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The city of Caemlyn is a major RP center on A Moment in
Tyme.  A large portion of the player population often can
often be found in this Andoran city. Caemlyn consists of
an Outer City and an Inner city.  The Outer City is where
most of the shops and businesses of Caemlyn are located,
as well as many inns and the homes of commoners.

The Inner City is where the nobility live, and where
the nicer inns and more upscale shops can be found.  It
is also where the Royal Palace is located at the highest
point of the city, its golden domes and pale bright walls
gleaming over the rest of the city.  In front of the Royal
Palace is the Oval Plaza, which is a popular place to find

Essential RP locations in Caemlyn:

Paths indicated are from the Main Intersection of Caemlyn.
To get there, type "recall CM".

Oval Plaza:
The Royal Palace:
2 x North
The Queen's Blessing Inn:
6 x East, 3 x South, East.
The Lion Banner Inn:
North, East, North.
The Embassy of Cairhien:
6 x West, South, West
Whitecloak Embassy:  
6 West, 3 South, West
Queen's Guard Barracks:
West, South, 6 x West, 6 x South, West
The White Stag:
2 x South, East, South
Shen an Cal'har Embassy:
6 x South, 5 x West, North
The Saucy Wench:  
6 x South, 5 x West, South
The Crown of Roses Inn:  
West, South

(A map of Caemlyn will eventually be added to this file.)

See Also:  Andor, Andorans, Andoran Law

:: Beginning


                Help Information for Cairhien

Pronunciation: KEYE-ree-EHN

SIGIL:  A many-rayed golden rising sun; the Rising Sun
BANNER:  A many-rayed golden sun rising on a field of blue
SYMBOLS:  The Sun Throne, the Sun Crown
RESOURCES:  Farming, Trade, the Great Library, Education


Cairhien, once known as Al'cair'rahienallen, or the Hill of
the Golden Dawn, was founded at the end of the War of the
Hundred Years.  It was a vast nation, stretching from the
River Erinin to Shienar, to the Spine of the World.  Now
the land covers less than half that area, south of what
is known as Kinslayer's Dagger.

In 566 NE, the king of Cairhien gave the Aiel what is known
as the Water Gift, for water is a precious commodity in the
Waste, and usually the Aiel have to fight for what they need.
In gratitude for the King's generosity, the Aiel granted Cairhien
the exclusive right to travel the Silk Path from the Jangai Pass
through the Aiel Waste.  At the same time, they gave the king
the only known sapling of Avendoraldera, the Tree of Life.  The
nation prospered from trade with the lands beyond the Waste,
until Laman's Sin.


It was a minor part of one of King Laman's plots that caused
him to cut down Avendoraldera to make a throne which could
never be duplicated.  This action started the Aiel War, which
changed Cairhien's history forever, and earned Laman the name
of "Treekiller" among the Aiel.  The black-veiled savages, as
they are often referred to in Cairhien, stormed over the
Dragonwall and began one of the bloodiest wars in history.
Cairhien was sacked and looted, the Aiel taking their 'fifth'
of everything.  Farmlands were razed, graineries destroyed.
The only thing the Aiel left untouched was the Great Library,
for they valued knowledge, and saw the destruction of books
as great a sin as Laman's killing of the Tree of Life.


After the Aiel War, Cairhien was greatly weakened, and the
nation's exclusive rights to the Silk Path were revoked.
With the razing of its farmlands, and the destruction of
its graineries and other resources, the nation was forced
to request aid in feeding its people from neighboring
countries such as Andor, with whom Cairhien has fought often.
The Aiel continue to remember Laman's Sin even to this day.
The once-majestic, sky-reaching towers of Cairhien are now
known as the Topless Towers, for they were burned and never
rebuilt during the Aiel War.  Only the Great Library remains,
the nations greatest treasure, though the city has since been


The City of Cairhien is the nation's capital, and is today
laid out in a precise grid of perfectly straight lines and
sharp angles in a square surrounded by high gray walls.  The
River Alguenya borders one side of the city, allowing for
river trade.  People travel in closed sedan chairs or in
curtained carriages among pedestrians who make a pretense
of intently minding their own business.  All of the buildings
are similarly desgined in precise, square structures with
straight lines and sharp angles, and even the hills are
carved out into straight lines that look man-made.

Recently, Cairhien has become the home of a ground-breaking
school in what was once the manor of Lord Barthanes, where
inventors, philosophers, and those of scientific thought
may work and study and experiment to create new wonders.
Between the school and the Great Library, Cairhien has, in
fact, become a center for learning and forward thinking
since it fell to Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn.

See Also:  Cairhienin, Aiel, Nations, Rulers, Update, Timeline

:: Beginning


                Help Information for Cairhien

Pronunciation: KEYE-ree-EHN

SIGIL:  A many-rayed golden rising sun; the Rising Sun
BANNER:  A many-rayed golden sun rising on a field of blue
SYMBOLS:  The Sun Throne, the Sun Crown
RESOURCES:  Farming, Trade, the Great Library, Education


Cairhien, once known as Al'cair'rahienallen, or the Hill of
the Golden Dawn, was founded at the end of the War of the
Hundred Years.  It was a vast nation, stretching from the
River Erinin to Shienar, to the Spine of the World.  Now
the land covers less than half that area, south of what
is known as Kinslayer's Dagger.

In 566 NE, the king of Cairhien gave the Aiel what is known
as the Water Gift, for water is a precious commodity in the
Waste, and usually the Aiel have to fight for what they need.
In gratitude for the King's generosity, the Aiel granted Cairhien
the exclusive right to travel the Silk Path from the Jangai Pass
through the Aiel Waste.  At the same time, they gave the king
the only known sapling of Avendoraldera, the Tree of Life.  The
nation prospered from trade with the lands beyond the Waste,
until Laman's Sin.


It was a minor part of one of King Laman's plots that caused
him to cut down Avendoraldera to make a throne which could
never be duplicated.  This action started the Aiel War, which
changed Cairhien's history forever, and earned Laman the name
of "Treekiller" among the Aiel.  The black-veiled savages, as
they are often referred to in Cairhien, stormed over the
Dragonwall and began one of the bloodiest wars in history.
Cairhien was sacked and looted, the Aiel taking their 'fifth'
of everything.  Farmlands were razed, graineries destroyed.
The only thing the Aiel left untouched was the Great Library,
for they valued knowledge, and saw the destruction of books
as great a sin as Laman's killing of the Tree of Life.


After the Aiel War, Cairhien was greatly weakened, and the
nation's exclusive rights to the Silk Path were revoked.
With the razing of its farmlands, and the destruction of
its graineries and other resources, the nation was forced
to request aid in feeding its people from neighboring
countries such as Andor, with whom Cairhien has fought often.
The Aiel continue to remember Laman's Sin even to this day.
The once-majestic, sky-reaching towers of Cairhien are now
known as the Topless Towers, for they were burned and never
rebuilt during the Aiel War.  Only the Great Library remains,
the nations greatest treasure, though the city has since been


The City of Cairhien is the nation's capital, and is today
laid out in a precise grid of perfectly straight lines and
sharp angles in a square surrounded by high gray walls.  The
River Alguenya borders one side of the city, allowing for
river trade.  People travel in closed sedan chairs or in
curtained carriages among pedestrians who make a pretense
of intently minding their own business.  All of the buildings
are similarly desgined in precise, square structures with
straight lines and sharp angles, and even the hills are
carved out into straight lines that look man-made.

Recently, Cairhien has become the home of a ground-breaking
school in what was once the manor of Lord Barthanes, where
inventors, philosophers, and those of scientific thought
may work and study and experiment to create new wonders.
Between the school and the Great Library, Cairhien has, in
fact, become a center for learning and forward thinking
since it fell to Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn.

See Also:  Cairhienin, Aiel, Nations, Rulers, Update, Timeline

:: Beginning


            The People and Dress Code of Cairhien

Cairhien is pronounced:  
Daes Dae'mar is pronounced:  
Dah-ess day-MAR

People from Cairhien are called 'Cairhienin'. (

Daes Dae'mar

Also known as the Great Game, or the Game of Houses.  This
is not truly a game, though Cairhienin children learn to
play it, whether of common birth or noble, with their dolls
and soldiers.  It is a complex system of political intrigue
and maneuverings, using the art of misdirection and hidden
meanings to gain power and status.  For a Cairhienin, even
the commonfolk, nothing is as it seems.  Everything has a
deeper meaning, a hidden motive.  Even those who claim not
to play the Great Game are not above suspicion, and at times,
they are even more suspect.  Daes Dae'mar can often turn
deadly, with the use of poisons, and assassinations in
order to open otherwise occupied positions of power for
those who consider themselves more cunning and capable. The
Great Game is a way of life for the people of Cairhien, and
the presence of the Dragon Reborn does little to sway them
from this historically destructive force, which is a large
part of Cairhien's volatile nature and internal strife.

Dress Code

The people of Cairhien are generally a stoic people, with
a strict desire to control everything, and have everything
in order precisely as it should be.

Cairhienin are short and pale-skinned, with dark hair and
usually dark eyes.  The ladies wear their hair tightly
coiffed into elaborate towers of curls, each designed to
suit the unique tastes of the wearer.  Men wear their hair
long, either loose or tied back.


Cairhienin noblewomen usually wear dark dresses and gowns,
in shades of black or dark blue or green.  The dark clothing
is relieved only by narrow horizontal slashes of color down
the front, and ivory lace at throat and wrists. Noblemen
usually wear coats in similarly dark colors, with slashes
down the front as well.  The slashes indicate rank in
Cairhienin society.  The more slashes, the higher the noble
is ranked.  For instance, a noble with only a few slashes
across the chest would be of low rank, while a noble with
slashes nearly all the way down would likely be a High Seat
of his or her House.  The King or Queen would have slashes
from neckline to hem.  The colors of the slashes vary, and
indicate to which House the noble belongs.

Formalwear among the nobility is much the same, except more
elaborate.  Ladies formal gowns are usually made of silk or
other finer materials, with skirts supported by hoops that
are so wide that they at times must turn sideways to pass
through a door.  Noblemen often wear bell-shaped or flat
caps of soft velvet.


Servants play a large role in Cairhienin society, and they
too are bound by the restrictions of their Lord or Lady's
dress code.  Their livery usually only has color in a few
stripes on the cuffs of the sleeves, and their House badge
embroidered on the breast of their coat or dress.  Some
liveries have house colors covering the collar or sleeves,
but rarely the entire coat or dress.  Upper servants show
more color on their livery than lower servants.


Cairhienin military dress, like the upper classes, follows
the same strict guidelines, but with a few additions.  The
Officers wear slashes of rank across their coats much as
nobles do, but they shave the front of the head and dust
it with white powder, leaving their hair hanging long in
back.  High-ranking officers wear ornate, gilded cuirasses
and gauntlets as well as large white plumes attached to
their bell-shaped helmets.  They also wear small banners
called "con" to indicate which lord they serve, and allow
others to easy locate and identify them.  Lesser officers
and soldiers wear plainer armor.  Regular soldiers wear
their hair cut short in a basic bowl cut.


In contrast to the rest of Cairhienin society, those
of the lower classes tend to dress in bright, festive
colors almost in defiance of the ordered customs of
their betters.  Not bound to conform to such rigid
restrictions, their clothing is often ill-fitted and
shabby, but colorful, with bright skirts and shirts, with
coats and shawls that are equally bright.


The only time Cairhienin break these rigid rules of
order and class is during the Feast of Lights, which
lasts for two days.  During this time, all social
barriers are discarded between nobles and commoners.
It is a time when the Cairhienin seem to make up for
their perfect etiquette and celebrate with wild and
careless abandon.

Any man can kiss any woman. Any woman can kiss any man.
It is common to see nobles and commoners together in
varying states of undress.  The streets are often filled
with dancing and music, with Illuminator displays at
night.  People run around half-naked.  No repercussions
are ever incurred for anything that might have occurred
during the holiday, and there is no acknowledgement that
anything did, in fact occur.  When the Feast of Lights
is over, everyone goes back to their normal lives, to
live behind their rigid masks of formality and propriety.

See Also:  Daes Dae'mar, Cairhien, Nations, Rulers

:: Beginning

.:. Call Frost

Call Frost--------------------
Please use syntax '
inform 'call frost'' for weave information.

:: Beginning

.:. CART

Travel wagons may be used as transportation from one part of the mud to
another, saving you from walking.  The travel wagon goes from location to
location, momentarily stopping to take on new passengers and deposit old.
The cart driver usually charges a fee for this service.  To use a travel
wagon you must be at the location of the wagon.

> travel wagon list
Lists the locations the wagon travels to. Wagon must be in the room.
> travel wagon
Enters the wagon.

Upon entering the wagon, you will not be charged the fee until the
wagon starts moving.

See also: Recall

:: Beginning

.:. chanmastery

The Channeling Mastery system is no longer in use.

Please see Policy OCS for more information on channeling strength.

See also: Emote Channeling

:: Beginning


When you create your character, you can choose which flows you are
naturally stronger or skilled in.  This is your 'flowstrength' and
your '
flowskill'.  You can see what you have chosen by typing

Strong/Moderate/Weak = referring to flow strength
Gifted/Average/Inept = referring to skill with said flow

If one selected
strong in fire then their base flow of fire would
be considerably strong.  If coupled with
gifted that person would
be quite
adept at weaving strong fire weaves.

When you type '
talents' you will see your chosen flow strengths and
skills.  For example, if you chose 'Strong Air' 'Strong Spirit', and 'Gifted
Air' 'Gifted Spirit', this is what you would see when you type '

* finesse air
* finesse spirit
* strength air
* strength spirit

These are your -base- settings for your flowstrengths and flowskills and
represent your natural abilities.  For example, a Novice at the White Tower
with these settings would be naturally strong and gifted in Air and Spirit.
This would eventually be discovered in time through roleplay, which should
reflect these talents.

Policy OCS gives more information on overall channeler strength.

See Also:  Talents, Flowstrengths

:: Beginning


       A Brief Summary of Tyme's Magic System

In the Wheel of Time setting, 'magic' is not referred to
as 'magic'.  It is called 'channeling'.


The One Power comes from the True Source.  It is a thing
feared by many, and it can be channeled by only those who
have the ability to learn, or who have the spark inborn.

The One Power comes from the True Source, and is said to be
the force that turns the Wheel of Time.  It is divided into
five Powers or Flows:  Air, Earth, Fire, Water, and Spirit.

The True Source is divided into two halves.  Saidar, which is
the female half of the True Source, and Saidin which is
channeled by men. Until recently, the male half of the True
Source was tainted by the Dark One however, and men who
channel Saidin were destined to go mad, and eventually die.
They are held responsible for the Breaking of the World, and
for many generations, they have been feared, hunted, and
sometimes loathed.

Female channelers, on the other hand, face no such risk,
though they do have other reasons to be cautious. Aes Sedai
are female channelers, bound by certain Oaths, who are
trained to wield the One Power.  They are feared, and often
respected, but also blamed for the Breaking of the World,
simply because they too wield the One Power.  Some women are
born with the spark, the ability to channel, and will do so
whether they wish it or not.  Those who are found by the Aes
Sedai in time are trained until they can channel safely, and
then either allowed to leave, or remain and possibly one day
become Aes Sedai.  Those who are not found by Aes Sedai
usually end up dying or burning themselves out.  Those few
with the spark who survive, however, are known as Wilders.  
They have learned some sort of rough control over the One
Power on their own, but usually have a block that prevents
them from channeling whenever they wish.

Men are said to be stronger in Fire and Earth, while women
are said to be stronger in Air and Water.  They are equally
strong in Spirit.

See Also:  Flowstrength, Saidin, Saidar, Wilder, Block

:: Beginning

.:. Channeling Combat

-------------------- Combat Channeling --------------------

The channeling commands for "turn weave" are not currently included
in the combat system for MikkiMud 3.0. This will be an ongoing
process, so please be patient. Thank you.

See also: Turn-based Combat, Turn Weave, Turn Slice

:: Beginning

.:. Channeling Mastery

The Channeling Mastery system is no longer in use.

Please see Policy OCS for more information on channeling strength.

See also: Emote Channeling

:: Beginning


Cloud Dancing - Manipulate the weather and winds.

Healing - Heal with the One Power as well as Harm.

Puny Channeler - Very Weak in the One Power.

Weak Channeler - Weaker than normal in the One Power.

Powerful Channeler - Stronger than normal in the One Power.

Mighty Channeler - Very strong in the One Power.

See Also:  Cloud Dancing, Healing, Puny Channeler, Weak
Channeler, Powerful Channeler and Mighty Channeler

:: Beginning


There are a myriad of channels, both public and private, that are
available for everyone to use. You can get a list of the channels by
typing <channel list> or simply typing <channels> will give
you options on how to customize which channels you wish to receive and
those you want shut off.

OOC forms of communication:
> question|answer <string> - A channel to have questions answered.
> <multiguild tag> <string> - a channel for your specific multiguild(s).
> glt <string> - The Guild Leader channel.
> newbie <string> - A good channel for newbies to ask questions.
> ooc <string> - Global channel for OOC communication.
> osay/say <string> - A channel for OOC discussion in a single room.
> qsay <string> - The channel for those currently in a Quest.
> tell <player> <string> - A private channel for 2 people.
> vg <string> - A channel for the Visitor Guides.

-IC forms of communication:
> emote <string> - Most commonly used command to dictate a players
                   actions and words during RP.
> pemote <string> - Much like Emote, it is slightly altered but still
                    very useful to RP.

:: Beginning

.:. character

Welcome to a Moment in Tyme character creation.  This is where you will create
your character to play in our world.  In the menu's that follow, you will have the
opportunity to build a character that is as individual as yourself.  You may set
your characters height, age, weight, strength, and agility.  You will be able to
customize your characters strengths and weaknesses by adding talents or flaws.

Unlike most other MUD creation systems, our system does not follow a rigid menu
based format.  You may change any part of your character at any time.  You may also
converse with visitor guides and staff members for help.  To see what commands are
available to modify your character, type 'commands'.  To get help, try the
'help' command.  For example, to get help on the 'mighty channeler' talent:

help mighty channeler

If you can't find what you're looking for in the help files,
try one of the following channels to ask for help.  If you don't get a response on
one channel try the other channel on the list:

newbie <text>
Example:  newbie What does the talent 'Mighty Channeler' do?

question <text>
Example:  question What does the 'weight' stat affect?

We look forward to having you join our world and hope you enjoy your stay!

:: Beginning

.:. Charismatic Leader

**This talent allows one to purchase retainers at a lower cost than usual.

*see also: Nonchanneling Talents

:: Beginning

.:. CHAT

This is a channel dedicated to the assistance of newbies, and to allowing
them to have a channel they can communicate on freely.

It is available to everyone until the point of being taken into a Guild,
and to any Imms or Visitor Guides who wish to be on it.

Newbienet is a strictly Out of Character channel.

Usage: newbienet <text>
Example: newbienet Hey all! Where is the guild requirement board?

Also see: OOC, GDT, channels.

:: Beginning


There is a chess game for you to play with another player, if
you like, and can find a partner.

syntax is as follows:

> chess ask <opponent>     : Asks another player to play chess with you.
> chess accept <opponent>  : Accepts an invitation from another player.
> chess watch <player>     : Shows the current board of someone playing a chess game.
> chess show               : Shows the current chess board you are playing on.
> chess resign             : You give up a game of chess you're playing.
> chess pass               : Makes you pass your turn to your opponent.
> chess move <pos1> <pos2> : You move a piece from position 1 to position 2.
> chess longcastle         : Does a Queen's castling, if it's allowed.
> chess shortcastle        : Does a King's castling if it's allowed.
> chess                    : This gives a syntax help, listing all commands.

Essentially, the expected sequence is this:
-Player A types: chess ask B
-Player B responds: chess accept A
-Then a lot of moves..
-One player (presumably the loser) types: <chess resign>

-Note that the game still goes on even if the king on either
side is gone, so for the game to really end, someone must type
<chess resign> to end the game.

Chess technicalities: The "en passant" move is not implemented and
promotion is always to the Queen.

:: Beginning


Children of the Light (or known disparagingly as Whitecloaks)
   A society holding strict ascetic beliefs, dedicated to the defeat of
the Dark One and the destruction of all Darkfriends.  Founded during the
War of the Hundred Years by Lothair Manthelar to proselytize against the
increasing number of Darkfriends, they evolved during the war into a
completely military organization, extremely rigid in their beliefs, and
completely certain that they know the truth and the right.

Please see Template Show 10 for information on joining the Children
of the Light.

:: Beginning


    C  I  R  C  L  E  M  U  D     3  .  0

Circle-MUD was developed from DikuMUD (Gamma 0.0) by Jeremy "Ras" Elson at
Johns Hopkins University's Department of Computer Science.  All code unique
to Circle-MUD is protected under a copyright by the Trustees of the Johns
Hopkins University.

Many, many people contributed to Circle-MUD in one way or another throughout
the course of its development.  Although it's impossible for me to remember
them all, I'd like to extend special thanks to certain people:

  -- Jeff Fink, for submitting a veritable mountain of excellent code.
  -- Chris Epler and Chris Herringshaw for extensive beta-testing and bug
  -- Furry (Alex Fletcher), for single-handedly managing Circle's world files.
  -- Fred Merkel, Ryan Watkins, Jay Levino, and Sharon Goza, for other
     code and area submissions.
  -- Jean-Jack Riethoven, for porting the code to the Amiga.
  -- Bill Bogstad and Tim Stearns, for allowing Circle to exist.
  -- The DikuMUD folk, and the good old WhatMUD implementors Dave & Justin,
     for starting the ball rolling.
  -- Bryan Jolson, Steven Lacher, Cat Stanton, and Naved Surve, for being
     there in the very early days of Circle's development.
  -- And, of course, Sharon, Ben, Erica, Aly, and Josh, for keeping me sane. everyone else in the Circle community who has submitted material!
Thanks everyone!

:: Beginning


A Moment in Tyme, unlike other MUDS you may be familiar
with, does not have a coded class system.  This MUD is
unique, in that you are not limited merely to one form
of class such as a fighter, or a mage.

When you first log into the game and create your character,
you can choose certain
talents which ultimately define
what type of character you end up playing.  There aren't
any limits on the talents you can choose from when you
create your character, other than a leveling modifier
which basically increases the amount of experience you
need to level, based on how many talents you choose.  The
rarer or more advantageous the talents, the higher the
leveling modifier.  You can also choose weaknesses that
lower your leveling modifier, but these weaknesses must
be roleplayed out.

In the end, your 'class' is not determined by code, but
by your background, and which Guild (or Guilds) you end
up choosing.  All guilds require that you compose some
sort of background, which includes an explanation of
your talents and skills and why your character belongs.
More information can be found under the specific guild
help files, on the template board, or simply ask on the
newbie channel and someone will be able to point you in
the right direction.

See Also: Multiguild, Template, Talents, Channeling

:: Beginning


A Moment in Tyme, unlike other MUDS you may be familiar
with, does not have a coded class system.  This MUD is
unique, in that you are not limited merely to one form
of class such as a fighter, or a mage.

When you first log into the game and create your character,
you can choose certain
talents which ultimately define
what type of character you end up playing.  There aren't
any limits on the talents you can choose from when you
create your character, other than a leveling modifier
which basically increases the amount of experience you
need to level, based on how many talents you choose.  The
rarer or more advantageous the talents, the higher the
leveling modifier.  You can also choose weaknesses that
lower your leveling modifier, but these weaknesses must
be roleplayed out.

In the end, your 'class' is not determined by code, but
by your background, and which Guild (or Guilds) you end
up choosing.  All guilds require that you compose some
sort of background, which includes an explanation of
your talents and skills and why your character belongs.
More information can be found under the specific guild
help files, on the template board, or simply ask on the
newbie channel and someone will be able to point you in
the right direction.

See Also: Multiguild, Template, Talents, Channeling

:: Beginning


Entering this as a command will clear the screen of most terminals.

> clear
> cls

:: Beginning


Use these commands to open, close, lock and unlock doors.

> <open | close | lock | unlock> <door> <direction>

> open door east
> lock door north
> unlock door up
> close gate west

See also: Lockpicking, Enter

:: Beginning


This Talent allows one to manipulate the weather, for instance, to create
storms or calm them, or create winds for better sailing.  A person with the
cloud dancing Talent has a natural affinity for weather weaves, and would find
it easier to weave the complex flows than one who does not have this Talent.

See also: Channeling Talents

:: Beginning


This Talent allows one to manipulate the weather, for instance, to create
storms or calm them, or create winds for better sailing.  A person with the
cloud dancing Talent has a natural affinity for weather weaves, and would find
it easier to weave the complex flows than one who does not have this Talent.

See also: Channeling Talents

:: Beginning


This command clears all commands still waiting to be executed.
Some skills or weaves are delayed, and this command is useful
for clearing the delayed actions.

> clrcmds

:: Beginning

.:. CLS

Entering this as a command will clear the screen of most terminals.

> clear
> cls

:: Beginning

.:. CM

The Channeling Mastery system is no longer in use.

Please see Policy OCS for more information on channeling strength.

See also: Emote Channeling

:: Beginning

.:. CM grading

The Channeling Mastery system is no longer in use.

Please see Policy OCS for more information on channeling strength.

See also: Emote Channeling

:: Beginning

.:. CMgrading

The Channeling Mastery system is no longer in use.

Please see Policy OCS for more information on channeling strength.

See also: Emote Channeling

:: Beginning


If you have a color-capable terminal and wish to see useful color-coding
of information, use the COLOR command to set the level of coloring you see.

> color off
This command disables all color.

> color sparse
> color normal
> color complete
Advanced use only:
> color show

These three commands turn color on to various levels.  Experiment to see
which level suits your personal taste.  COLOR SHOW is an advanced command that
causes the MUD to display the embedded color codes rather than translating them
into colors on your screen.  This is useful for copy-pasting colored text, for

Using color will slow down the speed at which you see messages VERY slightly.
The effect is more noticeable on slower connections.  Even if you have
color turned on, non-colorized messages will not be slowed down at all.

You can also add color to titles or text by typing `` followed by
!-* excluding only the $ symbol. This color code does not work correctly
so instead, the symbol * substitutes for
Blue color.

Keep in mind, you must end all strings with color codes added to them with
the color code
` to keep the color from bleeding on yours and others

See also: Colorcodes, talkcolor, color show

:: Beginning


These are the color codes used on the MUD to add colors
to things like posts, titles, doings, descriptions, etc.

1=Red            !=Crimson          `rr=Red Background
2=Green          @=Lime             `gg=Green Background
3=Yellow         #=Gold             `yy=Yellow Background
4=Blue           *=Navy             `bb=Blue Background
5=Purple         %=Pink             `mm=Purple Background
6=Cyan           ^=Aqua             `cc=Cyan Background
7=Grey           &=White            `ww=Grey Background

To use color, simply put a backwards apostrophe before the color
code you want to use. Like this: title `
the `destroyer `of ``rall`
would make your title appear like this: Loth
the destroyer of `rall

Make sure you END all of your colorized commands with the `
This is the neutral color that prevents color bleed.

See also: Ansi, talkcolor

:: Beginning


COLOR SHOW is an addition to the COLOR command that allows a user to view all embedded color codes on their screen.

After typing COLOR SHOW the user's screen will look something like this:

color show
`Your color has been set to 'show'.  You will now see the actual color codes in text.

``(OoC)`->` Sadren says, '`Hi! This is how things look when you type color show!`'

All color codes will be shown until you type COLOR SHOW again.

:: Beginning


These are the color codes used on the MUD to add colors
to things like posts, titles, doings, descriptions, etc.

1=Red            !=Crimson          `rr=Red Background
2=Green          @=Lime             `gg=Green Background
3=Yellow         #=Gold             `yy=Yellow Background
4=Blue           *=Navy             `bb=Blue Background
5=Purple         %=Pink             `mm=Purple Background
6=Cyan           ^=Aqua             `cc=Cyan Background
7=Grey           &=White            `ww=Grey Background

To use color, simply put a backwards apostrophe before the color
code you want to use. Like this: title `
the `destroyer `of ``rall`
would make your title appear like this: Loth
the destroyer of `rall

Make sure you END all of your colorized commands with the `
This is the neutral color that prevents color bleed.

See also: Ansi, talkcolor

:: Beginning


These are the color codes used on the MUD to add colors
to things like posts, titles, doings, descriptions, etc.

1=Red            !=Crimson          `rr=Red Background
2=Green          @=Lime             `gg=Green Background
3=Yellow         #=Gold             `yy=Yellow Background
4=Blue           *=Navy             `bb=Blue Background
5=Purple         %=Pink             `mm=Purple Background
6=Cyan           ^=Aqua             `cc=Cyan Background
7=Grey           &=White            `ww=Grey Background

To use color, simply put a backwards apostrophe before the color
code you want to use. Like this: title `
the `destroyer `of ``rall`
would make your title appear like this: Loth
the destroyer of `rall

Make sure you END all of your colorized commands with the `
This is the neutral color that prevents color bleed.

See also: Ansi, talkcolor

:: Beginning


If you have a color-capable terminal and wish to see useful color-coding
of information, use the COLOR command to set the level of coloring you see.

> color off
This command disables all color.

> color sparse
> color normal
> color complete
Advanced use only:
> color show

These three commands turn color on to various levels.  Experiment to see
which level suits your personal taste.  COLOR SHOW is an advanced command that
causes the MUD to display the embedded color codes rather than translating them
into colors on your screen.  This is useful for copy-pasting colored text, for

Using color will slow down the speed at which you see messages VERY slightly.
The effect is more noticeable on slower connections.  Even if you have
color turned on, non-colorized messages will not be slowed down at all.

You can also add color to titles or text by typing `` followed by
!-* excluding only the $ symbol. This color code does not work correctly
so instead, the symbol * substitutes for
Blue color.

Keep in mind, you must end all strings with color codes added to them with
the color code
` to keep the color from bleeding on yours and others

See also: Colorcodes, talkcolor, color show

:: Beginning


These are the color codes used on the MUD to add colors
to things like posts, titles, doings, descriptions, etc.

1=Red            !=Crimson          `rr=Red Background
2=Green          @=Lime             `gg=Green Background
3=Yellow         #=Gold             `yy=Yellow Background
4=Blue           *=Navy             `bb=Blue Background
5=Purple         %=Pink             `mm=Purple Background
6=Cyan           ^=Aqua             `cc=Cyan Background
7=Grey           &=White            `ww=Grey Background

To use color, simply put a backwards apostrophe before the color
code you want to use. Like this: title `
the `destroyer `of ``rall`
would make your title appear like this: Loth
the destroyer of `rall

Make sure you END all of your colorized commands with the `
This is the neutral color that prevents color bleed.

See also: Ansi, talkcolor

:: Beginning


If you have a color-capable terminal and wish to see useful color-coding
of information, use the COLOR command to set the level of coloring you see.

> color off
This command disables all color.

> color sparse
> color normal
> color complete
Advanced use only:
> color show

These three commands turn color on to various levels.  Experiment to see
which level suits your personal taste.  COLOR SHOW is an advanced command that
causes the MUD to display the embedded color codes rather than translating them
into colors on your screen.  This is useful for copy-pasting colored text, for

Using color will slow down the speed at which you see messages VERY slightly.
The effect is more noticeable on slower connections.  Even if you have
color turned on, non-colorized messages will not be slowed down at all.

You can also add color to titles or text by typing `` followed by
!-* excluding only the $ symbol. This color code does not work correctly
so instead, the symbol * substitutes for
Blue color.

Keep in mind, you must end all strings with color codes added to them with
the color code
` to keep the color from bleeding on yours and others

See also: Colorcodes, talkcolor, color show

:: Beginning


These are the color codes used on the MUD to add colors
to things like posts, titles, doings, descriptions, etc.

1=Red            !=Crimson          `rr=Red Background
2=Green          @=Lime             `gg=Green Background
3=Yellow         #=Gold             `yy=Yellow Background
4=Blue           *=Navy             `bb=Blue Background
5=Purple         %=Pink             `mm=Purple Background
6=Cyan           ^=Aqua             `cc=Cyan Background
7=Grey           &=White            `ww=Grey Background

To use color, simply put a backwards apostrophe before the color
code you want to use. Like this: title `
the `destroyer `of ``rall`
would make your title appear like this: Loth
the destroyer of `rall

Make sure you END all of your colorized commands with the `
This is the neutral color that prevents color bleed.

See also: Ansi, talkcolor

:: Beginning


These are the color codes used on the MUD to add colors
to things like posts, titles, doings, descriptions, etc.

1=Red            !=Crimson          `rr=Red Background
2=Green          @=Lime             `gg=Green Background
3=Yellow         #=Gold             `yy=Yellow Background
4=Blue           *=Navy             `bb=Blue Background
5=Purple         %=Pink             `mm=Purple Background
6=Cyan           ^=Aqua             `cc=Cyan Background
7=Grey           &=White            `ww=Grey Background

To use color, simply put a backwards apostrophe before the color
code you want to use. Like this: title `
the `destroyer `of ``rall`
would make your title appear like this: Loth
the destroyer of `rall

Make sure you END all of your colorized commands with the `
This is the neutral color that prevents color bleed.

See also: Ansi, talkcolor

:: Beginning


These are the color codes used on the MUD to add colors
to things like posts, titles, doings, descriptions, etc.

1=Red            !=Crimson          `rr=Red Background
2=Green          @=Lime             `gg=Green Background
3=Yellow         #=Gold             `yy=Yellow Background
4=Blue           *=Navy             `bb=Blue Background
5=Purple         %=Pink             `mm=Purple Background
6=Cyan           ^=Aqua             `cc=Cyan Background
7=Grey           &=White            `ww=Grey Background

To use color, simply put a backwards apostrophe before the color
code you want to use. Like this: title `
the `destroyer `of ``rall`
would make your title appear like this: Loth
the destroyer of `rall

Make sure you END all of your colorized commands with the `
This is the neutral color that prevents color bleed.

See also: Ansi, talkcolor

:: Beginning


If you have a color-capable terminal and wish to see useful color-coding
of information, use the COLOR command to set the level of coloring you see.

> color off
This command disables all color.

> color sparse
> color normal
> color complete
Advanced use only:
> color show

These three commands turn color on to various levels.  Experiment to see
which level suits your personal taste.  COLOR SHOW is an advanced command that
causes the MUD to display the embedded color codes rather than translating them
into colors on your screen.  This is useful for copy-pasting colored text, for

Using color will slow down the speed at which you see messages VERY slightly.
The effect is more noticeable on slower connections.  Even if you have
color turned on, non-colorized messages will not be slowed down at all.

You can also add color to titles or text by typing `` followed by
!-* excluding only the $ symbol. This color code does not work correctly
so instead, the symbol * substitutes for
Blue color.

Keep in mind, you must end all strings with color codes added to them with
the color code
` to keep the color from bleeding on yours and others

See also: Colorcodes, talkcolor, color show

:: Beginning


These are the color codes used on the MUD to add colors
to things like posts, titles, doings, descriptions, etc.

1=Red            !=Crimson          `rr=Red Background
2=Green          @=Lime             `gg=Green Background
3=Yellow         #=Gold             `yy=Yellow Background
4=Blue           *=Navy             `bb=Blue Background
5=Purple         %=Pink             `mm=Purple Background
6=Cyan           ^=Aqua             `cc=Cyan Background
7=Grey           &=White            `ww=Grey Background

To use color, simply put a backwards apostrophe before the color
code you want to use. Like this: title `
the `destroyer `of ``rall`
would make your title appear like this: Loth
the destroyer of `rall

Make sure you END all of your colorized commands with the `
This is the neutral color that prevents color bleed.

See also: Ansi, talkcolor

:: Beginning

.:. Combat Channeling

-------------------- Combat Channeling --------------------

The channeling commands for "turn weave" are not currently included
in the combat system for MikkiMud 3.0. This will be an ongoing
process, so please be patient. Thank you.

See also: Turn-based Combat, Turn Weave, Turn Slice

:: Beginning

.:. Combat Channeling System

-------------------- Combat Channeling --------------------

The channeling commands for "turn weave" are not currently included
in the combat system for MikkiMud 3.0. This will be an ongoing
process, so please be patient. Thank you.

See also: Turn-based Combat, Turn Weave, Turn Slice

:: Beginning

.:. Combat Example

-------------------- Mock Battle --------------------

Emote: "Bob hefts up his broadsword and quickly swings it towards
        Joe's left leg.

(Bob attacks Joe's leg. Joe has enough Defense Points to dodge the
attack. Joe
dodges Bob's attack)

Emote: "Feigning to the right, Bob's sword narrowly misses Joe's
        left leg, giving him time to dive forward and slash

(Joe attacks Bob. Bob has enough Defense Points to dodge the
attack. Bob
dodges Joe's attack)

Emote: "Dashing away from Joe, Bob sees Jane nearby and races
        toward her, lifting his steel shield to protect her.

(Bob has enough Defense Points to help defend Jane. Bob uses half
of his remaining defense points. Bob
defends Jane)

Emote: "Defended by Bob, Jane grasps Saidar and quickly weaves a
        fireball towards Joe.

(Jane uses some of her Exhaustion Points to weave a fireball at
Joe. Joe does not have enough Defense Points to dodge the attack.
Jane's weave goes

Emote: "Engulfed in flames, Joe has no choice but to try to flee
        the battle, taking several steps back.

(Joe retreats one step)

Emote: "Seeing Joe begin to flee, Bob presses an offensive and
        moves forward as well.

(Bob advances one step)

Emote: "Remaining behind Bob's shield, Jane watches intently."
Command: TURN PASS

(Jane passes her turn)

Emote: "Given time to prepare an attack in his retreat, Joe kicks
        his right foot toward Bob's right hand in an attempt to
        disarm him.

(Joe attempts to disarm Bob. Bob does not have enough Defense
Points to block the attack. Bob is

Emote: "Stunned, Bob quickly bends down to grab his fallen sword."

(Bob gets a heron-marked sword)

See also: Phase, Turn-Based Combat

:: Beginning

.:. Combat Points

-------------------- Combat Points --------------------

These points are used to calculate the amount of energy you would
have during a battle that will allow you to perform a certain
task. Each action, be it attacking, defending, or manipulating
objects and items, takes energy and action to perform, and thus
you will use combat points during each phase UNLESS you pass your
phase and do nothing.

See also: Phase, Attack Points, Defense Points

:: Beginning

.:. Combat Stance

-------------------- Combat Stance --------------------

These are the stances that every person will set before initiating
combat with their opponents. Combat Stance will be the determining
factor as to how your Combat Points are split up. Those with a more
defensive stance will find that they have been given more Defense
Points and fewer Attack Points while those in offensive stances will
receive more Attack Points than Defense Points. This command has not
been finalized yet, but will be put into MikkiMud 3.0 by its opening,
so please be patient. Thank you.

See also: Turn-based Combat

:: Beginning

.:. Combat Turn

-------------------- Turn-Based Combat --------------------

Turn-Based Combat is the system of fighting implemented
specifically for MikkiMud 3.0 combat situations. It's purpose
is to allow people to have an objective system available
that will allow people to determine the outcome of most
actions in a battle without bias. In the helpfiles beyond,
the turn-based system will be explained by each of its
components and commands.


Attack Points        Phase                 Turn Information
Combat Channeling    Turn Advance          Turn Object
Combat Points        Turn Attack           Turn Pass
Combat Stance        Turn Defend           Turn Retreat
Defense Points       Turn Disarm           Turn Slice
Mock Battle          Turn Help Commands    Turn Weave

SYNTAX: help <index topic>

See also: Phase

:: Beginning

.:. Combat Turn Based

-------------------- Turn-Based Combat --------------------

Turn-Based Combat is the system of fighting implemented
specifically for MikkiMud 3.0 combat situations. It's purpose
is to allow people to have an objective system available
that will allow people to determine the outcome of most
actions in a battle without bias. In the helpfiles beyond,
the turn-based system will be explained by each of its
components and commands.


Attack Points        Phase                 Turn Information
Combat Channeling    Turn Advance          Turn Object
Combat Points        Turn Attack           Turn Pass
Combat Stance        Turn Defend           Turn Retreat
Defense Points       Turn Disarm           Turn Slice
Mock Battle          Turn Help Commands    Turn Weave

SYNTAX: help <index topic>

See also: Phase

:: Beginning


The <commands> command gives a list of all the known verbs.

Syntax: <commands>

Most commands listed should have help available by typing: "help <command>"

:: Beginning

.:. common

Common Language/New Tongue

All modern language in the world of the "Wheel of Time" stems from the Old Tongue.
All people of the world speak the common language, be they from the Westlands, Shara,
Seanchan, Seafolk, or Aiel.

It is thought by scholars that the Old Tongue was kept alive through the publication
of books printed around the time of the Breaking. The common language, or "new tongue"
was a vulgar form of the Old Tongue during the time of the Ten Nations and took over
as the dominant language during Artur Hawkwing's time. Trade and invasion throughout
the world as well as the continuation of the printed word are most likely the causes
for the spread of the common language.

For more help on specific languages, please see:

Old Tongue, Trolloc Tongue, Ogier Tongue, Dialects

:: Beginning


There are a myriad of channels, both public and private, that are
available for everyone to use. You can get a list of the channels by
typing <channel list> or simply typing <channels> will give
you options on how to customize which channels you wish to receive and
those you want shut off.

OOC forms of communication:
> question|answer <string> - A channel to have questions answered.
> <multiguild tag> <string> - a channel for your specific multiguild(s).
> glt <string> - The Guild Leader channel.
> newbie <string> - A good channel for newbies to ask questions.
> ooc <string> - Global channel for OOC communication.
> osay/say <string> - A channel for OOC discussion in a single room.
> qsay <string> - The channel for those currently in a Quest.
> tell <player> <string> - A private channel for 2 people.
> vg <string> - A channel for the Visitor Guides.

-IC forms of communication:
> emote <string> - Most commonly used command to dictate a players
                   actions and words during RP.
> pemote <string> - Much like Emote, it is slightly altered but still
                    very useful to RP.

:: Beginning


Entering this as a command toggles the extra blank line output to
your screen after each command. This is useful if you have a small

> compact

See also: Brief, Prefs, Lines

:: Beginning


This allows you to compare one piece of equipment against another
to determine whether or not it is better than what you've got.
> compare <item1> <item2>
> compare sword dagger
You will receive a message informing you if which is better, or
if they are both about the same.

See also: Wear, Wield

:: Beginning


This weave and ability are currently disabled.

:: Beginning


This weave and ability are currently disabled.

:: Beginning


This skill allows a character to conceal the trail left behind that
allows them to be tracked, thereby making them harder, if not impossible
to track.

> conceal trail

Due to the difficulties of concealing your trail, once you begin it will
cost significantly more of your Endurance to maintain the concealed trail
and it only gets more and more difficult and costly as you add people to
your group. If only one person in a group uses the conceal trail skill it
will still hide the entire group from those tracking them. Only one person
in a group needs to do this at one time.

See also: Track

:: Beginning


Syntax: Consider <name of mobile or player>

Entering this command will compare your OFA with the OFA of the mobile or
player you are considering. You will then receive a rough estimate of your own
combat ability compared to that of the mobile or player. This comparison is by
no means exact, as it does not take into account hitpoints, special abilities or
overall damage.

See also: OFA, Consider Messages, Powersense

:: Beginning


When using the consider command, you will receive various messages,
depending on how your OFA compares to that of of the mobile or player being

The consider messages are as follows:
User's OFA is 40.1 or more points below the target's OFA:
May you find shelter in the palm of the Creator's hand!

User's OFA is 20.1-40.0 points below the target's OFA:
You would need the Dark One's own luck!

User's OFA is 10.1-20.0 points below the target's OFA:
You are a fool whistling in high wind.

User's OFA is within 10 points of the target's OFA in either direction:
No one can see the Pattern until it is woven.

User's OFA is 10.1-20.0 points above the target's OFA:
The Pattern favors you.

User's OFA is 20.1-40.0 points above target's OFA:
What is done is already woven into the Pattern.

User's OFA is 40.1+ points above the target's OFA:
Go with the Light.

See also: Consider, OFA

:: Beginning


Your hitpoints, or Life as it is called now, will tell you how much
damage you can sustain. When you run out of Life, you die. Your Life
will gradually regenerate to its maximum, and does so faster if you are
resting or sleeping. However, during a fight it will not increase at all.

Your Constitution is what affects your Life as you level. Raising
your Con with the practices you gain from leveling will serve to increase
your Life.

See also: Training, Score, Stats

:: Beginning

.:. contact

CONTACT is a command that lets players set contact information for themselves
and look up other player's contact information.


  CONTACT <Name>

  CONTACT ADD <type> <value> [required guilds*]
  CONTACT REMOVE <number to remove

Valid Types are:


  To add a contact item for AIM that's visible to all players:

    CONTACT ADD Aim MyAimScreenName

  To add an email address that's only visible to people in Daes:
*Required Guilds:

  This field is optional, and also a bit tricky to first understand.
  This field is a list of multiguild tags in the format of:
  A or B or C or D
  So if you list:  DD TT
  Then if someone has DD or TT for a multiguild on a character, then they'll
  be able to see the contact item.
  However, you can also combine multiguild tags inside of quotes to say that
  both are required (ex: "DD TT" = DD /and/ TT, DD TT = DD /or/ TT)
  And to round out the system you can combine them to make a general format
  A or B or C or D or "E and F and G and H..."
  Which can lead to combinations like this:
  Which would be visible to anyone in th VisGuide guild, anyone that is in
  both Deas and the Tower, or Daes and the Wolfkin.

:: Beginning


The exchange command is used to convert quest points to
experience points.  The exchange ratio is 1 qp to 150 xp.
Currently, qps can only be exchanged for experience points.

Exchange <#>

See also:  QPs, Quest points

:: Beginning

.:. Copper Pennies

The official monetary system for the Wheel of Time according to Robert Jordan
himself (remember, of course, that coins of the same denomination from different
countries are often different weights and hence, different values):

10 copper pennies = one silver penny.
100 silver pennies = one silver mark.
10 silver marks   = one silver crown.
10 silver crowns  = one gold mark.
10 gold marks     = one gold crown.

A Moment in Tyme currently uses 'gold' as the monetary unit.  This does not
translate nicely to Wheel of Time terms and will be changed in the future.

The command to see how much gold you have on hand is:  gold

> gold
You have 500 gold marks.

See also: Bank, Shops, List

:: Beginning

.:. Copper Penny

The official monetary system for the Wheel of Time according to Robert Jordan
himself (remember, of course, that coins of the same denomination from different
countries are often different weights and hence, different values):

10 copper pennies = one silver penny.
100 silver pennies = one silver mark.
10 silver marks   = one silver crown.
10 silver crowns  = one gold mark.
10 gold marks     = one gold crown.

A Moment in Tyme currently uses 'gold' as the monetary unit.  This does not
translate nicely to Wheel of Time terms and will be changed in the future.

The command to see how much gold you have on hand is:  gold

> gold
You have 500 gold marks.

See also: Bank, Shops, List

:: Beginning

.:. COTL

Children of the Light (or known disparagingly as Whitecloaks)
   A society holding strict ascetic beliefs, dedicated to the defeat of
the Dark One and the destruction of all Darkfriends.  Founded during the
War of the Hundred Years by Lothair Manthelar to proselytize against the
increasing number of Darkfriends, they evolved during the war into a
completely military organization, extremely rigid in their beliefs, and
completely certain that they know the truth and the right.

Please see Template Show 10 for information on joining the Children
of the Light.

:: Beginning


Council is a multiguild designed for those who belong
to the various lawmaking and peacekeeping organizations
of the Land.  It is comprised of military policing bodies,
as well as magistrates, city clerks and other bureaucratic
officials who do not necessarily have noble titles. Some
nobles, however, may hold positions in Council in addition
to their noble position.  The Council guild is often
interchangeable with the Daes Dae'mar guild in the case
where a nobleman holds the rank of Captain of the Queen's
Guards, or where a noblewoman might also serve as a magistrate.
So if you wish for your character to be a Queen's Guard, or
a Magistrate, or a member of the Tar Valon city council,
this would be the guild to apply for.  Currently, this
guild does not have a GL, so applications should go through
the Storytelling Imms.

Those who wish to play a noble in addition to a Council
rank must still apply to join Daes Dae'mar as well.

This guild has generally mainly included Andoran officials,
but it is not actually limited just to Andorans.  It is
intended to include all civil servants of any nation.

See Also:  Multiguild, Daes Dae'mar

:: Beginning

.:. CP

-------------------- Combat Points --------------------

These points are used to calculate the amount of energy you would
have during a battle that will allow you to perform a certain
task. Each action, be it attacking, defending, or manipulating
objects and items, takes energy and action to perform, and thus
you will use combat points during each phase UNLESS you pass your
phase and do nothing.

See also: Phase, Attack Points, Defense Points

:: Beginning

.:. Crafter Talent

**This talent allows one to craft things, similar to the old Tuatha'an Guildskill of
tool.  However, it's not likely you can make armor out of a dress or vice-versa.  

*see also: Nonchanneling Talents

:: Beginning

.:. creation

Welcome to a Moment in Tyme character creation.  This is where you will create
your character to play in our world.  In the menu's that follow, you will have the
opportunity to build a character that is as individual as yourself.  You may set
your characters height, age, weight, strength, and agility.  You will be able to
customize your characters strengths and weaknesses by adding talents or flaws.

Unlike most other MUD creation systems, our system does not follow a rigid menu
based format.  You may change any part of your character at any time.  You may also
converse with visitor guides and staff members for help.  To see what commands are
available to modify your character, type 'commands'.  To get help, try the
'help' command.  For example, to get help on the 'mighty channeler' talent:

help mighty channeler

If you can't find what you're looking for in the help files,
try one of the following channels to ask for help.  If you don't get a response on
one channel try the other channel on the list:

newbie <text>
Example:  newbie What does the talent 'Mighty Channeler' do?

question <text>
Example:  question What does the 'weight' stat affect?

We look forward to having you join our world and hope you enjoy your stay!

:: Beginning

.:. creation_greeting

Welcome to a Moment in Tyme character creation.  This is where you will create
your character to play in our world.  In the menu's that follow, you will have the
opportunity to build a character that is as individual as yourself.  You may set
your characters height, age, weight, strength, and agility.  You will be able to
customize your characters strengths and weaknesses by adding talents or flaws.

Unlike most other MUD creation systems, our system does not follow a rigid menu
based format.  You may change any part of your character at any time.  You may also
converse with visitor guides and staff members for help.  To see what commands are
available to modify your character, type 'commands'.  To get help, try the
'help' command.  For example, to get help on the 'mighty channeler' talent:

help mighty channeler

If you can't find what you're looking for in the help files,
try one of the following channels to ask for help.  If you don't get a response on
one channel try the other channel on the list:

newbie <text>
Example:  newbie What does the talent 'Mighty Channeler' do?

question <text>
Example:  question What does the 'weight' stat affect?

We look forward to having you join our world and hope you enjoy your stay!

:: Beginning

.:. Crown

The official monetary system for the Wheel of Time according to Robert Jordan
himself (remember, of course, that coins of the same denomination from different
countries are often different weights and hence, different values):

10 copper pennies = one silver penny.
100 silver pennies = one silver mark.
10 silver marks   = one silver crown.
10 silver crowns  = one gold mark.
10 gold marks     = one gold crown.

A Moment in Tyme currently uses 'gold' as the monetary unit.  This does not
translate nicely to Wheel of Time terms and will be changed in the future.

The command to see how much gold you have on hand is:  gold

> gold
You have 500 gold marks.

See also: Bank, Shops, List

:: Beginning

.:. CUT

Slicing a weave is a defensive technique that interrupts another channeler's weave by severing the flows used to create it.  This results in a snap-back that physically impacts the channeler whose weave has been sliced.  The construction of the slicing weave varies by channeler gender.

For code purposes, when implemented, a channeler activating the autocut toggle will automatically attempt to slice, or cut, any incoming, hostile weaves.

See also: Autocut

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
.:. Top of Page