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A Sa'angreal is a very powerful Angreal.  It vastly increases the
channeling power of the one who uses it, much more than an Angreal.
Sa'angreal are similarly useless to non-channelers.

See also: Angreal, Ter'angreal

:: Beginning


Saidar is the female half of the One Power and Saidin is the male
half.  While the actual use varies between the two, the effects
are close enough to the same to be considered identical.

Until recently
Saidin was tainted by the Dark One's touch and use
of it eventually drove a male channeler insane or caused their
bodies to rot away.  The taint has been cleansed from
Saidin by
the Dragon Reborn and though residual effects still linger, new
male channelers will never experience taint-induced madness or rot.

See also: channeling, weave

:: Beginning


Saidar is the female half of the One Power and Saidin is the male
half.  While the actual use varies between the two, the effects
are close enough to the same to be considered identical.

Until recently
Saidin was tainted by the Dark One's touch and use
of it eventually drove a male channeler insane or caused their
bodies to rot away.  The taint has been cleansed from
Saidin by
the Dragon Reborn and though residual effects still linger, new
male channelers will never experience taint-induced madness or rot.

See also: channeling, weave

:: Beginning


             Help Information for Saldaea

SIGIL:  Three silver fish, one above the other; the Silver Fish
BANNER:  Three silver fish on a field of dark blue
RESOURCES: Sheep, Lumber, Furs and Ice Peppers

The largest of all of the Border nations, Saldaea stretches
from World's End on the western coast of the Aryth Ocean to
the River Arinelle, and the northern edge of the Black Hills.
It lies directly northeast of Arad Doman.  It is ruled by Her
Illuminated Majesty, Tenobia si Bashere Kazadi, Queen of
Saldaea, Shield of the North, Sword of the Blightborder, High
Seat of House Kazadi, Lady of Shahayni, Asnelle, Gunwar and
Ganai.  It is said that the young Queen Tenobia rules estates
larger than the entire city-state of Mayene.

The Marshal-General, currently Queen Tenobia's uncle, Davram
Bashere, is responsible for commanding the Saldaean military.  
The Saldaean cavalry is renowned for its mounted drills and
maneuvers in unites as large as nine thousand without missing a
step.  The cavalrymen of Saldaea can perform stunts on horseback
flashy enough to impress a gleeman.  War, for Saldaeans, is a
family affair.  Wives often ride to battle alongside their
husbands, though they do not engage in combat themselves.  Girls
are not taught the sword, but are often skilled with knives or
hand-to-hand fighting, and many stories tell of women taking up
the swords of their fallen husbands to lead the men back into

In Saldaea, a highborn lady is expected to be able to ride to
the hunt all day while reciting poetry, then play the cittern
at night while participating intelligently in discussion of
how to counter trolloc raids.

Saldaean women usually wear dresses with high necklines and
long sleeves.  Highborn ladies usually wear silk or brocade,
with embroidery along the sleeves and collar, while common
women wear similar, if simplier styles, but in wool.  Men
wear coats with embroidery on sleeves and collar.  Both men
and women usually go armed with at least a dagger.

Even Saldaean farm women are known to be fierce, and rumors
tell of some of them shaving the head of any woman caught
poaching another's chosen mate.

Saldaean women, in addition to their strong wills and fierce
natures, are also rumored to be quite sensual.  They use 'fan
talk' with lace or silk fans to convey messages to potential
suitors, and though it has been outlawed by several Queens,
and rumors are vehemently denied, high-born ladies are said
to be adept in a form of dance known as the sa'sara.  This
dance, which has supposedly caused wars, and even stopped them,
is said to make men's blood boil.

Other Saldaean tidbits:

* Trolloc raids are frequent in Saldaea.
* The eldest Saldaean child of either sex is trained in accounting and
  trading and those duties required to manage an estate one day.
* In Saldaea, men do the proposing of marriage.
* A girl's mother must approve of the marriage.
* The Queen is advised by a Council of Lords.
* The Marshal-General carries a wolf-headed ivory baton as a symbol of
  his office.
* People travel by snowshoes or skies in the winter in Saldaea.
* Saldaeans ride smaller-than-average horses.

See Also:  Nations, Update

:: Beginning


             Help Information for Saldaea

SIGIL:  Three silver fish, one above the other; the Silver Fish
BANNER:  Three silver fish on a field of dark blue
RESOURCES: Sheep, Lumber, Furs and Ice Peppers

The largest of all of the Border nations, Saldaea stretches
from World's End on the western coast of the Aryth Ocean to
the River Arinelle, and the northern edge of the Black Hills.
It lies directly northeast of Arad Doman.  It is ruled by Her
Illuminated Majesty, Tenobia si Bashere Kazadi, Queen of
Saldaea, Shield of the North, Sword of the Blightborder, High
Seat of House Kazadi, Lady of Shahayni, Asnelle, Gunwar and
Ganai.  It is said that the young Queen Tenobia rules estates
larger than the entire city-state of Mayene.

The Marshal-General, currently Queen Tenobia's uncle, Davram
Bashere, is responsible for commanding the Saldaean military.  
The Saldaean cavalry is renowned for its mounted drills and
maneuvers in unites as large as nine thousand without missing a
step.  The cavalrymen of Saldaea can perform stunts on horseback
flashy enough to impress a gleeman.  War, for Saldaeans, is a
family affair.  Wives often ride to battle alongside their
husbands, though they do not engage in combat themselves.  Girls
are not taught the sword, but are often skilled with knives or
hand-to-hand fighting, and many stories tell of women taking up
the swords of their fallen husbands to lead the men back into

In Saldaea, a highborn lady is expected to be able to ride to
the hunt all day while reciting poetry, then play the cittern
at night while participating intelligently in discussion of
how to counter trolloc raids.

Saldaean women usually wear dresses with high necklines and
long sleeves.  Highborn ladies usually wear silk or brocade,
with embroidery along the sleeves and collar, while common
women wear similar, if simplier styles, but in wool.  Men
wear coats with embroidery on sleeves and collar.  Both men
and women usually go armed with at least a dagger.

Even Saldaean farm women are known to be fierce, and rumors
tell of some of them shaving the head of any woman caught
poaching another's chosen mate.

Saldaean women, in addition to their strong wills and fierce
natures, are also rumored to be quite sensual.  They use 'fan
talk' with lace or silk fans to convey messages to potential
suitors, and though it has been outlawed by several Queens,
and rumors are vehemently denied, high-born ladies are said
to be adept in a form of dance known as the sa'sara.  This
dance, which has supposedly caused wars, and even stopped them,
is said to make men's blood boil.

Other Saldaean tidbits:

* Trolloc raids are frequent in Saldaea.
* The eldest Saldaean child of either sex is trained in accounting and
  trading and those duties required to manage an estate one day.
* In Saldaea, men do the proposing of marriage.
* A girl's mother must approve of the marriage.
* The Queen is advised by a Council of Lords.
* The Marshal-General carries a wolf-headed ivory baton as a symbol of
  his office.
* People travel by snowshoes or skies in the winter in Saldaea.
* Saldaeans ride smaller-than-average horses.

See Also:  Nations, Update

:: Beginning

.:. Sap Energy Spell

Sap Energy--------------------
Please use syntax
inform 'sap energy' for information on this weave.

:: Beginning

.:. SAVE

To save, simply type the command <save>. This saves your
character's current information to the MUDs databases. The game
periodically auto-saves your character as well.

If you wish to quit out of the MUD, simply type
<quit>. Though it
is suggested you save first. You do not need  to put your items in a locker
or rent anything to save your character. No matter where you are, if you
quit out of the MUD you will log back in exactly as you left it.

:: Beginning

.:. SAY


This is the command used for IC (
In Character) conversation in your
immediate room.  Using 'say' counts as role-playing, and we strongly
encourage using 'emote' instead, as 'say' is somewhat outdated as a
means of RP.

say <string>
say Hello!

You say, 'Hello!'


This is the command used for OOC (
Out Of Character) conversation in
your immediate room.

osay <string>
osay Hello!

-> Yourcharacter says, 'Hello!'

See Also: Emote, OOC, IC, Rp, Channels

:: Beginning

.:. SCAN

This command will scan all of the exits of the room you are in, up
to three rooms distance away, listing all mobs or players visible.
It will also display exits and their keywords. If it is dark, or you
are in a dark area, this will not work.

> scan

See also: Lookahead

:: Beginning


Usage: <score>

The SCORE command displays a great deal of useful information about
your character. Multiguild affiliations, Life, Endurance, Stats, Flows,
EXP to your next level, Practices, Questpoints, Gold, etc.

See also: Levels, Stats, Training, Flows

:: Beginning


Usage: <score>

The SCORE command displays a great deal of useful information about
your character. Multiguild affiliations, Life, Endurance, Stats, Flows,
EXP to your next level, Practices, Questpoints, Gold, etc.

See also: Levels, Stats, Training, Flows

:: Beginning

.:. Scribe

SYNTAX : Scribe (Parchment)
EXAMPLE: Scribe Fight Equipment List

  This skill creates an exact copy of a parchment.

See Also: Common

:: Beginning

.:. Seafolk Attitudes

Seafolk Attitudes-------------------

We're very close-mouthed with those who are not
Sea Folk.

We can be somewhat touchy until we get to know someone.

We don't approve of "
excessive revelry"

We stick strictly to our hierarchy of rank--survival depends on

Others see us as very secretive and aloof, to them, we are almost as
mysterious as the
Aiel, and many strange tales are told of us.  In
book 7, chapter 13, for example,
Aviendha has read that the SF
never left their ships--never...and supposedly, they ate thier dead."

They say that all we care about (
and this might be true to a certain extent)
is sailing and searching for the

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Ships,
          Seafolk Facts, Seafolk Equipment, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Subranks, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. Seafolk Clans

-------------------Seafolk Clans--------------------

* Clan Cantorin                                    * Clan Catelar  
* Clan Erian                                       * Clan Jafar      
* Clan Jindor                                      * Clan Parede            
* Clan Somarin                                     * Clan Shodein    
* Clan Tremalking                                  * Clan Togara    
* Clan Toral

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Facts,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Subranks, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. Seafolk Clothing

Seafolk Descrripptiions------------------

We are not tall, of only average height.  We have black hair,
straight, but in rare cases, curly.  We have dark skin.

We are very very graceful, with a "rolling walk" from being
on ships constantly.  Thus, Sea Folk women have a reputation
of being exceptionally beautiful and tempting. *Men go barefoot
and bare-chested with tattoos.

We have hand tattoos, men have a six-pointed star on right hand
with marks of clan and line, women (
and men, perhaps, it's uncertain)
have stars and seabirds with stylized waves.

Bilgecleander through First Mate will have no more than 2 pairs
of earrings. Sailmistresses and Cargomasters have 4.  Wavemistresses
and Swordmasters have 5.  MotS and MotB have 6 pairs. Windfinders
have one less pair than their counterpart.

All female higher ranks have a nose ring attached to earrings by
chain with medallions hanging from it.  THe more medallions, the
higher the rank.  The MotS has another chain linking all six
earrings.  No men have nose rings.  Lower ranked women may, but
no chains attached to earrings.

Men (and women, but women less) wear thick gold and silver necklaces.
This is also an indication of rank.  The more, the higher the

High rank women, SM, WM, WF, and MotS wear a gold perfume box as a
necklace. It emits a musky scent.  

Wavemistresses have two-tiered red parasol and her swordmaster has
a single tiered red parasol (
Don't ask me what for!!!!) Men are

Women wear no shirts when at sea.  All sexes wear baggy breeches
held up by colorful sashes.  When near shore, women wear colorful
low-cut blouses.

Higher ranks have belt knives with gold wire inlays and decorative

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Facts, Seafolk EQ,
          Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks, Seafolk Subranks,
          Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. Seafolk Descriptions

Seafolk Descrripptiions------------------

We are not tall, of only average height.  We have black hair,
straight, but in rare cases, curly.  We have dark skin.

We are very very graceful, with a "rolling walk" from being
on ships constantly.  Thus, Sea Folk women have a reputation
of being exceptionally beautiful and tempting. *Men go barefoot
and bare-chested with tattoos.

We have hand tattoos, men have a six-pointed star on right hand
with marks of clan and line, women (
and men, perhaps, it's uncertain)
have stars and seabirds with stylized waves.

Bilgecleander through First Mate will have no more than 2 pairs
of earrings. Sailmistresses and Cargomasters have 4.  Wavemistresses
and Swordmasters have 5.  MotS and MotB have 6 pairs. Windfinders
have one less pair than their counterpart.

All female higher ranks have a nose ring attached to earrings by
chain with medallions hanging from it.  THe more medallions, the
higher the rank.  The MotS has another chain linking all six
earrings.  No men have nose rings.  Lower ranked women may, but
no chains attached to earrings.

Men (and women, but women less) wear thick gold and silver necklaces.
This is also an indication of rank.  The more, the higher the

High rank women, SM, WM, WF, and MotS wear a gold perfume box as a
necklace. It emits a musky scent.  

Wavemistresses have two-tiered red parasol and her swordmaster has
a single tiered red parasol (
Don't ask me what for!!!!) Men are

Women wear no shirts when at sea.  All sexes wear baggy breeches
held up by colorful sashes.  When near shore, women wear colorful
low-cut blouses.

Higher ranks have belt knives with gold wire inlays and decorative

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Facts, Seafolk EQ,
          Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks, Seafolk Subranks,
          Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. Seafolk Equipment List

Seafolk Equipment-------------------

[feet] A pair of caulk boots with spiked soles - +4 dex +75 move +4 dam
[feet] A silver-chased pair of black leather boots - +100move +4 damroll

[wield] An ivory handled knife with a wave-shaped blade - 5d9 dam

[shield] A crystaline blue shield with golden trim - +4 con +30 hp -40 AC
[shield] A colourful fan depicting seabirds and crashing waves - +100 hp -40 AC

[wrist] A silver bracelet with dangling fish and gull charm - +3 dex +3 con
[wrist] An intricately carved ivory bracelet - -15 ac +4/+4

[light] A hurricane lantern that glows with luminescent light - +4 dex -25 AC

[finger] A gold ring set with flower-shaped garnets - -15 ac +4/+4

[neck] A pendant in the Kandorian snowflake pattern - +2 cha -20 AC +4 luck

[head] A pair of ivory hairpins carved into diving gulls - -20 AC +4/+4
[head] An exquisite veil made of Murandian lace - +2 int +2 wis -20 AC
[head] A small pair of scholarly looking spectacles - +3 wis +50 hp -15 ac +2dr

[arms] A silver serpent that entwines the upper arm - -25 AC +2/+2

[body] A handsome vest made of gold Shaaran silk - +20 hp -15 AC +3/+3
[body] A fine shirt made of a net-like mesh material - -30 AC +7/+7

[hands] A fine pair of suede gloves lined with maroon silk - +4 int +4 wis -10 AC
[hands] A fine pair of suede gloves lined with green silk - +100 hp +100 move
[hands] Gloves of shimmering black shaaran silk - -15 AC +3 Dam

[about] A billowy cloak made of deep purple velvet - -20 ac +6 dam

[hold] A seafolk jug of water water bucket - +25 hp +3 luck
[hold] A porcelain figure - +100 mana +5 int
[hold] A set of eight ivory dice with gold pips - Rollable
[hold] An ornately carved whale tooth box - -15 ac +3 dam

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Ships,
          Seafolk Facts, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Subranks, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning


Seafolk Facts-------------------

Father of Storms - The Dark One

Non-sailors are '
shorebound' or 'shorefolk'

To honor an elder or someone of higher rank, touch fingertips to
forehead, lips and heart.

We believe Aiel kill a man a day and tie men up for sex.

Higher ranks wear sashes that are knotted intricately and hang to

When bargaining, if they come to you, you may bargain on YOUR terms,
otherwise, it is the opposite.

We trade a large amount of silk through Tear

We trade
ivory and silk that we buy from the lands beyond the Waste,
an area noone knows much about, not even us.  We are only allowed
to dock in certain harbors which are walled and closely guarded.
If any ship other than
SF, or even an SF ship that goes where it's
not allowed, disappears.

We send a few girls to the Tower so
Aes Sedai won't grow suspicious.

We rarely go on land--men weep when they must serve ashore.

We pay
Gleeman well.

It takes
7-10 days for an SF raker to sail to Tanchico from Tear.
This is very very fast.  The next fastest ship would take 15 days,
and a coasting craft up to 100.

We are divided into clans (
These will be a subrank for Wavemistresses,
Swordmasters, and 1st lvl Windfinders.  Ships are subranks for
everyone else.

We have an "
oily potion" to help those who are seasick.
The mainland is hundreds of miles to the east of Cantorin (a clan as
well as an island--for us anyways, it's uncertain in the books).
Cantorin Harbor is bowl shaped, and beyond the seawall is an inner
harbor filled with SF ships. There's a mudflat near the harbour
mouth.  The island is governed by an SF governor (we don't have
this, Mistress of the Ships will fill this position

The deepest part of the known sea is near
Aile (clan and island)

Tremalking Island has a stone hand 50n feet high holding a crystal

Also, there is a huge female statue which is a sa'angreal on
Tremalking.  It has a male twin in Cairhien.

We believe that we must be born and die on water, so a woman will find
any way to be on water to give birth--whether it be on ship or rowboat.
Corpses are given a burial at sea.

We refuse to cross the
Aryth Ocean because we say the Islands of the
Dead are on the other side (
I'm not sure how this would apply to        
mudlife, but hey! it's good to know, eh?  *smile*

We refer to our ships as masculine (
the reason why is in book 4 which
I don't happen to have with me.  It's chapter twenty something...

We do not charge for passage, we _require_ a gift of a value that is
equal to the gift of passage.  Also, we very very rarely accept
Aes Sedai passengers and this decision (as with the decision to
carry ANY passenger
) is made by the Windfinder of the vessel, as
she is the one in danger.  
Aes Sedai do not know of Windfinders,
so the
WF decides whether or not to put herself in danger of
being discovered.

We never take a ship further from the open sea than the nearest port.

The crew of a ship is half female, half male.

Sailmistress and Windfinder of one vessel would honor their
counter-parts on another vessel by bathing together, serving
honeyed wine, and telling stories.

Touching the heart with the fingertips is the salute of a
Bilgecleaner through First Mate for us)

Kissing one's fingertips and touching them to another's lips is a
gesture of honor between lovers, family members, and very close

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Ships,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Subranks, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. Seafolk Ranking

Seafolk Ranks--------------------

Bilgecleaner - This is only for demotion, so don't get in trouble!!

Seafolk Child - Only for those who wish to RP as Seafolk children.

Deckhand - Beginner's rank.

Lookout - The next rank up, they watch the seas.

Sailor - Next rank up.

Shipmate - Next rank up.

Second Mate - Next rank up.

First Mate -  Next rank up.

Assistant Deckmaster - Assists the Deckmaster.

Assistant Deckmaster - In charge of the deck.

Cargomaster - This is the husband/partner of the Sailmistresses. He takes
care of trade and defense of the ship, as well as responsibilities that
the SM delegates to him.

Sailmistress - She decides when and where the ship goes.

Assistant Windfinder - She assists the Windfinder, and trains to possibly
be one some day.

Windfinder to the Shipmistress - She weaves the winds for the ship, and defers
to the SM, BUT she decides who may or may not have the gift of passage.

Swordmaster - He has the same duties as Cargomaster, but is a higher

Wavemistress - A WM may also be a Sailmistress, but Wavemistresses
generally are the head of a clan.  A good WM may be both, though.

Master of the Blades - He controls all Cargomasters and Swordmasters.
He takes care of trade and defense for the Mistress of the Ships.

Mistress of the Ships - She is as a queen or ruler to the Sea Folk.

Elder - Retired Seafolk.

Alright, what is different here is that you will work in groups of
three, once you gain rank.  You really can't become a Sailmistress
without a Cargomaster and a Windfinder.  Then all lower ranks will be
assigned to a particular ship and will be required to report to you.
Sound good?  Well, the SF are known to be EXTEMELY rigid about rank, so
we will have to have a very strict pecking order here.  Bear in mind that
you're going to have to make your char in order to fit a certain role.
Only Windfinders can channel and Cargomasters/Swordmasters must be good
defenders/traders.  (Sailmistresses who can channel will be allowed for
now, but you'd better not channel icly.  That's for your Windfinder)
Oh yeah, no male channelers!  (at least not icly!) If you really want
a channeler, just keep it a secret and it shouldn't be a problem.  

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Facts,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Subranks,
          Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. Seafolk Ranks

Seafolk Ranks--------------------

Bilgecleaner - This is only for demotion, so don't get in trouble!!

Seafolk Child - Only for those who wish to RP as Seafolk children.

Deckhand - Beginner's rank.

Lookout - The next rank up, they watch the seas.

Sailor - Next rank up.

Shipmate - Next rank up.

Second Mate - Next rank up.

First Mate -  Next rank up.

Assistant Deckmaster - Assists the Deckmaster.

Assistant Deckmaster - In charge of the deck.

Cargomaster - This is the husband/partner of the Sailmistresses. He takes
care of trade and defense of the ship, as well as responsibilities that
the SM delegates to him.

Sailmistress - She decides when and where the ship goes.

Assistant Windfinder - She assists the Windfinder, and trains to possibly
be one some day.

Windfinder to the Shipmistress - She weaves the winds for the ship, and defers
to the SM, BUT she decides who may or may not have the gift of passage.

Swordmaster - He has the same duties as Cargomaster, but is a higher

Wavemistress - A WM may also be a Sailmistress, but Wavemistresses
generally are the head of a clan.  A good WM may be both, though.

Master of the Blades - He controls all Cargomasters and Swordmasters.
He takes care of trade and defense for the Mistress of the Ships.

Mistress of the Ships - She is as a queen or ruler to the Sea Folk.

Elder - Retired Seafolk.

Alright, what is different here is that you will work in groups of
three, once you gain rank.  You really can't become a Sailmistress
without a Cargomaster and a Windfinder.  Then all lower ranks will be
assigned to a particular ship and will be required to report to you.
Sound good?  Well, the SF are known to be EXTEMELY rigid about rank, so
we will have to have a very strict pecking order here.  Bear in mind that
you're going to have to make your char in order to fit a certain role.
Only Windfinders can channel and Cargomasters/Swordmasters must be good
defenders/traders.  (Sailmistresses who can channel will be allowed for
now, but you'd better not channel icly.  That's for your Windfinder)
Oh yeah, no male channelers!  (at least not icly!) If you really want
a channeler, just keep it a secret and it shouldn't be a problem.  

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Facts,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Subranks,
          Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. Seafolk Sayings

Seafolk Sayings------------------

The Light be merciful to all who sail."

If it pleases the Light.."

The Light see us to safe docking"

"The wave that has passed cannot be called back."

"A split sail is split."

"If it pleases the Light, all will be will, all will be well, and all
manner of things will be well, if it pleases the Light."

"I'll hoist them in their own rigging!"

"The Light illumine his/her soul, and the waters take him/her peacefully."

"The Light illumine you and your vessel, and send the winds to speed you."

"By the nine winds and Stormbringer's beard!"

"The welcome of my ship to you and the grace of the Light be upon you
until you leave his decks."

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Facts,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Subranks, Seafolk Clans

:: Beginning


Seafolk Ships--------------------

Darter -  A small one to two mast ship.

Soarer -  A small sleek Sea Folk ship, with two masts
raked back sharply and spars laid across
them squarely.  Soarers are fast and usually
quite agile.

Raker -   A larger Sea Folk ship (easily a hundred
paces long), with three towering masts amidships,
and one shorter one on the raised sterndeck.
It has a very narrow body. (similar to a giant

Skimmer - A large Sea Folk ship, usually similar in length
to a Raker, but much wider with three masts.

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Facts,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Subranks, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. Seafolk Subranking

Seafolk Subranks--------------------

Windfinder Trainee-

-Retired Windfinder

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Facts,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. Seafolk Subranks

Seafolk Subranks--------------------

Windfinder Trainee-

-Retired Windfinder

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Facts,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning



Seanchan are descendants of the armies of Artur Hawkwing, the True High King.
They have existed in their Empire across the Aryth Ocean for centuries, their
culture and way of life growing to something vastly different from that found
in the former countries of Artur's Empire. Now, as they promised long ago,
they are returning to the lands of their Forefathers to reclaim what should
never have been lost.

Little is known for sure of the Seanchan except rumors. Their armor and strange
creatures inspire fear in those that see them, and very few escape swearing
their Oaths: To Obey the Forerunners, Await the Return, and Serve those who
come home. Seanchan regard all those who do not obey their Oaths as enemies.
Fearsome stories of how they take prisoner any woman able to channel, no matter
how small the amount, and their ruthlessness in dealing punishment to those who
oppose them are gradually spreading throughout the countries of the land.

Recently, the Seanchan Empire has engaged in a concerted effort to retake the
continent from which the Empire's rulers' ancestors hailed. This campaign is
known as the Corenne in the Old Tongue or simply the Return. The Seanchan made
their first attempt in The Great Hunt, when the Hailene seized the city of
Falme and surrounding lands, but were driven back. Later, the Seanchan were
successful in taking Tarabon, then continued their advance, taking Amadicia
and Altara. They were finally halted in when the forces of Rand al'Thor, the
Dragon Reborn, fought their invasion of Illian to a standstill.

If you wish to include knowledge of the Seanchan in your character's
background, wish to join the guild, wish to interact with the Seanchan guild,
or simply would like learn more about the Seanchan out of character, please
talk to one the guildleaders.

:: Beginning


This skill is designed to allow your character to search a room
and locate any hidden or unwanted visitors or spies. Depending
on your skill in this particular field, the hidden players in the
room will be revealed. When a search is initiated, no one may sneak
out of the room for a few moments.

> search

See also: Hide, Sneak

:: Beginning

.:. Sedai Ajahs

All full Sisters (
Aes Sedai) choose an Ajah, and they may choose from the following:

Red Ajah: The Red tend to dislike men and search out and gentle men who are able to
wield Saidin, believing this the only way to stop another Breaking.

Blue Ajah: Aes Sedai of this Ajah tend to work for causes or quests. They believe by
involving themselves in the world they can help remove the Shadow's spread, and thus
prevent another Breaking.

Green Ajah: The Green tend to love men and may hold bond with multiple warders. They
are what is known as the Battle Ajah. They hold themselves ready for Tarmon Gai'don,
the Last Battle, when light faces dark finally.

Grey Ajah: These are peace-makers and mediators, involving themselves in the dealings
of nations, as well as the Tower, to resolve conflict or ease it.

Yellow Ajah: Think of little else but Healing.  They strive to solve the problems, or
limitations, of Healing in the current Age. They tend to be the strongest and most
skilled Healers of all Aes Sedai.

White Ajah: Logical and stoic, the White Ajah eschews the world and the value of
worldly knowledge, devoting itself to questions of philosophy and truth.

Brown Ajah: Devoting their lives to the unearthing of lost knowledges and wisdom.
They tend to shut themselves off from the world in the process of scouring it for
lost artifacts, etc.

All but the
Red Ajah and Green Ajah have one warder. The Red Sisters do not bond
a Warder while the Green Ajah can have as many as she may desire (
however limits
may be imposed by the GL

See also: Template show 11, Aes Sedai

:: Beginning

.:. Sedai Requirements

-------------------Aes Sedai Requirements--------------------

The White Tower is the home of the Aes Sedai, Gaidin, and Tower Guard.
Also counted within the Shining Walls are Novices, Accepted, Trainees,
Servants, those seeking Asylum, and visiting scholars.  

Path 1 - Aes Sedai
Only three templates for Aes Sedai; Born with the spark, Able to learn,
or Wilder.

Path 2 - Gaidin/Tower Guard/Bryne's Army
Templates for these positions are almost endless, a few examples are:
the Righteous, the Dutiful, the Cryptic, the Devoted, the Unemployed,
the Obligated (if you would like information on these templates, or
for examples of backgrounds please contact one of the White Tower GLs
and we will gladly send them to you.)

Path 3 - Visiting Scholar
Path 4 - The Asylum Seeker
Path 5 - The Servant

The White Tower GLs
Denaad  -
Rayenia -
Jezz -

See Also: Ajahs, Aes Sedai, Channeler, Template Show 11

:: Beginning


Aes Sedai Guild Requirements --

1)  You must be at least level 5.
2)  You must have either the Wilder, Active or Latent channeler Talents.
      Please consider this choice wisely. Wilder's are rare, and most
      oft they die, so if you choose a wilder character, consider that
      you have a possibility of dying before you even reach the tower.
3)  You MUST have a well thought out description.
4)  You must be code and IC female.
5)  The Mindmastery Talent is highly recommended.
6)  The Teaching Talent is recommended.
7)  You MUST have a detailed background.
8)  You must mail your APPLICATION for entering into the Sedai Guild to
    -both- Leane AND Siuan, the GL's.
9)  You must gain 5 sponsors who mail both Leane AND Siuan of their
Information on Backgrounds:
  A background is merely your characters history. We would enjoy reading
  one that is fairly detailed. It need not be a ten page dissertation,
  but a nicely detailed one that is about a page or two would be
  appreciated (Or however long you feel is necessary to give a complete
  and all inclusive history of your character). The length of the
  background is not important, what is said in it is. So, do not worry
  if you feel your background is too short, or too long, if you include
  a detailed history of your characters life, then it is just fine. If
  the background sent in can not be approved, we'll tell you why and give
  you an opportunity to fix it.
Use this format when mailing in your APPLICATION to the Sedai Guild:
  1. Name:
  2. Level:
  3. Code Requirements Fullfilled:
       [List if you are a Wilder, Active or Latent Channeler and any
        other talents listed above you have chosen.]
  4. Character Description and any Alternative Description:
       [Enter your Character Description]
  5. Character Background:
       [Enter your Character Background]
Guilding Procedure:
   o Once the application is approved, the assigned Mistress of
     Seekers will go and 'fetch' the seeker, ICly.
   o The Seeker is then guilded as a protectorate, and is given a
     total of two months to earn Sponsors with RP. The amount of
     Sponsors has changed to earning two (2) Aes Sedai Sponsors,
     one (1) Aes Sedai of a Higher Rank sponsor (GL, Sitter, MoN,
     MoA), and two (2) sponsors from anyone else in the Tower guild.
     A total of five (5) sponsors to earn.
   Please keep in mind that the Sedai guild is very RP intensive. We teach
code skills and code weaves but only in conjunction with rp. Each player
character follows a unique path of study and rises in rank based on a
syllabus of RP lessons and code skills/weaves. To advance from Novice to
Accepted also requires an RP Test.  To become a full Aes Sedai requires
completion of the Accepted syllabus, an Accepted Project, an RP session,
and a vote of acceptance from your chosen Ajah.
   I know that seeking sometimes is difficult, so I will give a personal
recommendation. Just RP, RP anywhere and all the time. Aes Sedai members
and Warder members have alts, and if they see a seeker RP'ing they can
gauge your skill, your will, and your ability to grow with that alt and
send in a sponsor letter or recommendation letter that way as well. So,
just because you are not RP'ing with an Aes Sedai or a Warder, does not
mean you are not doing sponsor RP right then and there. So, take heart
and simply enjoy yourself, develop your character, and most of all, HAVE
This has been a personal note by: Leane
P.S. Please use the seeking code, type seek tower to be visible on our
     guild seek list.

See also: sedai, ajahs

:: Beginning

.:. SedaiRequirements

-------------------Aes Sedai Requirements--------------------

The White Tower is the home of the Aes Sedai, Gaidin, and Tower Guard.
Also counted within the Shining Walls are Novices, Accepted, Trainees,
Servants, those seeking Asylum, and visiting scholars.  

Path 1 - Aes Sedai
Only three templates for Aes Sedai; Born with the spark, Able to learn,
or Wilder.

Path 2 - Gaidin/Tower Guard/Bryne's Army
Templates for these positions are almost endless, a few examples are:
the Righteous, the Dutiful, the Cryptic, the Devoted, the Unemployed,
the Obligated (if you would like information on these templates, or
for examples of backgrounds please contact one of the White Tower GLs
and we will gladly send them to you.)

Path 3 - Visiting Scholar
Path 4 - The Asylum Seeker
Path 5 - The Servant

The White Tower GLs
Denaad  -
Rayenia -
Jezz -

See Also: Ajahs, Aes Sedai, Channeler, Template Show 11

:: Beginning

.:. SEEK

A major part of the experience of playing a Moment in Tyme is seeking
and becoming a member of a guild. Guilds on MiT are led by mortal Guild
Leaders who oversee the guild and its members. In order to become a member
of a guild, often times you must first seek it and attain sponsors through
Roleplay. You can seek more than one guild at once.

> seek <guild tag>
> seek dd
This causes you to seek a specific guild. Entering the command
a second time causes you to
stop seeking that guild.
Note: when you stop seeking a guild, all of your sponsors
for that guild are removed.

See also: Seeker, Sponsor, Multiguild

:: Beginning


This command is for guild members only. It will list all of the
players seeking your guild, as well as the current 'sponsor score'
of each seeker.

> seeker

See also: Seek, Sponsor

:: Beginning


A major part of the experience of playing a Moment in Tyme is seeking
and becoming a member of a guild. Guilds on MiT are led by mortal Guild
Leaders who oversee the guild and its members. In order to become a member
of a guild, often times you must first seek it and attain sponsors through
Roleplay. You can seek more than one guild at once.

> seek <guild tag>
> seek dd
This causes you to seek a specific guild. Entering the command
a second time causes you to
stop seeking that guild.
Note: when you stop seeking a guild, all of your sponsors
for that guild are removed.

See also: Seeker, Sponsor, Multiguild

:: Beginning

.:. Seeking Roleplay

-----------------------[ RPSeek ]------------------------
This command shows you as seeking roleplay (
Help Roleplay), when other
players type '

Syntax:  RPSeek (info)
Example: RPSeek Any roleplayer welcome.
When players type '
RPSeek List' they will see:
A) Which room you're currently in.  
B) Any information you put after 'RPSeek'.
  This command is not considered in character (
Help IC), nor is the
information it disclaims.  But it is quite usefull in locating, or
rather starting roleplay.  To turn RPSeeking off, simply type '
a second time.  If you set yourself to seek roleplaying in a room,
then you move to another room for more than one tick, your seeking
is automatically turned off.
See also: Where, IC, Roleplay

:: Beginning

.:. SeekRP

-----------------------[ RPSeek ]------------------------
This command shows you as seeking roleplay (
Help Roleplay), when other
players type '

Syntax:  RPSeek (info)
Example: RPSeek Any roleplayer welcome.
When players type '
RPSeek List' they will see:
A) Which room you're currently in.  
B) Any information you put after 'RPSeek'.
  This command is not considered in character (
Help IC), nor is the
information it disclaims.  But it is quite usefull in locating, or
rather starting roleplay.  To turn RPSeeking off, simply type '
a second time.  If you set yourself to seek roleplaying in a room,
then you move to another room for more than one tick, your seeking
is automatically turned off.
See also: Where, IC, Roleplay

:: Beginning


Currently, Moment in Tyme is in the process of a complete
revision of the code for all actions.  Until it is
completed, there is no code channeling. As such the skills
for doing it are disabled.  They can still be taught through
approved rp avenues and then set on the character by the
appropriate immortals.

:: Beginning

.:. SELL

If you have extra items that you would like to sell, you could sell
them to a shopkeeper. Most shops specialize in what they buy, so you
may have to look around to find one who will buy whatever it is you
are trying to sell.

> sell <item>
The basic selling command.

> sell <number> <item>
> sell 3 sword
This would sell the first three swords in your inventory.

> sell 3.sword
This would sell the third sword in your inventory.

See also: Buy

:: Beginning

.:. SEND

These commands are for Immortals and Guild Leaders only.

> echo <string>
This echoes a message to the room the one echoing is standing in.

> gecho <string>
Sends the message to the whole MUD.

> qecho <string>
Sends the message to those on the same Quest channel as the qechoer.

> zecho <string>
Sends the string to all players within 50 rooms distance.

> send <player> <string>
Sends the message to a single player.

:: Beginning

.:. SET

Immortals Only

set [file|player] <character> <field> <value>

SET is an extremely powerful command, capable of setting dozens of aspects of
characters, both players and mobiles.

SET PLAYER forces set to look for a player and not a mobile; useful for
players with lame names such as 'guard'.

SET FILE lets you change players who are not logged on.  If you use SET FILE
on a player who IS logged on, your change will be lost.  If you wish to set
a player who is in the game but is linkless, use set twice -- once with the
FILE argument, and once without -- to make sure that the change takes.

For toggled fields, the value must be ON, OFF, YES, or NO.

To see a list of set fields, enter set without arguments.

> set                         {lists the set commands you may use}
> set spamboy name Triannon   {sets Spamboy's name to Triannon}

See also: Stat, Setform, Setskill

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

setskill <victim> '<skill>' <value>

SETSKILL sets a player's ability in a skill/spell to the specified value.

> setskill hazezon 'kick' 90

See also: Set

:: Beginning

.:. SF Attitudes

Seafolk Attitudes-------------------

We're very close-mouthed with those who are not
Sea Folk.

We can be somewhat touchy until we get to know someone.

We don't approve of "
excessive revelry"

We stick strictly to our hierarchy of rank--survival depends on

Others see us as very secretive and aloof, to them, we are almost as
mysterious as the
Aiel, and many strange tales are told of us.  In
book 7, chapter 13, for example,
Aviendha has read that the SF
never left their ships--never...and supposedly, they ate thier dead."

They say that all we care about (
and this might be true to a certain extent)
is sailing and searching for the

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Ships,
          Seafolk Facts, Seafolk Equipment, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Subranks, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. SF Clans

-------------------Seafolk Clans--------------------

* Clan Cantorin                                    * Clan Catelar  
* Clan Erian                                       * Clan Jafar      
* Clan Jindor                                      * Clan Parede            
* Clan Somarin                                     * Clan Shodein    
* Clan Tremalking                                  * Clan Togara    
* Clan Toral

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Facts,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Subranks, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. SF Clothing

Seafolk Descrripptiions------------------

We are not tall, of only average height.  We have black hair,
straight, but in rare cases, curly.  We have dark skin.

We are very very graceful, with a "rolling walk" from being
on ships constantly.  Thus, Sea Folk women have a reputation
of being exceptionally beautiful and tempting. *Men go barefoot
and bare-chested with tattoos.

We have hand tattoos, men have a six-pointed star on right hand
with marks of clan and line, women (
and men, perhaps, it's uncertain)
have stars and seabirds with stylized waves.

Bilgecleander through First Mate will have no more than 2 pairs
of earrings. Sailmistresses and Cargomasters have 4.  Wavemistresses
and Swordmasters have 5.  MotS and MotB have 6 pairs. Windfinders
have one less pair than their counterpart.

All female higher ranks have a nose ring attached to earrings by
chain with medallions hanging from it.  THe more medallions, the
higher the rank.  The MotS has another chain linking all six
earrings.  No men have nose rings.  Lower ranked women may, but
no chains attached to earrings.

Men (and women, but women less) wear thick gold and silver necklaces.
This is also an indication of rank.  The more, the higher the

High rank women, SM, WM, WF, and MotS wear a gold perfume box as a
necklace. It emits a musky scent.  

Wavemistresses have two-tiered red parasol and her swordmaster has
a single tiered red parasol (
Don't ask me what for!!!!) Men are

Women wear no shirts when at sea.  All sexes wear baggy breeches
held up by colorful sashes.  When near shore, women wear colorful
low-cut blouses.

Higher ranks have belt knives with gold wire inlays and decorative

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Facts, Seafolk EQ,
          Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks, Seafolk Subranks,
          Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. SF Descriptions

Seafolk Descrripptiions------------------

We are not tall, of only average height.  We have black hair,
straight, but in rare cases, curly.  We have dark skin.

We are very very graceful, with a "rolling walk" from being
on ships constantly.  Thus, Sea Folk women have a reputation
of being exceptionally beautiful and tempting. *Men go barefoot
and bare-chested with tattoos.

We have hand tattoos, men have a six-pointed star on right hand
with marks of clan and line, women (
and men, perhaps, it's uncertain)
have stars and seabirds with stylized waves.

Bilgecleander through First Mate will have no more than 2 pairs
of earrings. Sailmistresses and Cargomasters have 4.  Wavemistresses
and Swordmasters have 5.  MotS and MotB have 6 pairs. Windfinders
have one less pair than their counterpart.

All female higher ranks have a nose ring attached to earrings by
chain with medallions hanging from it.  THe more medallions, the
higher the rank.  The MotS has another chain linking all six
earrings.  No men have nose rings.  Lower ranked women may, but
no chains attached to earrings.

Men (and women, but women less) wear thick gold and silver necklaces.
This is also an indication of rank.  The more, the higher the

High rank women, SM, WM, WF, and MotS wear a gold perfume box as a
necklace. It emits a musky scent.  

Wavemistresses have two-tiered red parasol and her swordmaster has
a single tiered red parasol (
Don't ask me what for!!!!) Men are

Women wear no shirts when at sea.  All sexes wear baggy breeches
held up by colorful sashes.  When near shore, women wear colorful
low-cut blouses.

Higher ranks have belt knives with gold wire inlays and decorative

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Facts, Seafolk EQ,
          Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks, Seafolk Subranks,
          Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. SF EQ List

Seafolk Equipment-------------------

[feet] A pair of caulk boots with spiked soles - +4 dex +75 move +4 dam
[feet] A silver-chased pair of black leather boots - +100move +4 damroll

[wield] An ivory handled knife with a wave-shaped blade - 5d9 dam

[shield] A crystaline blue shield with golden trim - +4 con +30 hp -40 AC
[shield] A colourful fan depicting seabirds and crashing waves - +100 hp -40 AC

[wrist] A silver bracelet with dangling fish and gull charm - +3 dex +3 con
[wrist] An intricately carved ivory bracelet - -15 ac +4/+4

[light] A hurricane lantern that glows with luminescent light - +4 dex -25 AC

[finger] A gold ring set with flower-shaped garnets - -15 ac +4/+4

[neck] A pendant in the Kandorian snowflake pattern - +2 cha -20 AC +4 luck

[head] A pair of ivory hairpins carved into diving gulls - -20 AC +4/+4
[head] An exquisite veil made of Murandian lace - +2 int +2 wis -20 AC
[head] A small pair of scholarly looking spectacles - +3 wis +50 hp -15 ac +2dr

[arms] A silver serpent that entwines the upper arm - -25 AC +2/+2

[body] A handsome vest made of gold Shaaran silk - +20 hp -15 AC +3/+3
[body] A fine shirt made of a net-like mesh material - -30 AC +7/+7

[hands] A fine pair of suede gloves lined with maroon silk - +4 int +4 wis -10 AC
[hands] A fine pair of suede gloves lined with green silk - +100 hp +100 move
[hands] Gloves of shimmering black shaaran silk - -15 AC +3 Dam

[about] A billowy cloak made of deep purple velvet - -20 ac +6 dam

[hold] A seafolk jug of water water bucket - +25 hp +3 luck
[hold] A porcelain figure - +100 mana +5 int
[hold] A set of eight ivory dice with gold pips - Rollable
[hold] An ornately carved whale tooth box - -15 ac +3 dam

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Ships,
          Seafolk Facts, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Subranks, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning


Seafolk Facts-------------------

Father of Storms - The Dark One

Non-sailors are '
shorebound' or 'shorefolk'

To honor an elder or someone of higher rank, touch fingertips to
forehead, lips and heart.

We believe Aiel kill a man a day and tie men up for sex.

Higher ranks wear sashes that are knotted intricately and hang to

When bargaining, if they come to you, you may bargain on YOUR terms,
otherwise, it is the opposite.

We trade a large amount of silk through Tear

We trade
ivory and silk that we buy from the lands beyond the Waste,
an area noone knows much about, not even us.  We are only allowed
to dock in certain harbors which are walled and closely guarded.
If any ship other than
SF, or even an SF ship that goes where it's
not allowed, disappears.

We send a few girls to the Tower so
Aes Sedai won't grow suspicious.

We rarely go on land--men weep when they must serve ashore.

We pay
Gleeman well.

It takes
7-10 days for an SF raker to sail to Tanchico from Tear.
This is very very fast.  The next fastest ship would take 15 days,
and a coasting craft up to 100.

We are divided into clans (
These will be a subrank for Wavemistresses,
Swordmasters, and 1st lvl Windfinders.  Ships are subranks for
everyone else.

We have an "
oily potion" to help those who are seasick.
The mainland is hundreds of miles to the east of Cantorin (a clan as
well as an island--for us anyways, it's uncertain in the books).
Cantorin Harbor is bowl shaped, and beyond the seawall is an inner
harbor filled with SF ships. There's a mudflat near the harbour
mouth.  The island is governed by an SF governor (we don't have
this, Mistress of the Ships will fill this position

The deepest part of the known sea is near
Aile (clan and island)

Tremalking Island has a stone hand 50n feet high holding a crystal

Also, there is a huge female statue which is a sa'angreal on
Tremalking.  It has a male twin in Cairhien.

We believe that we must be born and die on water, so a woman will find
any way to be on water to give birth--whether it be on ship or rowboat.
Corpses are given a burial at sea.

We refuse to cross the
Aryth Ocean because we say the Islands of the
Dead are on the other side (
I'm not sure how this would apply to        
mudlife, but hey! it's good to know, eh?  *smile*

We refer to our ships as masculine (
the reason why is in book 4 which
I don't happen to have with me.  It's chapter twenty something...

We do not charge for passage, we _require_ a gift of a value that is
equal to the gift of passage.  Also, we very very rarely accept
Aes Sedai passengers and this decision (as with the decision to
carry ANY passenger
) is made by the Windfinder of the vessel, as
she is the one in danger.  
Aes Sedai do not know of Windfinders,
so the
WF decides whether or not to put herself in danger of
being discovered.

We never take a ship further from the open sea than the nearest port.

The crew of a ship is half female, half male.

Sailmistress and Windfinder of one vessel would honor their
counter-parts on another vessel by bathing together, serving
honeyed wine, and telling stories.

Touching the heart with the fingertips is the salute of a
Bilgecleaner through First Mate for us)

Kissing one's fingertips and touching them to another's lips is a
gesture of honor between lovers, family members, and very close

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Ships,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Subranks, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. SF Ranking

Seafolk Ranks--------------------

Bilgecleaner - This is only for demotion, so don't get in trouble!!

Seafolk Child - Only for those who wish to RP as Seafolk children.

Deckhand - Beginner's rank.

Lookout - The next rank up, they watch the seas.

Sailor - Next rank up.

Shipmate - Next rank up.

Second Mate - Next rank up.

First Mate -  Next rank up.

Assistant Deckmaster - Assists the Deckmaster.

Assistant Deckmaster - In charge of the deck.

Cargomaster - This is the husband/partner of the Sailmistresses. He takes
care of trade and defense of the ship, as well as responsibilities that
the SM delegates to him.

Sailmistress - She decides when and where the ship goes.

Assistant Windfinder - She assists the Windfinder, and trains to possibly
be one some day.

Windfinder to the Shipmistress - She weaves the winds for the ship, and defers
to the SM, BUT she decides who may or may not have the gift of passage.

Swordmaster - He has the same duties as Cargomaster, but is a higher

Wavemistress - A WM may also be a Sailmistress, but Wavemistresses
generally are the head of a clan.  A good WM may be both, though.

Master of the Blades - He controls all Cargomasters and Swordmasters.
He takes care of trade and defense for the Mistress of the Ships.

Mistress of the Ships - She is as a queen or ruler to the Sea Folk.

Elder - Retired Seafolk.

Alright, what is different here is that you will work in groups of
three, once you gain rank.  You really can't become a Sailmistress
without a Cargomaster and a Windfinder.  Then all lower ranks will be
assigned to a particular ship and will be required to report to you.
Sound good?  Well, the SF are known to be EXTEMELY rigid about rank, so
we will have to have a very strict pecking order here.  Bear in mind that
you're going to have to make your char in order to fit a certain role.
Only Windfinders can channel and Cargomasters/Swordmasters must be good
defenders/traders.  (Sailmistresses who can channel will be allowed for
now, but you'd better not channel icly.  That's for your Windfinder)
Oh yeah, no male channelers!  (at least not icly!) If you really want
a channeler, just keep it a secret and it shouldn't be a problem.  

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Facts,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Subranks,
          Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. SF Sayings

Seafolk Sayings------------------

The Light be merciful to all who sail."

If it pleases the Light.."

The Light see us to safe docking"

"The wave that has passed cannot be called back."

"A split sail is split."

"If it pleases the Light, all will be will, all will be well, and all
manner of things will be well, if it pleases the Light."

"I'll hoist them in their own rigging!"

"The Light illumine his/her soul, and the waters take him/her peacefully."

"The Light illumine you and your vessel, and send the winds to speed you."

"By the nine winds and Stormbringer's beard!"

"The welcome of my ship to you and the grace of the Light be upon you
until you leave his decks."

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Facts,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Subranks, Seafolk Clans

:: Beginning


Seafolk Ships--------------------

Darter -  A small one to two mast ship.

Soarer -  A small sleek Sea Folk ship, with two masts
raked back sharply and spars laid across
them squarely.  Soarers are fast and usually
quite agile.

Raker -   A larger Sea Folk ship (easily a hundred
paces long), with three towering masts amidships,
and one shorter one on the raised sterndeck.
It has a very narrow body. (similar to a giant

Skimmer - A large Sea Folk ship, usually similar in length
to a Raker, but much wider with three masts.

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Facts,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Subranks, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. SF Subranking

Seafolk Subranks--------------------

Windfinder Trainee-

-Retired Windfinder

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Facts,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. SF Subranks

Seafolk Subranks--------------------

Windfinder Trainee-

-Retired Windfinder

See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Descriptions, Seafolk Facts,
          Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks,
          Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings

:: Beginning

.:. SHA

The Asha'man Guild consists of the Lord Dragon Reborn's male channelers and
those who live around them on the grounds of the Black Tower. They are the only
source of training for male channelers except for the Shadow. The Asha'man
themselves are easily recognizable by their pure black uniforms and the pins at
the collar of their officers and underofficers. They have a fearsome reputation
because the Taint upon Saidin meant that they were destined to go mad, and few
want to be around someone so powerful when they may become insane at any moment.

Those wishing to join the Asha'man must do the following:

* Have a clear understanding of the Wheel of Time channeling system, or be
willing to learn.

* Be a male channeler.

* Have a description which fits into the world of the Wheel of Time.

* Submit a character background for approval by the Asha'man leadership.
Send all background submissions to the GL via mudmail.

* RP with and get the sponsorship of one Asha'man ranked Soldier or above.
The more sponsors, the better.

Anyone wishing to play some member of the Black Tower besides an Asha'man
should send an application to the GL. (Check wizlist or GLList)

For all backgrounds, please remember that men who have channeled before joining
the Asha'man are a rarity. Most men simply wish to serve the Lord Dragon or
take advantage of the Amnesty he has proclaimed. Also, please try to stay away
from stereotypical backgrounds involving killing the Trollocs who slaughtered
your family and fleeing the scene with your family's jeweled sword and hidden
stash of coin.

Template Show 2 also has information on the seeking process for the Asha'man guild.

See Also: Black Tower, Channeling, Saidin, Wilder, Latent

:: Beginning


This is a command only available to those in the Forsaken guild.
It is a form of invisibility that cannot be seen through by any

> shadowmeld

:: Beginning


This is a command only available to those in the Forsaken guild.
It is a form of invisibility that cannot be seen through by any

> shadowmeld

:: Beginning

.:. Shadowspawn

Bizzare creations of twisted minds among the Shadow's minions,
shadowspawn are near mindless automatons, the shock troops and
general army of the Shadow. Some possess the ability to fly,
others are capable of walking through the very shaodws themselves,
while still others are near indestructable or possess superhuman
strength. Legends surrounding the shadowspawn are vast and often
used to terrorize little children into minding their elders.

Joining the Shadowspawn
Shadowspawn characters can exist in the game, however, they are
"pre-made" character files which are the property of the Shadow
Department. No one may apply to play a shadowspawn from creation.

There are times when it may be appropriate for an existing character
to "become" shadowspawn, but this is an extremely rare occurance.

If you have interest in playing a shadowspawn, contact the Shadow
Immortals via mudmail for the most up-to-date situation regarding
shadowspawn availability or watch for public posts on the proj show.

:: Beginning


Usage: <score>

The SCORE command displays a great deal of useful information about
your character. Multiguild affiliations, Life, Endurance, Stats, Flows,
EXP to your next level, Practices, Questpoints, Gold, etc.

See also: Levels, Stats, Training, Flows

:: Beginning


Shops are places where the adventurer may purchase equipment for his quests,
and where he may sell his treasure if he should manage to survive the perils
with his life and sanity intact. Many shops trade only in a specific type of
merchandise. Thus, a baker may well refuse to buy your armor, even if it is of
high quality!

To some people, the prospect of obtaining the entire inventory of a shop by
murdering the keeper may appear tempting - but beware: The shopkeepers are
often rugged, capable men; roughened by years of trading and, indeed, surviving
in a world where the only safe prospect is death in the end.

See also: Buy, Sell, Shops, Value

:: Beginning


Shout is currently disabled.

:: Beginning

.:. SHOW

Immortals Only

show <mode> [argument]

The SHOW command displays information.  Some modes of show require additional
information, such as a player name.  Show without any arguments shows a list
of valid modes.

See also: Stat, Showskill

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

showskills <victim>

The SHOWSKILLS command displays the skills/spells/talents of a player.

> showskills delgrades

forms <victim>

The FORMS command displays the forms of a player.

> forms delgrades

See also: Stat

:: Beginning

.:. showsticky


slapsticky <message>
showsticky <number>
yanksticky <number>

Sticknotes are a way for Immortals to leave notes in certain rooms for
themselves, or others to see. I. E. A reminder for a trigger to be
made. SLAPSTICKY will automatically put you into the editor for a
stickynote's message, or you can type your message in right after the
command. (i. e. slapsticky I need a trigger here.) SHOWSTICKY will list
all stickynotes in the room that you are in, where SHOWSTICKY # will
show you the particular sticky note of that number. YANKSTICKY <#> will
delete the sticky note with that number.

:: Beginning


Just to prevent accidental quittings and/or shutdowns.
This command doesn't DO anything, it simply is.

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

shutdown shuts the MUD down. It no longer as or accepts any arguments.
The MUD will stay down for 15 seconds, and then attempt to reboot via the
auto-run script. If you do not wish the MUD to try and reboot someone with
code access must go in and kill the process 'autorun'.

:: Beginning


Multiguild Guildskill

This skill allows the user to send a signal that will be heard throughout the
zone that he/she is in. It is a completely IC skill, and its use is considered
IC. Any guild using it designates its own system of signals to be employed
its members. The signal is in the form of a horn, with x long notes being
sounded, and y short notes being sounded.

USAGE: signal <# of long notes> <# of short notes>
EXAMPLE: signal 1 2

:: Beginning

.:. Silver Crown

The official monetary system for the Wheel of Time according to Robert Jordan
himself (remember, of course, that coins of the same denomination from different
countries are often different weights and hence, different values):

10 copper pennies = one silver penny.
100 silver pennies = one silver mark.
10 silver marks   = one silver crown.
10 silver crowns  = one gold mark.
10 gold marks     = one gold crown.

A Moment in Tyme currently uses 'gold' as the monetary unit.  This does not
translate nicely to Wheel of Time terms and will be changed in the future.

The command to see how much gold you have on hand is:  gold

> gold
You have 500 gold marks.

See also: Bank, Shops, List

:: Beginning

.:. Silver Mark

The official monetary system for the Wheel of Time according to Robert Jordan
himself (remember, of course, that coins of the same denomination from different
countries are often different weights and hence, different values):

10 copper pennies = one silver penny.
100 silver pennies = one silver mark.
10 silver marks   = one silver crown.
10 silver crowns  = one gold mark.
10 gold marks     = one gold crown.

A Moment in Tyme currently uses 'gold' as the monetary unit.  This does not
translate nicely to Wheel of Time terms and will be changed in the future.

The command to see how much gold you have on hand is:  gold

> gold
You have 500 gold marks.

See also: Bank, Shops, List

:: Beginning

.:. Silver Pennies

The official monetary system for the Wheel of Time according to Robert Jordan
himself (remember, of course, that coins of the same denomination from different
countries are often different weights and hence, different values):

10 copper pennies = one silver penny.
100 silver pennies = one silver mark.
10 silver marks   = one silver crown.
10 silver crowns  = one gold mark.
10 gold marks     = one gold crown.

A Moment in Tyme currently uses 'gold' as the monetary unit.  This does not
translate nicely to Wheel of Time terms and will be changed in the future.

The command to see how much gold you have on hand is:  gold

> gold
You have 500 gold marks.

See also: Bank, Shops, List

:: Beginning

.:. Silver Penny

The official monetary system for the Wheel of Time according to Robert Jordan
himself (remember, of course, that coins of the same denomination from different
countries are often different weights and hence, different values):

10 copper pennies = one silver penny.
100 silver pennies = one silver mark.
10 silver marks   = one silver crown.
10 silver crowns  = one gold mark.
10 gold marks     = one gold crown.

A Moment in Tyme currently uses 'gold' as the monetary unit.  This does not
translate nicely to Wheel of Time terms and will be changed in the future.

The command to see how much gold you have on hand is:  gold

> gold
You have 500 gold marks.

See also: Bank, Shops, List

:: Beginning

.:. SIP

None of the Eat, Drink, Sip or Taste commands have any bearing
on the MUD as all Hunger/Thirst code was removed from the game.

:: Beginning

.:. SIT

These are used to change your position. While you are sitting,
resting or sleeping, you will regain Life and Endurance at an
increased rate, with sleeping being the fastest. If sleeping,
you must wake, and then stand in order to get up. If sitting or
resting, simply standing will suffice.

See also: Life, Endurance

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

sitefor <victim>

Displays the site for the specified player.

:: Beginning


Skills and weaves sometimes have requirements that must be
met in order for a player to be able to learn that skill or
weave. Requiring a player to sometimes have to learn other
skills/weaves before they are able to learn one that is more
advanced. To see the requirements (if any) of a skill/weave
you desire, use the <inform> command.

See also: Inform

:: Beginning


Skills and weaves sometimes have requirements that must be
met in order for a player to be able to learn that skill or
weave. Requiring a player to sometimes have to learn other
skills/weaves before they are able to learn one that is more
advanced. To see the requirements (if any) of a skill/weave
you desire, use the <inform> command.

See also: Inform

:: Beginning


Skills and weaves sometimes have requirements that must be
met in order for a player to be able to learn that skill or
weave. Requiring a player to sometimes have to learn other
skills/weaves before they are able to learn one that is more
advanced. To see the requirements (if any) of a skill/weave
you desire, use the <inform> command.

See also: Inform

:: Beginning


The skills on a Moment in Tyme represent the degree of ability your
character has to perform certain actions. Things like Sneak, which
represents your ability to move stealthily. If this skill is at a
low percentage, it means you do not have very much skill at stealth
and should Roleplay your character accordingly. Skills are all taught
player to player. You need only Roleplay to learn them, if you can
find a willing teacher.

All characters must have in code any skill they roleplay having the
ability to use.  If you do not have a code skill listed, you cannot RP
having the skill.  Check your list of skills by simply typing 'skills'.

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

setskill <victim> '<skill>' <value>

SETSKILL sets a player's ability in a skill/spell to the specified value.

> setskill hazezon 'kick' 90

See also: Set

:: Beginning

.:. slapsticky


slapsticky <message>
showsticky <number>
yanksticky <number>

Sticknotes are a way for Immortals to leave notes in certain rooms for
themselves, or others to see. I. E. A reminder for a trigger to be
made. SLAPSTICKY will automatically put you into the editor for a
stickynote's message, or you can type your message in right after the
command. (i. e. slapsticky I need a trigger here.) SHOWSTICKY will list
all stickynotes in the room that you are in, where SHOWSTICKY # will
show you the particular sticky note of that number. YANKSTICKY <#> will
delete the sticky note with that number.

:: Beginning

.:. SLAY

Immortals Only

slay <victim>

SLAY chops the victim to little pieces, sending him to the Palm of the
Creator.  The victim loses 5000 experience points and all the gold he is

SLAY should only be used in disciplinary cases, and then only with extreme

See also: Purge

:: Beginning


These are used to change your position. While you are sitting,
resting or sleeping, you will regain Life and Endurance at an
increased rate, with sleeping being the fastest. If sleeping,
you must wake, and then stand in order to get up. If sitting or
resting, simply standing will suffice.

See also: Life, Endurance

:: Beginning


Slicing a weave is a defensive technique that interrupts another channeler's weave by severing the flows used to create it.  This results in a snap-back that physically impacts the channeler whose weave has been sliced.  The construction of the slicing weave varies by channeler gender.

For code purposes, when implemented, a channeler activating the autocut toggle will automatically attempt to slice, or cut, any incoming, hostile weaves.

See also: Autocut

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

Toggles the nameserver_is_slow setting.  See circle/src/config.c for
more information.

:: Beginning


This talent allows one so gifted to actually sniff out violence
and track those who have hurt or killed through violent means.
It is available only through application. Inquiries towards
gaining this talent should be directed to the Storytelling Imms.

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

Snoop allows you to listen in on another player's session; everything the
player sees or types will be displayed on your terminal preceded by a '%'.

Obviously, there are many ethical considerations to the use of this command;
snoop should be used minimally, and only for disciplinary purposes.

Type snoop <your name> to stop snooping.

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

Snowball is just a social -- it prints a funny message, and nothing more.

:: Beginning


Socials in this day and age on Moments in Tyme are Out of Character,
for the most part. Very few people, if any, use them to actually
express their character's actions or attitude in an IC manner. It
is much prefered to EMOTE or PEMOTE these things instead. Socials
are better used for OOC fun among friends. For a list of the MUDs
socials, simply type <socials>.

> <social> <victim>
You may type socials without a target, with another player as the
target, or with
<self> as the target, to use the social on yourself.

See also: Emote, Pemote

:: Beginning


See: Help Channeling for more information on this subject.

:: Beginning


In order to move from place to place on this MUD there are six
directions you need to be very familiar with. UP, DOWN, EAST, WEST,
NORTH, and SOUTH. These will take you in whichever direction you
want, assuming there is an exit in that direction from the room you
are currently in. These can all be abreviated to: n, s, e, w, u d.

See also: Move, Stats

:: Beginning

.:. SP

Bizzare creations of twisted minds among the Shadow's minions,
shadowspawn are near mindless automatons, the shock troops and
general army of the Shadow. Some possess the ability to fly,
others are capable of walking through the very shaodws themselves,
while still others are near indestructable or possess superhuman
strength. Legends surrounding the shadowspawn are vast and often
used to terrorize little children into minding their elders.

Joining the Shadowspawn
Shadowspawn characters can exist in the game, however, they are
"pre-made" character files which are the property of the Shadow
Department. No one may apply to play a shadowspawn from creation.

There are times when it may be appropriate for an existing character
to "become" shadowspawn, but this is an extremely rare occurance.

If you have interest in playing a shadowspawn, contact the Shadow
Immortals via mudmail for the most up-to-date situation regarding
shadowspawn availability or watch for public posts on the proj show.

:: Beginning

.:. SPAM

See 'policy playnice'.

Have a nice day.

See also:  Policy Playnice

:: Beginning


Any man or woman who has touched the One Power without having been guided
and taught the proper way to channel, is referred to as a Wilder. These
people have "blocks" in order to prevent them from accessing their abilities
consciously, and they cannot channel voluntarily until and unless it is broken.
Those who would become Wilders in time, but have not yet touched the One Power
are known as

The "blockbreak" skill is only able to be gained by channelers guilded in
the channeling guilds. However, if you find someone willing to roleplay
breaking your block you do not have to be guilded in order to have it

See also: Channeler, Channeling, Latent

:: Beginning

.:. Spell Firestorm

Please use syntax
inform 'firestorm' for information about this weave.

:: Beginning

.:. Spell Glamour

Please use syntax
inform 'glamour' for information on this weave.

:: Beginning

.:. Spell Implode

Please use syntax
inform 'implode' to see information about this weave.

Implode is reserved for use by the Asha'man guild.

:: Beginning

.:. Spell Infrigidation

Please use syntax
inform 'infrigidation' for information on this weave.

:: Beginning

.:. Spell Invigorate

Please use syntax
inform 'invigorate' for information on this weave.

:: Beginning

.:. Spell Mirror of Mists

Mirror of Mists--------------------
Please use syntax
inform 'mirror of mists' for information on this weave.

:: Beginning


Skills and weaves sometimes have requirements that must be
met in order for a player to be able to learn that skill or
weave. Requiring a player to sometimes have to learn other
skills/weaves before they are able to learn one that is more
advanced. To see the requirements (if any) of a skill/weave
you desire, use the <inform> command.

See also: Inform

:: Beginning


Skills and weaves sometimes have requirements that must be
met in order for a player to be able to learn that skill or
weave. Requiring a player to sometimes have to learn other
skills/weaves before they are able to learn one that is more
advanced. To see the requirements (if any) of a skill/weave
you desire, use the <inform> command.

See also: Inform

:: Beginning


Skills and weaves sometimes have requirements that must be
met in order for a player to be able to learn that skill or
weave. Requiring a player to sometimes have to learn other
skills/weaves before they are able to learn one that is more
advanced. To see the requirements (if any) of a skill/weave
you desire, use the <inform> command.

See also: Inform

:: Beginning

.:. Spell Sap Energy

Sap Energy--------------------
Please use syntax
inform 'sap energy' for information on this weave.

:: Beginning

.:. Spell Turn Fate

Turn Fate--------------------

Please use syntax inform 'turn fate' for information on this weave.

:: Beginning

.:. Spell Twist Fate

Twist Fate--------------------
Please use syntax
inform 'twist fate' for information on this weave.

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

spellinfo '<spell>'

This command displays information about a spell or skill.  It is more
powerful than Inform.

:: Beginning


If you posess the ability to channel you can learn various weaves,
magical spells. In order to learn a weave, you must first make sure
you meet its preconditions, then you must find a teacher. Weaves
and other channeling skills are taught player to player.

See also: Skills

:: Beginning


Your flowstrengths reflect your proficiency in the five flows (air, water,
spirit, fire, earth).  Generally, men are stronger in fire and earth, and  
women are stronger in air and water.  Flowstrengths are used as preconditions
for various spells.

Air:    Air is used to gain spells such as wrap, gag, etc.
Water:  Water is the flow needed for spells like create water, waterwalk, and so on.
Spirit: Spirit is needed to use such spells as shield, gentle, etc.
Earth:  Earth is required for weaves along the lines of earthquake.
Fire:   Fire is the flow needed to manipulate spells such as slice weave, fireball, etc.

The higher your flows are, the better. Higher flows allow you to cut weaves
much easier. So, for example, if someone attempted to weave wrap upon you
and their flow of Air was lower than yours, you would stand a greater chance
of slicing their weave than they would have at succeeding at it. That is,
of course, if you have the slice weave spell.

To raise a flow from:
1  - 10     1 practice raises 3 points
11 - 20     1 practice raises 2 points
21 - 30     1 practice raises 1 point
31 - 40     2 practices raises 1 point
41 - 50     3 practices raises 1 point

See also: Training, Stats, Score

:: Beginning


Sponsoring allows a guild member to sponsor seekers who might be
seeking their guild. You can sponsor someone whether they are
online or not, or withdraw your sponsorship if you change your mind.
Sponsorship now has a score that you assign any given seeker
that pertains to what level of quality you think they have. The
score ranges from 1 to 5. It is up to your GL to assign the meanings
to these numbers.

> sponsor <player> <score>

> sponsor loth 5
This would sponsor Loth with a score of 5, be that good or bad.
You can change your
score at any time.

> sponsor loth
Entering the same command without entering the
score removes
your sponsorship of the player.

For GLs Only:
The workings of '
sponsor <name> <score>' are the
same for GLs, as for non-GLs. However, if a GL enters
<sponsor name>
with no
score argument, the results depend on whether the person
is in your guild. In addition to this, a GL has a few extra commands
available pertaining to seekers.

> sponsor <guildmember>
This toggles a guild member's sponsorship rights.

> sponsor <seeker> <auth|unauth|pending>
This sets the status of a seeking member. 'Pending' is the default
when a seeker begins seeking the guild. The GL must set them to
'Auth' or 'Unauth'. If set at 'Unauth' then any sponsoring is

> sponsor <seeker> clean
Entering this, a GL will forcibly remove a seeker from their
seeker lists altogether, along with any sponsors the seeker had
from the database.

Any seeker who joins their sought after guild will be automatically
'cleaned' from the seeker lists in the database.

See also: Seek, Sponsor

:: Beginning


Sponsoring allows a guild member to sponsor seekers who might be
seeking their guild. You can sponsor someone whether they are
online or not, or withdraw your sponsorship if you change your mind.
Sponsorship now has a score that you assign any given seeker
that pertains to what level of quality you think they have. The
score ranges from 1 to 5. It is up to your GL to assign the meanings
to these numbers.

> sponsor <player> <score>

> sponsor loth 5
This would sponsor Loth with a score of 5, be that good or bad.
You can change your
score at any time.

> sponsor loth
Entering the same command without entering the
score removes
your sponsorship of the player.

For GLs Only:
The workings of '
sponsor <name> <score>' are the
same for GLs, as for non-GLs. However, if a GL enters
<sponsor name>
with no
score argument, the results depend on whether the person
is in your guild. In addition to this, a GL has a few extra commands
available pertaining to seekers.

> sponsor <guildmember>
This toggles a guild member's sponsorship rights.

> sponsor <seeker> <auth|unauth|pending>
This sets the status of a seeking member. 'Pending' is the default
when a seeker begins seeking the guild. The GL must set them to
'Auth' or 'Unauth'. If set at 'Unauth' then any sponsoring is

> sponsor <seeker> clean
Entering this, a GL will forcibly remove a seeker from their
seeker lists altogether, along with any sponsors the seeker had
from the database.

Any seeker who joins their sought after guild will be automatically
'cleaned' from the seeker lists in the database.

See also: Seek, Sponsor

:: Beginning


Sponsoring allows a guild member to sponsor seekers who might be
seeking their guild. You can sponsor someone whether they are
online or not, or withdraw your sponsorship if you change your mind.
Sponsorship now has a score that you assign any given seeker
that pertains to what level of quality you think they have. The
score ranges from 1 to 5. It is up to your GL to assign the meanings
to these numbers.

> sponsor <player> <score>

> sponsor loth 5
This would sponsor Loth with a score of 5, be that good or bad.
You can change your
score at any time.

> sponsor loth
Entering the same command without entering the
score removes
your sponsorship of the player.

For GLs Only:
The workings of '
sponsor <name> <score>' are the
same for GLs, as for non-GLs. However, if a GL enters
<sponsor name>
with no
score argument, the results depend on whether the person
is in your guild. In addition to this, a GL has a few extra commands
available pertaining to seekers.

> sponsor <guildmember>
This toggles a guild member's sponsorship rights.

> sponsor <seeker> <auth|unauth|pending>
This sets the status of a seeking member. 'Pending' is the default
when a seeker begins seeking the guild. The GL must set them to
'Auth' or 'Unauth'. If set at 'Unauth' then any sponsoring is

> sponsor <seeker> clean
Entering this, a GL will forcibly remove a seeker from their
seeker lists altogether, along with any sponsors the seeker had
from the database.

Any seeker who joins their sought after guild will be automatically
'cleaned' from the seeker lists in the database.

See also: Seek, Sponsor

:: Beginning

.:. Staff


  This skill allows you to wield polearms effectively.  Your
performance with a polearm depends on your ability is in this
skill.  Without this skill, polearms aren't even worth wielding.

:: Beginning


Your stance determines how aggressively or defensively you fight.
For more information on stances, see <help combat stance>

:: Beginning


These are used to change your position. While you are sitting,
resting or sleeping, you will regain Life and Endurance at an
increased rate, with sleeping being the fastest. If sleeping,
you must wake, and then stand in order to get up. If sitting or
resting, simply standing will suffice.

See also: Life, Endurance

:: Beginning

.:. STAT

Immortals Only

STAT [player|object|mobile|file] <name>

Gives information about players, monsters, and objects in the game.  The type
argument is optional.

STAT PLAYER will search only for players; useful for statting people with lame
names such as Red or Cityguard.

STAT OBJECT will search only for objects.

STAT MOBILE will search only for monsters.

STAT FILE is used to stat players who are not logged in; the information
displayed comes from the playerfile.

> stat fido
> stat player red
> stat mobile red
> stat file cheesyboy
> stat object heron

See also: Vstat, Showskill

:: Beginning


The following groups contain the 'Mission Statements' for each
of the Immortal Departments of A Moment in Tyme. Those Mission
Statements being the goals and duties of each given department.

Builder-Mission   - Mission Statement for the Building Department
                    (syntax: 'Help Builder-Mission)
WM-Mission        - Mission Statement for the Weaponmastery Department
                    (syntax: 'Help WM-Mission)

*More Coming Soon

:: Beginning


Your stats, statistics, affect quite a bit about your character.
They define your character, and determine in code what are your
character's strengths and weaknesses. If you have low Strength,
your character is rather weak. If you have high Dexterity, you
might be more nimble than most. Since the conversion to MM3, stats
have undergone a rather sizable overhaul. These are the stats and
their general affects.

Strength: This affects your character's overall strength, making you
          hit harder in battle, be able to carry more weight, as well
          as wear heavier armor.

Dexterity: This makes you naturally more difficult to hit in combat. It
           affects your speed and agility and precision. In relation to
           code combat, it serves to increase your Combat Points. In
           addition, a raising DEX allows you to hold more items in your

Constitution: This affects your Life and Endurance, giving you more Stamina
              allowing you to last longer during battle and take more wounds,
              yet continue fighting regardless. For Channelers, Endurance will
              affect how much you can Channel, how many Weaves you can cast
              before exausting yourself.

See also: Training, Levels, Flows, Score

:: Beginning


Your stats, statistics, affect quite a bit about your character.
They define your character, and determine in code what are your
character's strengths and weaknesses. If you have low Strength,
your character is rather weak. If you have high Dexterity, you
might be more nimble than most. Since the conversion to MM3, stats
have undergone a rather sizable overhaul. These are the stats and
their general affects.

Strength: This affects your character's overall strength, making you
          hit harder in battle, be able to carry more weight, as well
          as wear heavier armor.

Dexterity: This makes you naturally more difficult to hit in combat. It
           affects your speed and agility and precision. In relation to
           code combat, it serves to increase your Combat Points. In
           addition, a raising DEX allows you to hold more items in your

Constitution: This affects your Life and Endurance, giving you more Stamina
              allowing you to last longer during battle and take more wounds,
              yet continue fighting regardless. For Channelers, Endurance will
              affect how much you can Channel, how many Weaves you can cast
              before exausting yourself.

See also: Training, Levels, Flows, Score

:: Beginning

.:. Staves


  This skill allows you to wield polearms effectively.  Your
performance with a polearm depends on your ability is in this
skill.  Without this skill, polearms aren't even worth wielding.

:: Beginning


Steal is a skill that allows a player to take items out of the
inventory of another player or mob. Steal is a hostile action,
however. If you fail, the consequences may be substantial, so
use with caution.

> steal <item> <target>
> steal gold loth

See also: Lockpicking

:: Beginning


Shae'en M'taal (Stone Dogs)
The Stone Dogs are most often used as rear guard for retreating
armies. They will fight to the very end,
never leaving the scene
of a battle
if there are other forces there, unless ordered to do

:: Beginning

.:. Stones

The unit of weight measurement in the Wheel of Time series was as follows:

10 ounces = 1 pound
10 pounds = 1 stone
10 stone  = 1 hundredweight
10 hundredweight = 1 ton

While this makes calculations easier, it does not allow measurements to be easily
understood by players/readers.  In order to make things more comparable to real
world weights, A Moment in Tyme has adopted British Imperial units for weight:

16 drams  = 1 ounce
16 ounces = 1 pound
14 pounds = 1 stone
8 stone  = 1 hundredweight
20 hundredweight = 1 ton

These match up with real world weights very closely so you can better comprehend
the units being used.  To convert between book units and our units, we assume
that one 'pound' in the Wheel of Time world matches one 'pound' in the real
world, thus it is the other units that need to be converted.

:: Beginning



Storytellers are basically Event Immortals made mortals, governed
by the Event Department as basically a sub-guild of the department.
They will set the requirements and policies to become one, but the
commands for a storyteller are as follows:

questadd  <name>      (add someone to the current quest)
questrem  <name>      (remove someone from the current quest)
questlock <on/off>    (turns the questlock on or off)
questend              (ends the quest)

echo  <message>       (sends a message to the room you are in)
zecho <message>       (sends a message to the zone you are in)
qecho <message>       (sends a message to the quest you are in)

story <questor>       (allows you to trans someone in your quest to your room)

SEE ALSO: quest, echo


:: Beginning

.:. STR

Raising this statistic makes a player hit harder in battle
as well as enables them to carry more weight and wear heavier
armor and wield heavier weapons and shields.

See also: Stats, Training

:: Beginning


Raising this statistic makes a player hit harder in battle
as well as enables them to carry more weight and wear heavier
armor and wield heavier weapons and shields.

See also: Stats, Training

:: Beginning

.:. Strength Talent

Skills Gainable with this talent:
Bash            - No additional requirements
Disarm          - Also requires the Agility & the Speed talents
Enhanced Damage - No additional requirements

  This talent allows you to gain skills that increase your strength,
making you able to perform certain tasks that people who are less
strong could not.

See Also:  Nonchanneling Talents, Speed, Agility, Bash,
           Disarm, Enhanced Damage

:: Beginning


Subdue allows for you to fight another player and, instead of
killing them, it allows you to capture them.  When a player
is subdued, they will follow you and cannot leave, attack,
or otherwise create difficulties for you.  'subdue' toggles
whether you will capture or kill in pfights.

Subdue only affects players -- mobs can neither subdue nor
be subdued.  However, mobs summoned by players will
subdue if the player controling them has subude on.

> subdue
This toggles whether or not you will subdue. Type it again to
toggle it back on or off.

See also: Freeplayer

:: Beginning


Multiguilds are specific organizations that have grouped together based
on common beliefs, goals, or heritage. For a list of multiguilds, both
for Immortals as well as Mortals, type 'multiguild'.

GLs can also use the 'multiguild' command to see all the options available
to them for administration of their guild rosters, including changing the
ranks, subranks, membership, and more.

To see the seeking requirements and information of all our multiguilds,
type 'template list' for the full index, then 'template show #' for the
specific guild in which you are interested.

To see who leads which guilds, type 'gllist'.  See the Guild Immortal
for any guilds without a mortal guildleader, or with any other questions
about the multiguilds.

:: Beginning

.:. Summon

   The summon command lets you make up a list of your "trusted" friends.
You can put as many of people in that list as you like: that allows
everyone on that list to "summon" you to their roleplaying (which
works like the Immortal command trans) and their room at any point.
   This is made to be a RP-assisting tool, allowing people to find RP
with the other RP tools ("where", "rpseek", the (RP) flags of
the who list), and be promptly brought into roleplaying sessions without
having to find their way - especially while skills like track are
in shorter supply.
   Obviously, this is an OOC command. There's no weird OP-trick that
brings people to distant rooms ICly, it conveys no knowledge without
other IC means, etc - you know the drill.

   More detailed syntax:
summon lets you see the list of the people you've put in your list.
summon <character> lets you transfer a character into your room,
provided they have placed you into their trusted summoners' list.
summon list <character> lets you put a new character into your
trusted summoner list, or remove them if they are already there - it is
a toggle.

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

sweet <victim>

SWEET is used to charm others into obeying your commands.  The only way to
unsweeten someone is to UNAFFECT them.

See also: Order

:: Beginning

.:. SWIM

Swim has very little use on the MUD. There are certain rooms where
they are flagged as having water and your character will swim across
instead of wading, struggling, waddling, etc. However, other than this
it is purely a skill that should be associated with your character ICly.

:: Beginning


Every player has two descriptions.  Your current one, which is what
other players see, and your alternate, which no one besides yourself
can see.  Use this command to swap your Current with your Alternate.
To edit your alternate, first type SWITCHDESC and then DESCRIPTION.
This will edit the Current description.

> switchdesc

See also: Description, Glance

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

The SYSLOG command controls how detailed of an on-line system log you see.
Messages surrounded by '[' and ']' are syslog messages and are in green
if you have color on.

The messages you receive are level dependent.

syslog <off | brief | normal | complete>

> syslog complete
> syslog off

See also: COLOR

:: Beginning


An Immortal is a player that has been elevated to a special status.
Immortals keep the mud together for the players to have more fun.

The imms are divided into departments, the tag in front of their names
indicating the dept.

[Implementor] Duren
[Head Builder] Ayasha
[Guild Imm] Rissa

To see a list of all the current Immortal players, enter 'wizlist.'

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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