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Upon gaining Practices either at creation or as you gain levels
in the game, you may use them to practice up your stats.

> train <stat/flow>
Valid arguments for Training are:
Str, Con, Dex, Air, Water, Spirit, Fire, Earth

Training stats is dynamic. This is to say that if you have your stats
at 8 when you log onto the MUD, then gain 20 levels, then train your
stats up, your raised stats will affect your past 20 levels, as well
as your future levels. Gone are the days of requiring maxed stats as
early as possible. There is nothing lost in raising stats at a later
level as opposed to raising them at level 1.

To raise a stat from:
01 - 15    1 practice
16 - 20    2 practices
21 - 25    3 practices

After a statistic reaches 25, the formula changes. Four practices are
required to raise a statistic to twenty-six. Five are needed to reach
twenty-seven, and so on. There is no ceiling for statistics.

See also: Levels, Stats, Flows

:: Beginning

.:. GATE

The use of the gate weave and traveling is governed under
the policies of the mud.

See:  Policy Gate

:: Beginning


The use of the gate weave and traveling is governed under
the policies of the mud.

See:  Policy Gate

:: Beginning


As there are technically no longer "guilds" there is no longer a GDTALK
command. Instead, we now have Multiguilds. In order to speak on a Multiguild
channel, type: <guild tag> <string>. Note that you must be
joined to the Multiguild to be able to use that Multiguild's channel.

> wc Lets hang some DFs by their toenails.
[WC] Lieutenant [Officer] Loth: Lets hang some DFs by their toenails.

See also: Multiguilds, Aliases

:: Beginning


These commands are for Immortals and Guild Leaders only.

> echo <string>
This echoes a message to the room the one echoing is standing in.

> gecho <string>
Sends the message to the whole MUD.

> qecho <string>
Sends the message to those on the same Quest channel as the qechoer.

> zecho <string>
Sends the string to all players within 50 rooms distance.

> send <player> <string>
Sends the message to a single player.

:: Beginning

.:. GET

> <donate|junk|get|take|put|give|drop> <item|all|marks>

> <donate shield> or <donate all.bread> or <donate 500 marks>
This will send any or all of these items to the Donation Room.

> <junk sword> or <junk all.bronze> or <junk 500 marks>
This will delete an item from your inventory. Be careful with this command.

> <get sword corpse> or <get all belt> or <get all.ring backpack>
GET and TAKE commands are essentially the same thing. They
allow you to pick up items or gold, or take things out of containers.

> <put bread bag> or <put all.bread sack> or <put all belt>
This allows you to put items into containers.

> <give all khaira> or <give sword dain> or <give all.dagger devon>
This allows you to give all your items, one of your items, or all of
one type of item to another player. You can give marks to another
player by typing:
give # marks <player>. Example: give 200 marks duke

> <drop all> or <drop all.bracelet> or <drop 300 marks>
With this you can drop items or marks in the room you are in.

:: Beginning


This command will tell you the AFK message of the character targetted.

> getafk <character name>

See also: AFK

:: Beginning

.:. GIVE

> <donate|junk|get|take|put|give|drop> <item|all|marks>

> <donate shield> or <donate all.bread> or <donate 500 marks>
This will send any or all of these items to the Donation Room.

> <junk sword> or <junk all.bronze> or <junk 500 marks>
This will delete an item from your inventory. Be careful with this command.

> <get sword corpse> or <get all belt> or <get all.ring backpack>
GET and TAKE commands are essentially the same thing. They
allow you to pick up items or gold, or take things out of containers.

> <put bread bag> or <put all.bread sack> or <put all belt>
This allows you to put items into containers.

> <give all khaira> or <give sword dain> or <give all.dagger devon>
This allows you to give all your items, one of your items, or all of
one type of item to another player. You can give marks to another
player by typing:
give # marks <player>. Example: give 200 marks duke

> <drop all> or <drop all.bracelet> or <drop 300 marks>
With this you can drop items or marks in the room you are in.

:: Beginning

.:. GL

To see a full list of the guildleaders, please use either of the following:


:: Beginning

.:. Glamour Spell

Please use syntax
inform 'glamour' for information on this weave.

:: Beginning


use this command when you want to see the description or extra
description of another character. You may also use this on yourself.
When used on yourself it will show both your current and alternate

> glance <player>
> glance valentin
This will display Valentin's description.

A player's Extra Descriptions will be displayed at the bottom of their
description. To view these, type:

> glance <player> <extra desc>
> glance valentin cloak
This will display the extra description detailing Valentin's cloak.

See also: Description, Switchdesc

:: Beginning

.:. glb

The proper syntax for viewing a guild board is glboard.  If you        
wish to view your guild board, please type
glboard <guild tag> show.    
For example,
glboard wk show will show you the posts on the Wolfkin    
board that you have not yet read.  If you wish to see all the posts on
your guild board, type
glboard <guild tag> list.

See also:  
glboard, Multiguild

:: Beginning


There are many bulletin boards on the MUD which serve as a forum for
inter-player communication. They are all global and may be accessed
from anywhere on the MUD. There are different boards for different
purposes. Not all players are able to read all types of boards. Some
require you to be guilded to a specific Multiguild. Others are only
for Immortals, etc. etc.

To read your Guild Board, type:
> glboard <guild tag> show <thread> <comment>

Or you may simply type:
<glboard> with no argument to see
a list of available commands pertaining to that board.

See also: Update, Proj Show

:: Beginning


> recall guild gl
This takes you to GL lounge. Come here if you wish to Multisession.

> multig <guild tag> rank <player> <rank>
> multig <guild tag> subrank <player> <subrank>
> multig <guild tag> alias <player> <alias>
This changes your guild member's Rank, Subrank or Alias.

> echo <text>
An echo to the room your GL is in. GL Echo skill required.

> zecho <text>
A zone echo. Use with discretion. Can be spammy in populated areas.

> qecho <text>
An echo to other players on the same Quest channel as your GL.

> sponsor guild <character name>
Grants a guild member sponsorship rights.

> sponsor authorize <full character name>
Authorizes a seeker of your guild.

> multig <guild tag> add <player>
Adds a character to your guild.

> multig <guild tag> remove <player>
Removes a currently guilded character from your guild.

> payplayer <player> bank <amount>
Online treasury payment to a player

> payplayer file <player> bank <amount>
Offline treasury payment to a player

> glt <text>
Use the Guild Leader Multiguild channel

> channel mute <guild tag> <player>
Mutes a guild members Multiguild channel.

> repedit <nation> <name>
This adds/edits a reputation of a player in a certain nation.

> repdelete <nation> <name>
This deletes a players reputation in a certain nation.

> icedit <location> <news|rumour> <keyword> <title>
This adds/edits posts to "updates"

> icdelete <location> <keyword>
This deletes an Update News or Rumours post.

> tool <item> <field> <description>
Alters an items appearance or alias
Fields are
alias/name/desc See Policy for rules of usage.

NOTE: Some of these commands presently have limited functionality.
If you have any questions or concerns about your command options
as a Guildleader, see your Guild Imm.

:: Beginning


  As old as the need of all people to feel invigorating life,
soaring freedom of the imagination, and laughter to bring
to the soul, so long also have
Gleemen existed. Coming from all
walks of life, each with his or her own life story to tell,
Gleemen all share the same passion for public performances, as
well as the desire for a life of travel and political mischief.

Known as phenomenonal historians, storytellers, musicians,
tumblers, jugglers, thespians, and all-round entertainers,
Gleemen are constantly on the look out to rediscover lost tales,
or to create a new tale of delight, fantasy, and truth. In front
of villages and small town crowds, or in the audience of Kings
and Queens,
Gleemen are composure, confidence, grace, beauty,
and poetic timing all at once. Even when placed amidst
, Gleemen are the picture of grace and calm, well-known
yet unsuspected players of the Game of Houses.
Gleemen can be
information gatherers, spying sometimes comes as a natural
skill for some, yet the dangerous craft has to be learned
by others.

Easily recognized in their patchwork cloaks of blazing colors,
Gleemen are loved and welcomed everywhere, with the possible
exception of
Shayol Ghul. Enemies of none who would be prospective
audiences, they are not easily outwitted nor outfought. Quick minds
and fast hands, plus a great skill with words,
Gleemen are a force
that is quite of itself. Mainly though,
Gleemen bring excitement
and happiness into the lives of those around them. There is no fair
or celebration truly complete without them.

See Also: GleemanReq

:: Beginning

.:. GleemanReq

}{                                                }{
{} An in-door life is less poetical,              {}
}{    And out of door hath showers, and mists,    }{
{}         and sleet,                             {}
}{ With which I could not brew a pastoral.        }{
{}    But be it as it may, a bard must meet       {}
}{ All difficulties, whether great or small,      }{
{}    To spoil his undertaking or complete,       {}
}{ And work away like spirit upon matter,         }{
{} Embarrass'd somewhat both with fire and water. {}

What are poets for, in such an age?
What is the use of poetry?

Gleemen are the traveling minstrels, bards, buskers, and
storytellers of the Age. Their signature patchwork cloaks
provide them welcome and acclaim wherever they go. The role
of entertainer is not an easy one, and the trade is not for
the weak of mind, body, or spirit.  But for those few whose
passions for enlightenment and enjoyment keep their feet
always moving forward and their eyes always looking to the
horizon, the trade can be a fulfilling and rewarding one.

To gain entrance to the guild of those most honorable souls,
the following steps must be undertaken:

-Send your character background and description to the
Guildleader.  Once they are approved, you will be recognized
as a seeker of the guild.

-Your background should be relatively comprehensive and
   include not only where your character comes from, but how
   and why he intends to seek out training to become a
Note - this may include a lack of a current in character
   desire to pursue the profession if you wish to have it be
   "unplanned" by your character.

-Your background may not include any official training
   toward the patchwork cloak without prior approval from
   the Guildleader.  Advancement within
Gleeman is
   accomplished from within the guild, not from without.

-Once approval to seek the guild is granted, you will need
to obtain sponsorship
from two active members of the guild
or the Guildleader directly.

-This does not require "Gleeman RP", necessarily, since
   at first your character should not really have the
   performance accumen to support performance RP.  Much of
   the sponsorship RP might be obtained with alts of active
   members, so remember that in addition to being performers,
Gleemen are also the keepers of many disguises and secrets.
Always RP at the highest level of your ability.

-Once sponsored, the Guildleader will speak with you to add
your character to the guild and provide an introduction to
the syllabus and expectations, both in- and out-of-character,
of members of the guild.

See the
Gleeman Guildleader or the Guild Immortal with any
questions, and happy seeking!

:: Beginning


  As old as the need of all people to feel invigorating life,
soaring freedom of the imagination, and laughter to bring
to the soul, so long also have
Gleemen existed. Coming from all
walks of life, each with his or her own life story to tell,
Gleemen all share the same passion for public performances, as
well as the desire for a life of travel and political mischief.

Known as phenomenonal historians, storytellers, musicians,
tumblers, jugglers, thespians, and all-round entertainers,
Gleemen are constantly on the look out to rediscover lost tales,
or to create a new tale of delight, fantasy, and truth. In front
of villages and small town crowds, or in the audience of Kings
and Queens,
Gleemen are composure, confidence, grace, beauty,
and poetic timing all at once. Even when placed amidst
, Gleemen are the picture of grace and calm, well-known
yet unsuspected players of the Game of Houses.
Gleemen can be
information gatherers, spying sometimes comes as a natural
skill for some, yet the dangerous craft has to be learned
by others.

Easily recognized in their patchwork cloaks of blazing colors,
Gleemen are loved and welcomed everywhere, with the possible
exception of
Shayol Ghul. Enemies of none who would be prospective
audiences, they are not easily outwitted nor outfought. Quick minds
and fast hands, plus a great skill with words,
Gleemen are a force
that is quite of itself. Mainly though,
Gleemen bring excitement
and happiness into the lives of those around them. There is no fair
or celebration truly complete without them.

See Also: GleemanReq

:: Beginning


> recall guild gl
This takes you to GL lounge. Come here if you wish to Multisession.

> multig <guild tag> rank <player> <rank>
> multig <guild tag> subrank <player> <subrank>
> multig <guild tag> alias <player> <alias>
This changes your guild member's Rank, Subrank or Alias.

> echo <text>
An echo to the room your GL is in. GL Echo skill required.

> zecho <text>
A zone echo. Use with discretion. Can be spammy in populated areas.

> qecho <text>
An echo to other players on the same Quest channel as your GL.

> sponsor guild <character name>
Grants a guild member sponsorship rights.

> sponsor authorize <full character name>
Authorizes a seeker of your guild.

> multig <guild tag> add <player>
Adds a character to your guild.

> multig <guild tag> remove <player>
Removes a currently guilded character from your guild.

> payplayer <player> bank <amount>
Online treasury payment to a player

> payplayer file <player> bank <amount>
Offline treasury payment to a player

> glt <text>
Use the Guild Leader Multiguild channel

> channel mute <guild tag> <player>
Mutes a guild members Multiguild channel.

> repedit <nation> <name>
This adds/edits a reputation of a player in a certain nation.

> repdelete <nation> <name>
This deletes a players reputation in a certain nation.

> icedit <location> <news|rumour> <keyword> <title>
This adds/edits posts to "updates"

> icdelete <location> <keyword>
This deletes an Update News or Rumours post.

> tool <item> <field> <description>
Alters an items appearance or alias
Fields are
alias/name/desc See Policy for rules of usage.

NOTE: Some of these commands presently have limited functionality.
If you have any questions or concerns about your command options
as a Guildleader, see your Guild Imm.

:: Beginning


Guildleaders Only

Gltalk is a private channel for the Guildleaders and Immortals only.

gltalk <string>
gltalk Hello, fellow guildleaders.

See Also: Channels, Guilds

:: Beginning

.:. GODS

An Immortal is a player that has been elevated to a special status.
Immortals keep the mud together for the players to have more fun.

The imms are divided into departments, the tag in front of their names
indicating the dept.

[Implementor] Duren
[Head Builder] Ayasha
[Guild Imm] Rissa

To see a list of all the current Immortal players, enter 'wizlist.'

:: Beginning

.:. GOLD

The official monetary system for the Wheel of Time according to Robert Jordan
himself (remember, of course, that coins of the same denomination from different
countries are often different weights and hence, different values):

10 copper pennies = one silver penny.
100 silver pennies = one silver mark.
10 silver marks   = one silver crown.
10 silver crowns  = one gold mark.
10 gold marks     = one gold crown.

A Moment in Tyme currently uses 'gold' as the monetary unit.  This does not
translate nicely to Wheel of Time terms and will be changed in the future.

The command to see how much gold you have on hand is:  gold

> gold
You have 500 gold marks.

See also: Bank, Shops, List

:: Beginning

.:. Gold Crown

The official monetary system for the Wheel of Time according to Robert Jordan
himself (remember, of course, that coins of the same denomination from different
countries are often different weights and hence, different values):

10 copper pennies = one silver penny.
100 silver pennies = one silver mark.
10 silver marks   = one silver crown.
10 silver crowns  = one gold mark.
10 gold marks     = one gold crown.

A Moment in Tyme currently uses 'gold' as the monetary unit.  This does not
translate nicely to Wheel of Time terms and will be changed in the future.

The command to see how much gold you have on hand is:  gold

> gold
You have 500 gold marks.

See also: Bank, Shops, List

:: Beginning

.:. Gold Mark

The official monetary system for the Wheel of Time according to Robert Jordan
himself (remember, of course, that coins of the same denomination from different
countries are often different weights and hence, different values):

10 copper pennies = one silver penny.
100 silver pennies = one silver mark.
10 silver marks   = one silver crown.
10 silver crowns  = one gold mark.
10 gold marks     = one gold crown.

A Moment in Tyme currently uses 'gold' as the monetary unit.  This does not
translate nicely to Wheel of Time terms and will be changed in the future.

The command to see how much gold you have on hand is:  gold

> gold
You have 500 gold marks.

See also: Bank, Shops, List

:: Beginning


Those with this talent have the innate ability to speak with the
Wolves. Those who wish to have this ability must seek out Wolfkin
and gain entrace to the guild. For more information regarding this
talent, seek the Wolfkin Guild Leaders.

In addition, this talent allows Wolfkin to enter the wolfdream,
giving them access to Tel'Aran'Rhiod, the World of Dreams.

See also: Wolfkin

:: Beginning

.:. GOTO

Immortals Only

goto <location>
trans <victim>
teleport <victim> <location>

These commands are used to transports yourself and others to different rooms.
GOTO allows you to go to other rooms; TRANS transports a person from wherever
they are to the room YOU are in; TELEPORT transports your victim to some other

For both GOTO and TELEPORT, the location specifier can be either a virtual
room number, or the name of a character or object.

> goto 16000
> goto arwin
> trans arwin
> teleport arwin 16000
> teleport arwin 2.packrat

See also: At, Set Room, Poofin

:: Beginning

.:. GRAB

Entering <equipment> as a command lists all of the equipment you
are currently wearing. This equipment may be altered and changed
by using the commands
<remove>, <wear>, <wield>, <hold> and <grab>.

> hold/grab <item>
HOLD and GRAB do the same thing. They put an item into
the Equipment slots for
<held> and <used as light>

> hold torch
> grab rune

> wield <weapon|shield>
This equips a weapon or a shield into your hands. You can ONLY wield
weapons or shields.

> wear|remove <item|all>
With these commands you can either wear or remove a single item, or
you may wear or remove ALL of your equipment with a single command.

:: Beginning



This allows immortals to grant commands to others.
If you're not an immortal, you can't use it.

See Also:  Immortals

:: Beginning


Currently, Moment in Tyme is in the process of a complete
revision of the code for all actions.  Until it is
completed, there is no code channeling. As such the skills
for doing it are disabled.  They can still be taught through
approved rp avenues and then set on the character by the
appropriate immortals.

:: Beginning


Entering GROUP with no argument shows the status of your group.
Typing "
group <player>" will add someone following you to your group,
while entering "
ungroup <player>" will remove someone already in the

<group all> will add everyone currently following you
to your group. Entering
<ungroup> with no target, or simply quitting
out of the MUD will disband the group entirely.

When a group is formed, the GTELL or GSAY command can be used to talk
only to other members of the group.

> gtell <string>
> gsay <string>

See also: Follow

:: Beginning


Entering GROUP with no argument shows the status of your group.
Typing "
group <player>" will add someone following you to your group,
while entering "
ungroup <player>" will remove someone already in the

<group all> will add everyone currently following you
to your group. Entering
<ungroup> with no target, or simply quitting
out of the MUD will disband the group entirely.

When a group is formed, the GTELL or GSAY command can be used to talk
only to other members of the group.

> gtell <string>
> gsay <string>

See also: Follow

:: Beginning


Entering GROUP with no argument shows the status of your group.
Typing "
group <player>" will add someone following you to your group,
while entering "
ungroup <player>" will remove someone already in the

<group all> will add everyone currently following you
to your group. Entering
<ungroup> with no target, or simply quitting
out of the MUD will disband the group entirely.

When a group is formed, the GTELL or GSAY command can be used to talk
only to other members of the group.

> gtell <string>
> gsay <string>

See also: Follow

:: Beginning

.:. GSAY

Entering GROUP with no argument shows the status of your group.
Typing "
group <player>" will add someone following you to your group,
while entering "
ungroup <player>" will remove someone already in the

<group all> will add everyone currently following you
to your group. Entering
<ungroup> with no target, or simply quitting
out of the MUD will disband the group entirely.

When a group is formed, the GTELL or GSAY command can be used to talk
only to other members of the group.

> gtell <string>
> gsay <string>

See also: Follow

:: Beginning



:: Beginning


Entering GROUP with no argument shows the status of your group.
Typing "
group <player>" will add someone following you to your group,
while entering "
ungroup <player>" will remove someone already in the

<group all> will add everyone currently following you
to your group. Entering
<ungroup> with no target, or simply quitting
out of the MUD will disband the group entirely.

When a group is formed, the GTELL or GSAY command can be used to talk
only to other members of the group.

> gtell <string>
> gsay <string>

See also: Follow

:: Beginning

.:. Guild Leader

To see a full list of the guildleaders, please use either of the following:


:: Beginning

.:. guildboard

The proper syntax for viewing a guild board is glboard.  If you        
wish to view your guild board, please type
glboard <guild tag> show.    
For example,
glboard wk show will show you the posts on the Wolfkin    
board that you have not yet read.  If you wish to see all the posts on
your guild board, type
glboard <guild tag> list.

See also:  
glboard, Multiguild

:: Beginning

.:. guildleaders

To see a full list of the guildleaders, please use either of the following:


:: Beginning


This command is temporarily disabled.

:: Beginning


Multiguilds are specific organizations that have grouped together based
on common beliefs, goals, or heritage. For a list of multiguilds, both
for Immortals as well as Mortals, type 'multiguild'.

GLs can also use the 'multiguild' command to see all the options available
to them for administration of their guild rosters, including changing the
ranks, subranks, membership, and more.

To see the seeking requirements and information of all our multiguilds,
type 'template list' for the full index, then 'template show #' for the
specific guild in which you are interested.

To see who leads which guilds, type 'gllist'.  See the Guild Immortal
for any guilds without a mortal guildleader, or with any other questions
about the multiguilds.

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
.:. Top of Page