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These commands are for Immortals and Guild Leaders only.

> echo <string>
This echoes a message to the room the one echoing is standing in.

> gecho <string>
Sends the message to the whole MUD.

> qecho <string>
Sends the message to those on the same Quest channel as the qechoer.

> zecho <string>
Sends the string to all players within 50 rooms distance.

> send <player> <string>
Sends the message to a single player.

:: Beginning


This is a usefull command that will print the name of the zones currently in
progress, as well as the zones builder, amount of vnums, the zone number,
when the zone was assigned, and when that zone has last been updated.

> zones

See Also: Areas

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

zreset <zone | '*' | '.'>

Used to force a zone to reset.  '*' forces all zones to reset.  '.' forces
the zone you are in to reset.

See also: Show

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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