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'attack_direction' sets the angle of attack for attacks, and the angle(s) the
defense works against if the form is defensive.  The 4 most significant bits of this bitvector handle orientation (modified by 'orientation)'.  Attacks are
listed in draw_punchbag_a (cuz it was easier to explain visually with integer
angles than it was to call everything 'diagonally_downward_left_to_right', or
'diagonally_upward_left_to_right' etc.  Plus I just really wanted a funny function that drew pictures.

Syntax:  attack_direction ə/2/.../10/all/none>
  -or-:  attack ə/2/.../10/all/none>
   ***Attack Angles***    
       '7'   |   '1'          
         *   |   *            
          *  V  *            
     '6'-->  X  <--'2'        
          *  ^  *            
         *   |   *            
       '5'   |   '3'          
'8': Dead On (Thrusts)  
'9': Thrown                    
'10': Undefined (none)          

The 'X' is the defender, and he's facing us (attacker).
    Ex:  attack 2

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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