSPLIT   : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOLOOT    : Automatically loots the corpse of the one you just killed.
AUTOSAC     : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOASSIST  : This option is no longer functional.

Channelers Only:

AUTOCUT     : Automatically tries to cut all flows woven on you.
LINK ACCEPT : Allows you to enter links without cutting the flows.

-> autoexit .
-> Autoexits disabled/enabled.

See also: Link, Slice

:: Beginning


There are several automatic actions you can activate here; to toggle them,
enter their names.

AUTO        : See what auto actions you have on.
AUTODOING   : Alerts when you move and still have a 'doing'. ("help doing").
AUTOEXIT    : Automatically display exits.
AUTOGOLD    : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOSPLIT   : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOLOOT    : Automatically loots the corpse of the one you just killed.
AUTOSAC     : This option is no longer functional.
AUTOASSIST  : This option is no longer functional.

Channelers Only:

AUTOCUT     : Automatically tries to cut all flows woven on you.
LINK ACCEPT : Allows you to enter links without cutting the flows.

-> autoexit .
-> Autoexits disabled/enabled.

See also: Link, Slice

:: Beginning

.:. Axe

Teachable to:   All
Level of skill: 3
Base Cost:      9
Talents:  None
Skills:   None
  This skill allows you to wield axes effectively.  Your performance
with an axe depends on your ability in this skill.  Without this
skill, axes aren't even worth wielding.
[X] Violent
[X] Automatic Usage  

See Also:  None

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
.:. Top of Page