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Your race is basically your region of origin. Your character may be
from any point in the known world you desire, so long as it is IC.
However, some rules do apply. For instance, if you wish to Roleplay
a character from Seandar you would have to gain approval from the
Seanchan Guild Leaders, and probably be guilded to their Multiguild
as well. If you think your character infringes into the realm of
a certain guild, it may be wise to speak to that guild's GL before
beginning to RP your character.

Also note that it would likely be unwise to attempt to RP a character
from places like Shara, or the Land of the Madmen (from the Wot Guide:
the big white book) since there is no evidence that they had any contact
with the people of Randland in general. Sharans kept to their own lands
and only had contact with Aiel or Seafolk, whenever the two races went
TO Shara.

:: Beginning

.:. RAID

Immortals Only

RAID allows you to toggle between the two alternate descriptions of a room.
Not all rooms have a raid description.

> raid

:: Beginning

.:. RANK

Multiguilds are specific organizations that have grouped together based
on common beliefs, goals, or heritage. For a list of multiguilds, both
for Immortals as well as Mortals, type 'multiguild'.

GLs can also use the 'multiguild' command to see all the options available
to them for administration of their guild rosters, including changing the
ranks, subranks, membership, and more.

To see the seeking requirements and information of all our multiguilds,
type 'template list' for the full index, then 'template show #' for the
specific guild in which you are interested.

To see who leads which guilds, type 'gllist'.  See the Guild Immortal
for any guilds without a mortal guildleader, or with any other questions
about the multiguilds.

:: Beginning


Syntax:  ratehelp <rating> <helpfile>

Where <rating> is a whole number between 1 and 5.  1 being poor, 5 being very good.  You may change your rating at any time, and ratings for a gievn help file may be cleared once that file has been updated.

Example: ratehelp 1 badfile

:: Beginning

.:. READ

There are quite a few things to read on the MUD. But the READ
command works only on things like mail, or notes that you might
pick up. There are various languages as well, such as Ogier or
Old Tongue, Trolloc or Common. If you wish to read any of these
languages, you need to have the "read <language>" skill.

To read a mail or a note, simply type:
read <item> or read <2.item> etc.

Going right along with the READ command is the
WRITE command.

In order to write a note you need a blank piece of paper or parchment
and a pen of some sort in your inventory. If you know a specific language
you may write in it.

> write ogier parchment quill
At this point you'll be asked to type in the text of your note.

Also note that you cannot use a specific language to send MUDmail, nor
do you need any language skills to read MUDmail.

See also: Boards, Mudmail

:: Beginning

.:. Read Ogier

-------------------Read Ogier--------------------
  This skill allows you to read messages and notes written in the
Ogier language.

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

reboot <'*'|file>

REBOOT is used to load text files such as the MOTD from disk into memory.
REBOOT * reads all text files.  Valid files are:

:: Beginning


This command allows you to transport yourself to various places
rather than walking there. Anyone can recall and it does not
stop working after certain levels. Note that recall is an OOC
action and cannot be used to escape an IC situation such as
hostile Roleplay.

> recall
This takes you to The Recall Room.

> recall guild <multiguild tag>
This will take you to your multiguild's recall point.

> recall <set|learned>
Entering <recall set> sets a room as your recall point. <recall learned>
will take you back to that point if you ever leave it.

> recall gl
This takes GuildLeaders to the GL lounge.

> recall <city name|list>
This will take you to the main recall of a city or list all the cities.
To recall to a city with multiple words to its name, you must put it in
> recall 'far madding'

> recall <city name> <location|list>
This will take you to a location in a city or list all the locations in that city.

See also: Multiguilds, GLCommands, Recall list

:: Beginning


This functionality has been removed in favor of the global recall
command, to which everyone has access.  This helpfile is merely
for nostalgia - an easter egg for our older players.
Every newbie begins the game with a
Recall Cube. This handy
little item allows it's holder to travel all over the mud with
just a few simple keystrokes. To see a list of locations you
can use this travel tool to go to, type
examine cube.

> press cube <location>
This command will allow you to use your recall cube and travel
to many cities around the MUD.
For current instant movement around the MUD, see help recall.

:: Beginning


This command allows you to transport yourself to various places
rather than walking there. Anyone can recall and it does not
stop working after certain levels. Note that recall is an OOC
action and cannot be used to escape an IC situation such as
hostile Roleplay.

> recall
This takes you to The Recall Room.

> recall guild <multiguild tag>
This will take you to your multiguild's recall point.

> recall <set|learned>
Entering <recall set> sets a room as your recall point. <recall learned>
will take you back to that point if you ever leave it.

> recall gl
This takes GuildLeaders to the GL lounge.

> recall <city name|list>
This will take you to the main recall of a city or list all the cities.
To recall to a city with multiple words to its name, you must put it in
> recall 'far madding'

> recall <city name> <location|list>
This will take you to a location in a city or list all the locations in that city.

See also: Multiguilds, GLCommands, Recall list

:: Beginning


If a player decides after character creation that he wishes to have
talents added or removed from his pfile, an Immortal can adjust the
selected talents and restore any experience lost (or gained) as a
result of the new leveling modifier (if applicable).  It is not
necessary to delete and remake a character from scratch through
character generation.  Speak with an Immortal if you feel you would
like to explore options for altering the talent choices you made at

Use the 'Listtal' command to list all of the possible talents.

Within some limits, this can be used for existing characters as
roleplay provides opportunities for changes in a set of talents.
For questions regarding late-term talent changes for an existing
character, speak with an Immortal.

If your PC has suffered death and you are renaming your pfile, an
Immortal will help you reallocate your talents and relevel you to
allow you to create your new identity.  See Policy Remort for more
information on recreating after IC Death.

See also: Death

:: Beginning


Aethan Dor (Red Shields)  
This society acts as the police of the Aiel Nation, going after
and catching any who break law or tradition in the Three-Fold Land.
They are trained in the use of
all traditional Aiel weapons.

:: Beginning


Syntax:  REDIT <vnum>
         REDIT save <zone>
REDIT is the command to enter the room editor for the OnLine Creation system
(OLC).  <vnum> is the virtual number of the room you wish to edit.  If the room
does not exist, it will be created.  <zone> is the zone number.  Because of the
way CircleMUD zones are set up, the zone number is always the prefix for the
vnum.  IE:  Zone 1 has vnums 100 through 199.  Zone 2 has 200-299, zone 19 has
1900-1999, etc.  Each zone may contain a maximum of 100 vnums.

Options inside REDIT:

1) Name        : The name of the room (Seen at the top when you LOOK)
2) Description : The description of the room.
3) Room flags  : (Select all that apply:)
   DARK         - Players need a light to see.
   !MOB         - Mobs will not enter the room unless forced.
   INDOORS      - Room is indoors.
   PEACEFUL     - Players may not harm each other inside this room.
   SOUNDPROOF   - Sounds (Such as SHOUTs) can not enter or leave room.
   !TRACK       - Players can not use track in this room.
   !MAGIC       - Stedding.  One power can not be touched in this room.
   TUNNEL       -
   PRIVATE      - Only two player may be in room at any given time.      
   GODROOM      - Only imms allowed.
   HOUSE        - Room is part of a player owned house.
   HCRSH        - Do not set, used internally by the code.
   ATRIUM       - Main room of a player owned house.
   OLC          - Do not set, used internally by OLC.
   NOGATE       - Can not gate into or out of room.
   RAIDED       - Room has been raided (Causes room to display raided
                - description rather than primary description.
   TELEPORTER   - Room teleports players to another room automatically.
   SHIP         - Room is part of a Seafolk ship object.
   PLANK        - Room is the plank of a Seafolk ship.
   DECK         - Room is part of the deck of a Seafolk ship.
   HELM         - Room is the helm of a Seafolk ship.
   DOMEAIR      -
   DOMEFIRE     -
   LOCKER       - Room is a locker. (All objects inside survive reboots)      
   !RECALL      - Players can not recall from or to this room.

4) Sector type :
    Water (Swim)  
    Water (No Swim)      
    In Flight

5) Exit north  : Vnum of room to north (-1 indicates no exit to north
6) Exit east   : ""
7) Exit south  : ""
8) Exit west   : ""
9) Exit up     : ""
A) Exit down   : ""
B) Extra descriptions: Additional keywords that players can LOOK at.  When a
player typed LOOK with one of the keywords for an extra desc, that player will
see that extra desc.  While useful, it is preferred that if there are objects
that can be looked at/examined in a room, an object should be created with
OEDIT and set to load using ZEDIT.
C) Room width  : No longer used.  Was for old turn based combat system.
D) Room height : See above.
F) Spec func   : Special procedure attached to room.  If you want a room to do
something cool or neat that you can't do with OLC, ask a coder to write a
special procedure for you.
G) Guild       : If this is set, only members of the specified guilds may enter.
N) Raided name : If room is raided, this name will display instead of the
               : primary one above.
R) Raided description: If room is raided, this desc will display instead of the
               : primary one above.
S) Telep string: Message to send to player when teleported. (Only applies to
               : TELEPORT rooms)
T) Teleports to: Vnum of room to teleport player to.
U) Telep tick  : How long to wait before teleporting player.
X) Wipe teleport: Clear telepot settings.
Y) Wipe raided : Clear raided.
Q) Quit


:: Beginning


This is a skill that allows channelers to release their hold upon
the One Power. Simply enter it as a command to release, though, if
your skill is lacking, the True Source may end up with a tighter
hold upon you than before. Use with caution.

> release

See also: Grasp, Weave

:: Beginning


This is an Immortal command, used to relevel a mortal after that
mortal's talents, and therefore leveling modifier, have been altered.
It automatically recalculates their EXP and sets them at an appropriate
level accordingly.

> relevel <target>

:: Beginning


Entering <equipment> as a command lists all of the equipment you
are currently wearing. This equipment may be altered and changed
by using the commands
<remove>, <wear>, <wield>, <hold> and <grab>.

> hold/grab <item>
HOLD and GRAB do the same thing. They put an item into
the Equipment slots for
<held> and <used as light>

> hold torch
> grab rune

> wield <weapon|shield>
This equips a weapon or a shield into your hands. You can ONLY wield
weapons or shields.

> wear|remove <item|all>
With these commands you can either wear or remove a single item, or
you may wear or remove ALL of your equipment with a single command.

:: Beginning

.:. RENT

To save, simply type the command <save>. This saves your
character's current information to the MUDs databases. The game
periodically auto-saves your character as well.

If you wish to quit out of the MUD, simply type
<quit>. Though it
is suggested you save first. You do not need  to put your items in a locker
or rent anything to save your character. No matter where you are, if you
quit out of the MUD you will log back in exactly as you left it.

:: Beginning


   This is a command Guildleaders and Immortals can use to delete
existant reputation entries for characters per nation on the MUD.
   The syntax is: repdelete <location> <name of character>.
Example:  repdelete Andor Henri.
See also: reputation, repedit.

:: Beginning


   This is a command Guildleaders and Immortals can use to add and
and edit existant reputation entries for characters per nation on
the MUD.
   The syntax is: repedit <location> <name of character>.
Example:  repedit Andor Henri.
See also: reputation, repdelete.

:: Beginning


The reportedit command allows you to create dreport options for players to use
to report information back to immortal departments or make requests to immortal

> reportedit             Puts you in the report editor.

See Also: Dreport, Reptool, Vote, Wizlist

:: Beginning


The REPTOOL command allows you to view dreport entries from players who have used
the dreport command to report information back to immortal departments or make
requests to immortal departments.

Usage: REPTOOL VIEW/READ/SHOW <report number>
       REPTOOL LIST <report tag>
       REPTOOL DELETE <report number>
       REPTOOL GRANT <player> <report tag>
       REPTOOL REVOKE <player> <report tag>

See Also: Dreport, Reportedit, Vote, Wizlist

:: Beginning


   As some characters become more known, it is not only their immediate
circles that will recognise them; others, players and the "general public"
alike will know them from their reputations, especially if they are
holding some public office or official position - Magistrates, Kings,
generals leading armies, warriors and bladesmen, they are all figures
that many know of by ear, whether what they have heard is true or not.
   On a Moment in Tyme, this fact is represented and fully supported;
by consulting with a Guildleader of any particular area or an Immortal,
if your character should have such information known about him/herself,
you can have it put in for the public to know.

   The syntax is: reputation <location> <name of character>.

Example:  reputation Andor Harkan.
See also: repedit, repdelete.

:: Beginning


At times, a skill you desire to learn is dependant upon you already
knowing another skill, or posessing a Talent. These are called
prerequisites or preconds, or requirements. Prereqs, preconds, or
simply reqs, for short. If you are unable to learn a skill or
weave, it is likely you are lacking one or more prereqs for that
skill or weave. To see the reqs, you may use the INFORM command.

See also: Inform, Lesson, Training

:: Beginning

.:. REST

These are used to change your position. While you are sitting,
resting or sleeping, you will regain Life and Endurance at an
increased rate, with sleeping being the fastest. If sleeping,
you must wake, and then stand in order to get up. If sitting or
resting, simply standing will suffice.

See also: Life, Endurance

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

Usage: restore [refresh] self | all | quest | <playername>

RESTORE restores a player or mobile to full hit, mana, and move points.  

:: Beginning

.:. retainer mobs

Retainers that you can have following you about. You can buy retainers in the
Recruitment Office on Caemlyn Street in Caemlyn. The commands for that are the
basic shop ones, "list" and "buy". Once you paid the initial price for the mob,
you must wait a set amount of mud hours (shown in the shop listing under column
"delay"). These hours must be spent online: it does not do to log off for a
while and expect the retainer to have arrived.

Once bought, you must wait the set time and rename the retainer before you can
use it for anything. The command to do anything with retainers is "retainer"
(surprised?) and it has the following syntax:

retainer call <name> - If renamed, arrived and not already loaded this makes
    your retainer "load" into the game and follow you automatically. Retainer mobs
always sneak (to reduce movement spam) so don't be surprised if you don't
    get any movement messages from them. The retainer is now effectively "in play"
    and can be ordered. Note that renaming and descing of "called" retainers is
    not possible, you must "dismiss" it first if it's loaded.
retainer dismiss <name> - Makes a "called" retainer vanish, no longer following
    you around. This is a convenience method in case the IC situation doesn't warrant
    any retainer mob hanging about.
    Note that you cannot dismiss retainers that fight.
retainer fetch <name> - Makes a "called" mob immediately appear at your side
    in case you lost it somewhere. Retainers do
not follow when you recall,
    enter Gates or use any other extraordinary means of transportation. Hence this
    command. You cannot fetch retainers that fight.
retainer fire <name> - Does what the arg implies, it makes you fire your
    retainer, removing it from your list of available retainers. Any money you spent
    on it up till that point is lost, do not expect any reimbursement for that.
retainer name <first word of existing name> <newname> - Effectively gives your
    retainer a new name. This name is also used as alias, so you can target it with
    the new name.
Note: Any colors in the name count as the name in itself, so
    to target it henceforth you must use either the
exact name, with color codes
    and all, or simply "retainer" which is valid for all retainers, regardless.
retainer desc <name> - Makes you begin editing the description (only one
    exists per retainer) of the retainer just like you edit descriptions on yourself.
retainer order <name> <order> - Gives a loaded retainer an order, regardless
    of where it is. There is only a limited set of commands that you can use, which
    include all of the socials, basic movement, emote+say+pemote, etc. This list
    changes constantly to adapt to ..hrm...reality, so listing them here is pointless.
    However, you can get the current list of possible commands by typing
retainer order <name> sfsakfsdf or something like that.
retainer snoop <name> - Makes you "see with the eyes" of the named loaded
    retainer. This is useful if you want the retainer to wander off and emote things
    while you yourself are busy elsewhere. Each line the mob sees is prepended with
    a red > (
>), so you can discern between what _you_ see and what the
    _retainer_ sees. Snooping several retainers at once is possible, but not
    recommendable, for obvious reasons.
retainer list - Lists the retainers you currently are hiring.

Now some points of interest:
* if your retainer mob is slain, you lose it, permanently.
* if you cannot afford the rent (checked once per RL hour) of your mobs,
  they will
all leave you.
* retainer mobs, such as they are right now, are not allowed to be anything
  than mediocre in IC combat. That means, no emoted "killing machine" retainers.
* retainer mobs cannot channel, IC'ly or OOC'ly.
* retainer names that are offensive to anyone, thought technically possible,
  are not allowed. If you're seen with one, be prepared to take the consequences.
* retainers, even though they can manipulate objects to some extent (get, drop, etc)
  do _not_ save with the objs they carry. If you quit/dismiss the mob or the mob
  dies with the eq, it's lost, permanently. No reimbs on that, no way to retrieve.
* the first, "standard" template mob does not autoassist. You must order it to.
* all retainer mobs sneak, to reduce spam.

:: Beginning


Retainers that you can have following you about. You can buy retainers in the
Recruitment Office on Caemlyn Street in Caemlyn. The commands for that are the
basic shop ones, "list" and "buy". Once you paid the initial price for the mob,
you must wait a set amount of mud hours (shown in the shop listing under column
"delay"). These hours must be spent online: it does not do to log off for a
while and expect the retainer to have arrived.

Once bought, you must wait the set time and rename the retainer before you can
use it for anything. The command to do anything with retainers is "retainer"
(surprised?) and it has the following syntax:

retainer call <name> - If renamed, arrived and not already loaded this makes
    your retainer "load" into the game and follow you automatically. Retainer mobs
always sneak (to reduce movement spam) so don't be surprised if you don't
    get any movement messages from them. The retainer is now effectively "in play"
    and can be ordered. Note that renaming and descing of "called" retainers is
    not possible, you must "dismiss" it first if it's loaded.
retainer dismiss <name> - Makes a "called" retainer vanish, no longer following
    you around. This is a convenience method in case the IC situation doesn't warrant
    any retainer mob hanging about.
    Note that you cannot dismiss retainers that fight.
retainer fetch <name> - Makes a "called" mob immediately appear at your side
    in case you lost it somewhere. Retainers do
not follow when you recall,
    enter Gates or use any other extraordinary means of transportation. Hence this
    command. You cannot fetch retainers that fight.
retainer fire <name> - Does what the arg implies, it makes you fire your
    retainer, removing it from your list of available retainers. Any money you spent
    on it up till that point is lost, do not expect any reimbursement for that.
retainer name <first word of existing name> <newname> - Effectively gives your
    retainer a new name. This name is also used as alias, so you can target it with
    the new name.
Note: Any colors in the name count as the name in itself, so
    to target it henceforth you must use either the
exact name, with color codes
    and all, or simply "retainer" which is valid for all retainers, regardless.
retainer desc <name> - Makes you begin editing the description (only one
    exists per retainer) of the retainer just like you edit descriptions on yourself.
retainer order <name> <order> - Gives a loaded retainer an order, regardless
    of where it is. There is only a limited set of commands that you can use, which
    include all of the socials, basic movement, emote+say+pemote, etc. This list
    changes constantly to adapt to ..hrm...reality, so listing them here is pointless.
    However, you can get the current list of possible commands by typing
retainer order <name> sfsakfsdf or something like that.
retainer snoop <name> - Makes you "see with the eyes" of the named loaded
    retainer. This is useful if you want the retainer to wander off and emote things
    while you yourself are busy elsewhere. Each line the mob sees is prepended with
    a red > (
>), so you can discern between what _you_ see and what the
    _retainer_ sees. Snooping several retainers at once is possible, but not
    recommendable, for obvious reasons.
retainer list - Lists the retainers you currently are hiring.

Now some points of interest:
* if your retainer mob is slain, you lose it, permanently.
* if you cannot afford the rent (checked once per RL hour) of your mobs,
  they will
all leave you.
* retainer mobs, such as they are right now, are not allowed to be anything
  than mediocre in IC combat. That means, no emoted "killing machine" retainers.
* retainer mobs cannot channel, IC'ly or OOC'ly.
* retainer names that are offensive to anyone, thought technically possible,
  are not allowed. If you're seen with one, be prepared to take the consequences.
* retainers, even though they can manipulate objects to some extent (get, drop, etc)
  do _not_ save with the objs they carry. If you quit/dismiss the mob or the mob
  dies with the eq, it's lost, permanently. No reimbs on that, no way to retrieve.
* the first, "standard" template mob does not autoassist. You must order it to.
* all retainer mobs sneak, to reduce spam.

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

reward <victim> <number>

REWARD awards a player with quest points.

> reward arwin 3

:: Beginning


This command is temporarily desabled.

:: Beginning

.:. Role Play


The following helpfiles contain information about roleplay and how
to go about making your character understood while IC (
help IC).


Disputes            Emote               Pemote
Roleplay-Examples   Roleplay-Experience Say
Shout               Whisper

SYNTAX: help <index topic>

See also: IC, Levels, OOC

:: Beginning

.:. Roleplay


The following helpfiles contain information about roleplay and how
to go about making your character understood while IC (
help IC).


Disputes            Emote               Pemote
Roleplay-Examples   Roleplay-Experience Say
Shout               Whisper

SYNTAX: help <index topic>

See also: IC, Levels, OOC

:: Beginning

.:. Roleplay Disputes


Occasionally, the need arises for a third party to become involved
with your roleplay due to the fact that you may have a dispute or
disagreement with someone about a facet of your roleplay. This can
range from a fight that has gone wrong to a disagreement between
what is a reasonable action to take during roleplay.

For any roleplay disagreement, first try to come to an agreement
between yourself and the other party(ies) involved. If this does
not work, then contact a
Policy Immortal to deal with the
dispute. If you have any concerns, please read through
A Moment
In Tyme
's policy files by simply typing "policy".

See also: Policy

:: Beginning

.:. Roleplay Examples


Ahead is a mock RP session set up to help those who are confused
with the different concepts and commands used in roleplay to see
them put into action and to help them understand these commands
more easily.

The characters will be:
Anita, the Brown Sister of the White
Roland, a Warder to Anita: and Zhanga, a visitor
at the White Tower.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

> emote slowly glides down the leaf-strewn pathway from the
stark White Tower down into the gardens below. Her dress sways
lightly in the wind, giving the woman a somewhat-free look. Yet
this freedom contrasts with the stern set of her lips and the
frigid downturn of her glance. Were the flowers alive, they might
just wilt under her gaze.

Anita slowly glides down the leaf-strewn pathway from the
stark White Tower down into the gardens below. Her dress sways
lightly in the wind, giving the woman a somewhat-free look. Yet
this freedom contrasts with the stern set of her lips and the
frigid downturn of her glance. Were the flowers alive, they might
just wilt under her gaze.

> pemote feels the dull pulse of his bond in the back of his
mind as she rounds the corner of the doorway and into the gardens
upon which he is practicing sword forms. He glances toward her,
but there is no smile upon his lips either, his face stone-like in
appearance for the lack of emotion that he shows.

Roland feels the dull pulse of his bond in the back of his mind
as she rounds the corner of the doorway and into the gardens upon
which he is practicing sword forms. He glances toward her, but
there is no smile upon his lips either, his face stone-like in
appearance for the lack of emotion that he shows.

> say Light Illumine. I was wondering if I could meet with the
Amyrlin Seat, madam.

Zhanga says, 'Light Illumine. I was wondering if I could meet
with the Amyrlin Seat, madam.'

> : shakes her head wearily before turning to the woman who
has just spoken to her left before answering the question. "My
name is Anita Aes Sedai, child, and no, the Amyrlin Seat is much
too busy to deal with common problems, but perhaps I could help

Anita shakes her head wearily before turning to the woman who
has just spoken to her left before answering the question. "My
name is Anita Aes Sedai, child, and no, the Amyrlin Seat is much
too busy to deal with common problems, but perhaps I could help

> whisper anita Please allow me to deal with this, Aes Sedai.

Roland whispers to Anita, 'Please allow me to deal with this,
Aes Sedai.'

> emote notices the man whispering to the Aes Sedai, although
she cannot seem to hear what the conversation is about. Turning to
him instead, she queries once more. "Sir, can you assist me?"

Zhanga notices the man whispering to the Aes Sedai, although she
cannot seem to hear what the conversation is about. Turning to him
instead, she queries once more. "Sir, can you assist me?"

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

See also: Emote, Pemote, Roleplay, Say, Whisper

:: Beginning

.:. Roleplay Experience


Roleplay Experience, also called RPexp, is
A Moment In Tyme's
way of leveling up your character. To gain RPexp, all that you
need to do is roleplay. Every time you emote, pemote, say, shout,
use the "doing" command, or whisper, you gain RPexp.

During the creation of your character, you will notice that you
took talents and skills that would fit your character. Each of
these talents or skills increases the amount of RPexp necessary to
move to the next level. To check the Roleplay Modifier that has
been set on your file, just type "
score" (help score) and
your modifier will be shown there.

The Roleplay Modifier simply calculates how much RPexp is needed
for you to move up to the next level on your character. For each
level, your necessary RPexp to level up grows, thusly it is
usually wise to keep your Roleplay Modifier low in order to make
leveling up easier.

RPexp is calculated every 5 ticks or 3.75 minutes.  The base rate
is 66 xp for one emote in an RPexp calculation period.  This is
increased by an RPexp modifier done by an imm, the number of players
in the room and the number of emotes completed in the RPexp period.

See also: Score, Tick

:: Beginning

.:. Roleplay-Examples


Ahead is a mock RP session set up to help those who are confused
with the different concepts and commands used in roleplay to see
them put into action and to help them understand these commands
more easily.

The characters will be:
Anita, the Brown Sister of the White
Roland, a Warder to Anita: and Zhanga, a visitor
at the White Tower.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

> emote slowly glides down the leaf-strewn pathway from the
stark White Tower down into the gardens below. Her dress sways
lightly in the wind, giving the woman a somewhat-free look. Yet
this freedom contrasts with the stern set of her lips and the
frigid downturn of her glance. Were the flowers alive, they might
just wilt under her gaze.

Anita slowly glides down the leaf-strewn pathway from the
stark White Tower down into the gardens below. Her dress sways
lightly in the wind, giving the woman a somewhat-free look. Yet
this freedom contrasts with the stern set of her lips and the
frigid downturn of her glance. Were the flowers alive, they might
just wilt under her gaze.

> pemote feels the dull pulse of his bond in the back of his
mind as she rounds the corner of the doorway and into the gardens
upon which he is practicing sword forms. He glances toward her,
but there is no smile upon his lips either, his face stone-like in
appearance for the lack of emotion that he shows.

Roland feels the dull pulse of his bond in the back of his mind
as she rounds the corner of the doorway and into the gardens upon
which he is practicing sword forms. He glances toward her, but
there is no smile upon his lips either, his face stone-like in
appearance for the lack of emotion that he shows.

> say Light Illumine. I was wondering if I could meet with the
Amyrlin Seat, madam.

Zhanga says, 'Light Illumine. I was wondering if I could meet
with the Amyrlin Seat, madam.'

> : shakes her head wearily before turning to the woman who
has just spoken to her left before answering the question. "My
name is Anita Aes Sedai, child, and no, the Amyrlin Seat is much
too busy to deal with common problems, but perhaps I could help

Anita shakes her head wearily before turning to the woman who
has just spoken to her left before answering the question. "My
name is Anita Aes Sedai, child, and no, the Amyrlin Seat is much
too busy to deal with common problems, but perhaps I could help

> whisper anita Please allow me to deal with this, Aes Sedai.

Roland whispers to Anita, 'Please allow me to deal with this,
Aes Sedai.'

> emote notices the man whispering to the Aes Sedai, although
she cannot seem to hear what the conversation is about. Turning to
him instead, she queries once more. "Sir, can you assist me?"

Zhanga notices the man whispering to the Aes Sedai, although she
cannot seem to hear what the conversation is about. Turning to him
instead, she queries once more. "Sir, can you assist me?"

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

See also: Emote, Pemote, Roleplay, Say, Whisper

:: Beginning

.:. Roleplay-Experience


Roleplay Experience, also called RPexp, is
A Moment In Tyme's
way of leveling up your character. To gain RPexp, all that you
need to do is roleplay. Every time you emote, pemote, say, shout,
use the "doing" command, or whisper, you gain RPexp.

During the creation of your character, you will notice that you
took talents and skills that would fit your character. Each of
these talents or skills increases the amount of RPexp necessary to
move to the next level. To check the Roleplay Modifier that has
been set on your file, just type "
score" (help score) and
your modifier will be shown there.

The Roleplay Modifier simply calculates how much RPexp is needed
for you to move up to the next level on your character. For each
level, your necessary RPexp to level up grows, thusly it is
usually wise to keep your Roleplay Modifier low in order to make
leveling up easier.

RPexp is calculated every 5 ticks or 3.75 minutes.  The base rate
is 66 xp for one emote in an RPexp calculation period.  This is
increased by an RPexp modifier done by an imm, the number of players
in the room and the number of emotes completed in the RPexp period.

See also: Score, Tick

:: Beginning


Immortals Only

Toggles a flag which causes the virtual room number and room flags, if any,
to be displayed next to room names.

:: Beginning


Band Guildskill

Preconditions for use: none

This is a combat skill which allows you to rotate with members of your group
during a codefight. It rotates the group in the order that the people are
grouped in, allowing those grouped to cycle through tanks without using the
rescue command specifically.

USAGE: rotate

:: Beginning

.:. RP


The following helpfiles contain information about roleplay and how
to go about making your character understood while IC (
help IC).


Disputes            Emote               Pemote
Roleplay-Examples   Roleplay-Experience Say
Shout               Whisper

SYNTAX: help <index topic>

See also: IC, Levels, OOC

:: Beginning

.:. RP examples


Ahead is a mock RP session set up to help those who are confused
with the different concepts and commands used in roleplay to see
them put into action and to help them understand these commands
more easily.

The characters will be:
Anita, the Brown Sister of the White
Roland, a Warder to Anita: and Zhanga, a visitor
at the White Tower.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

> emote slowly glides down the leaf-strewn pathway from the
stark White Tower down into the gardens below. Her dress sways
lightly in the wind, giving the woman a somewhat-free look. Yet
this freedom contrasts with the stern set of her lips and the
frigid downturn of her glance. Were the flowers alive, they might
just wilt under her gaze.

Anita slowly glides down the leaf-strewn pathway from the
stark White Tower down into the gardens below. Her dress sways
lightly in the wind, giving the woman a somewhat-free look. Yet
this freedom contrasts with the stern set of her lips and the
frigid downturn of her glance. Were the flowers alive, they might
just wilt under her gaze.

> pemote feels the dull pulse of his bond in the back of his
mind as she rounds the corner of the doorway and into the gardens
upon which he is practicing sword forms. He glances toward her,
but there is no smile upon his lips either, his face stone-like in
appearance for the lack of emotion that he shows.

Roland feels the dull pulse of his bond in the back of his mind
as she rounds the corner of the doorway and into the gardens upon
which he is practicing sword forms. He glances toward her, but
there is no smile upon his lips either, his face stone-like in
appearance for the lack of emotion that he shows.

> say Light Illumine. I was wondering if I could meet with the
Amyrlin Seat, madam.

Zhanga says, 'Light Illumine. I was wondering if I could meet
with the Amyrlin Seat, madam.'

> : shakes her head wearily before turning to the woman who
has just spoken to her left before answering the question. "My
name is Anita Aes Sedai, child, and no, the Amyrlin Seat is much
too busy to deal with common problems, but perhaps I could help

Anita shakes her head wearily before turning to the woman who
has just spoken to her left before answering the question. "My
name is Anita Aes Sedai, child, and no, the Amyrlin Seat is much
too busy to deal with common problems, but perhaps I could help

> whisper anita Please allow me to deal with this, Aes Sedai.

Roland whispers to Anita, 'Please allow me to deal with this,
Aes Sedai.'

> emote notices the man whispering to the Aes Sedai, although
she cannot seem to hear what the conversation is about. Turning to
him instead, she queries once more. "Sir, can you assist me?"

Zhanga notices the man whispering to the Aes Sedai, although she
cannot seem to hear what the conversation is about. Turning to him
instead, she queries once more. "Sir, can you assist me?"

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

See also: Emote, Pemote, Roleplay, Say, Whisper

:: Beginning

.:. RP exp


Roleplay Experience, also called RPexp, is
A Moment In Tyme's
way of leveling up your character. To gain RPexp, all that you
need to do is roleplay. Every time you emote, pemote, say, shout,
use the "doing" command, or whisper, you gain RPexp.

During the creation of your character, you will notice that you
took talents and skills that would fit your character. Each of
these talents or skills increases the amount of RPexp necessary to
move to the next level. To check the Roleplay Modifier that has
been set on your file, just type "
score" (help score) and
your modifier will be shown there.

The Roleplay Modifier simply calculates how much RPexp is needed
for you to move up to the next level on your character. For each
level, your necessary RPexp to level up grows, thusly it is
usually wise to keep your Roleplay Modifier low in order to make
leveling up easier.

RPexp is calculated every 5 ticks or 3.75 minutes.  The base rate
is 66 xp for one emote in an RPexp calculation period.  This is
increased by an RPexp modifier done by an imm, the number of players
in the room and the number of emotes completed in the RPexp period.

See also: Score, Tick

:: Beginning


With the code change to MikkiMUD 3.0, the old system of Levels and
RPlevels has been removed. Now levels are gainable only through RP.
You no longer gain EXP from Teaching, nor from mob killing, or succeeding
with skills. Only from Roleplay with other players on the MUD.

As you gain levels from Roleplay, you'll gain Life, Power and Endurance
as well as receive Practices for every level you gain. You may use these
Practices to Train up your Stats.

In addition, these new levels are infinite. If you RP enough, you can go
on gaining levels forever. Though, with each additional level you gain,
your required EXP to the next level increases, making every following level
more and more difficult to attain. The amount of EXP you increase depends
on your Level Modifier. When you gain Talents during creation, your
Level Modifier increases. The higher it goes, the harder it will be to
gain levels, as you progress to the higher levels.

See also: Training, Stats, Score, Flows

:: Beginning


RP Points are the method with which a Moment in Tyme disburses gold for time spent
roleplaying.  Each time a player earns an RP point, he or she is paid for the time
spent roleplaying.  A player can earn a maximum of five RP points per day.

See also: ROLEPLAY

:: Beginning

.:. RP-examples


Ahead is a mock RP session set up to help those who are confused
with the different concepts and commands used in roleplay to see
them put into action and to help them understand these commands
more easily.

The characters will be:
Anita, the Brown Sister of the White
Roland, a Warder to Anita: and Zhanga, a visitor
at the White Tower.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

> emote slowly glides down the leaf-strewn pathway from the
stark White Tower down into the gardens below. Her dress sways
lightly in the wind, giving the woman a somewhat-free look. Yet
this freedom contrasts with the stern set of her lips and the
frigid downturn of her glance. Were the flowers alive, they might
just wilt under her gaze.

Anita slowly glides down the leaf-strewn pathway from the
stark White Tower down into the gardens below. Her dress sways
lightly in the wind, giving the woman a somewhat-free look. Yet
this freedom contrasts with the stern set of her lips and the
frigid downturn of her glance. Were the flowers alive, they might
just wilt under her gaze.

> pemote feels the dull pulse of his bond in the back of his
mind as she rounds the corner of the doorway and into the gardens
upon which he is practicing sword forms. He glances toward her,
but there is no smile upon his lips either, his face stone-like in
appearance for the lack of emotion that he shows.

Roland feels the dull pulse of his bond in the back of his mind
as she rounds the corner of the doorway and into the gardens upon
which he is practicing sword forms. He glances toward her, but
there is no smile upon his lips either, his face stone-like in
appearance for the lack of emotion that he shows.

> say Light Illumine. I was wondering if I could meet with the
Amyrlin Seat, madam.

Zhanga says, 'Light Illumine. I was wondering if I could meet
with the Amyrlin Seat, madam.'

> : shakes her head wearily before turning to the woman who
has just spoken to her left before answering the question. "My
name is Anita Aes Sedai, child, and no, the Amyrlin Seat is much
too busy to deal with common problems, but perhaps I could help

Anita shakes her head wearily before turning to the woman who
has just spoken to her left before answering the question. "My
name is Anita Aes Sedai, child, and no, the Amyrlin Seat is much
too busy to deal with common problems, but perhaps I could help

> whisper anita Please allow me to deal with this, Aes Sedai.

Roland whispers to Anita, 'Please allow me to deal with this,
Aes Sedai.'

> emote notices the man whispering to the Aes Sedai, although
she cannot seem to hear what the conversation is about. Turning to
him instead, she queries once more. "Sir, can you assist me?"

Zhanga notices the man whispering to the Aes Sedai, although she
cannot seem to hear what the conversation is about. Turning to him
instead, she queries once more. "Sir, can you assist me?"

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

See also: Emote, Pemote, Roleplay, Say, Whisper

:: Beginning

.:. RPexp


Roleplay Experience, also called RPexp, is
A Moment In Tyme's
way of leveling up your character. To gain RPexp, all that you
need to do is roleplay. Every time you emote, pemote, say, shout,
use the "doing" command, or whisper, you gain RPexp.

During the creation of your character, you will notice that you
took talents and skills that would fit your character. Each of
these talents or skills increases the amount of RPexp necessary to
move to the next level. To check the Roleplay Modifier that has
been set on your file, just type "
score" (help score) and
your modifier will be shown there.

The Roleplay Modifier simply calculates how much RPexp is needed
for you to move up to the next level on your character. For each
level, your necessary RPexp to level up grows, thusly it is
usually wise to keep your Roleplay Modifier low in order to make
leveling up easier.

RPexp is calculated every 5 ticks or 3.75 minutes.  The base rate
is 66 xp for one emote in an RPexp calculation period.  This is
increased by an RPexp modifier done by an imm, the number of players
in the room and the number of emotes completed in the RPexp period.

See also: Score, Tick

:: Beginning


With the code change to MikkiMUD 3.0, the old system of Levels and
RPlevels has been removed. Now levels are gainable only through RP.
You no longer gain EXP from Teaching, nor from mob killing, or succeeding
with skills. Only from Roleplay with other players on the MUD.

As you gain levels from Roleplay, you'll gain Life, Power and Endurance
as well as receive Practices for every level you gain. You may use these
Practices to Train up your Stats.

In addition, these new levels are infinite. If you RP enough, you can go
on gaining levels forever. Though, with each additional level you gain,
your required EXP to the next level increases, making every following level
more and more difficult to attain. The amount of EXP you increase depends
on your Level Modifier. When you gain Talents during creation, your
Level Modifier increases. The higher it goes, the harder it will be to
gain levels, as you progress to the higher levels.

See also: Training, Stats, Score, Flows

:: Beginning

.:. rplog

The RP-Log system allows you to record Role-Playing sessions
and to publish them automatically on the tymemud server.

This functionality is currently disabled.  If you wish to log
your roleplay, please use your client's internal logging program.

:: Beginning

.:. RPSeek

-----------------------[ RPSeek ]------------------------
This command shows you as seeking roleplay (
Help Roleplay), when other
players type '

Syntax:  RPSeek (info)
Example: RPSeek Any roleplayer welcome.
When players type '
RPSeek List' they will see:
A) Which room you're currently in.  
B) Any information you put after 'RPSeek'.
  This command is not considered in character (
Help IC), nor is the
information it disclaims.  But it is quite usefull in locating, or
rather starting roleplay.  To turn RPSeeking off, simply type '
a second time.  If you set yourself to seek roleplaying in a room,
then you move to another room for more than one tick, your seeking
is automatically turned off.
See also: Where, IC, Roleplay

:: Beginning

.:. RPSeek List

-----------------------[ RPSeek ]------------------------
This command shows you as seeking roleplay (
Help Roleplay), when other
players type '

Syntax:  RPSeek (info)
Example: RPSeek Any roleplayer welcome.
When players type '
RPSeek List' they will see:
A) Which room you're currently in.  
B) Any information you put after 'RPSeek'.
  This command is not considered in character (
Help IC), nor is the
information it disclaims.  But it is quite usefull in locating, or
rather starting roleplay.  To turn RPSeeking off, simply type '
a second time.  If you set yourself to seek roleplaying in a room,
then you move to another room for more than one tick, your seeking
is automatically turned off.
See also: Where, IC, Roleplay

:: Beginning

.:. Rulers

               The Rulers of the Westland Nations

-**> Altara <**- (Seanchan Territory)

Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag (Missing)
Daughter of the Nine Moons
Heir to the Crystal Throne  
Suroth Sabelle Meldarath
High Lady of the Blood                      
-**> Amadicia <**- (Seanchan Territory)

Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag (Missing)
Daughter of the Nine Moons
Heir to the Crystal Throne
Suroth Sabelle Meldarath
High Lady of the Blood

-**> Andor <**-

               Elayne Trakand
By the Grace of the Light
Queen of Andor
Defender of the Realm
Protector of the People
High Seat of House Trakand
Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah

Her Brothers:
Gawyn Trakand
First Prince of the Sword
Galadedrid Damodred (Half Brother)
Lord of House Damodred of Cairhien
Child of the Light

-**> Arad Doman <**-

Alsalam Saeed Almadar (Missing)
King of Arad Doman

-**> Arafel <**-

Paitar Nachiman (Missing)
King of Arafel
Shield of the North
Defender of the Land
High Seat of House Nachiman

-**> Cairhien <**-

Dobraine Taborwin
Lord Regent of Cairhien
High Seat of House Taborwin

-**> Ghealdan <**-

Alliandre Kigarin (Missing)
Queen of Ghealdan
Blessed of the Light
Defender of Garen's Wall
High Seat of House Kigarin

-**> Illian <**-

Rand al'thor
Keeper of the Laurel Crown
Guardian of the Sea of Storms
King of Illian
The Dragon Reborn

The Council of Nine

-**> Kandor <**-

Ethenielle Cosaru Noramaga (Missing)
Her Most Illuminated Majesty
By the Blessing of the Light
Queen of Kandor
Protector of the Land
Shield of the North
High Seat of House Noramaga

-**> Mayene <**-

                Berelain sur Paendrag (Missing)
First of Mayene
Blessed of the Light
Defender of the Waves
High Seat of House Paeron

-**> Murandy <**-  (Seanchan Territory)

Roedran Almaric do Arreloa a'Naloy
King of Murandy

-**> Saldaea <**-

Tenobia si Bashere Kazadi (Missing)
Her Illumined Majesty
Queen of Saldaea
Shield of the North
Sword of the Blightborder
High Seat of House Kazadi
Lady of Shahayni, Asnelle, Kunwar and Ganai

-**> Shienar <**-

Easar Togita (Missing)
King of Shienar
Shield of the North
Defender of the Blightborder
High Seat of House Togita

-**> Tar Valon <**-

Egwene al'vere
The Watcher of the Seals
The Flame of Tar Valon
The Amyrlin Seat

The Hall of the Tower

-**> Tarabon <**-  (Seanchan Territory)

Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag (Missing)
Daughter of the Nine Moons
Heir to the Crystal Throne

Suroth Sabelle Meldarath
                       `High Lady of the

-**> Tear <**-


Rand al'Thor
The Dragon Reborn
The High Lords of Tear

See also: Update and Timeline

:: Beginning


To look at the MUDs rules, or Policies, is <policy>. Typing this
as a command will print out the various policy topics and how to
access them. It is highly advisable that you read all of these at
least once. Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse for breaking policy.

> policy

:: Beginning


   The update command is designed to give players an IC output based
on what rumours and news circulate around any specific region or city; that
should only be used as In Character information, however, if your character
would be living, travelling near, or have contacts in these places.
   These news and rumours are being maintained by both Immortals and
Guildleaders, so if you have something to be added there, please notify
one of the above.

   The way to use
update is easy:
   First type "
update". You will get a list of all listed locations that are
being maintained by players, along with the number of current entries in
each category and each place.
   If you wish to see specifics for a certain category, type "
update <location" -
for example, "
update cairhien". You will then get a list of all recent rumours
and news in that region, divided into these two categories, and each will be followed
by a short title describing what the word is about, and a keyword which you can use
to read the entire thing.
   Therefore, if you wish to read a rumour in Cairhien with the keyword "celebration",
you simply type "
update cairhien celebration" to see its full text.

Example: update cairhien celebration

See also: icedit.

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
.:. Top of Page