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Syntax:  REDIT <vnum>
         REDIT save <zone>
REDIT is the command to enter the room editor for the OnLine Creation system
(OLC).  <vnum> is the virtual number of the room you wish to edit.  If the room
does not exist, it will be created.  <zone> is the zone number.  Because of the
way CircleMUD zones are set up, the zone number is always the prefix for the
vnum.  IE:  Zone 1 has vnums 100 through 199.  Zone 2 has 200-299, zone 19 has
1900-1999, etc.  Each zone may contain a maximum of 100 vnums.

Options inside REDIT:

1) Name        : The name of the room (Seen at the top when you LOOK)
2) Description : The description of the room.
3) Room flags  : (Select all that apply:)
   DARK         - Players need a light to see.
   !MOB         - Mobs will not enter the room unless forced.
   INDOORS      - Room is indoors.
   PEACEFUL     - Players may not harm each other inside this room.
   SOUNDPROOF   - Sounds (Such as SHOUTs) can not enter or leave room.
   !TRACK       - Players can not use track in this room.
   !MAGIC       - Stedding.  One power can not be touched in this room.
   TUNNEL       -
   PRIVATE      - Only two player may be in room at any given time.      
   GODROOM      - Only imms allowed.
   HOUSE        - Room is part of a player owned house.
   HCRSH        - Do not set, used internally by the code.
   ATRIUM       - Main room of a player owned house.
   OLC          - Do not set, used internally by OLC.
   NOGATE       - Can not gate into or out of room.
   RAIDED       - Room has been raided (Causes room to display raided
                - description rather than primary description.
   TELEPORTER   - Room teleports players to another room automatically.
   SHIP         - Room is part of a Seafolk ship object.
   PLANK        - Room is the plank of a Seafolk ship.
   DECK         - Room is part of the deck of a Seafolk ship.
   HELM         - Room is the helm of a Seafolk ship.
   DOMEAIR      -
   DOMEFIRE     -
   LOCKER       - Room is a locker. (All objects inside survive reboots)      
   !RECALL      - Players can not recall from or to this room.

4) Sector type :
    Water (Swim)  
    Water (No Swim)      
    In Flight

5) Exit north  : Vnum of room to north (-1 indicates no exit to north
6) Exit east   : ""
7) Exit south  : ""
8) Exit west   : ""
9) Exit up     : ""
A) Exit down   : ""
B) Extra descriptions: Additional keywords that players can LOOK at.  When a
player typed LOOK with one of the keywords for an extra desc, that player will
see that extra desc.  While useful, it is preferred that if there are objects
that can be looked at/examined in a room, an object should be created with
OEDIT and set to load using ZEDIT.
C) Room width  : No longer used.  Was for old turn based combat system.
D) Room height : See above.
F) Spec func   : Special procedure attached to room.  If you want a room to do
something cool or neat that you can't do with OLC, ask a coder to write a
special procedure for you.
G) Guild       : If this is set, only members of the specified guilds may enter.
N) Raided name : If room is raided, this name will display instead of the
               : primary one above.
R) Raided description: If room is raided, this desc will display instead of the
               : primary one above.
S) Telep string: Message to send to player when teleported. (Only applies to
               : TELEPORT rooms)
T) Teleports to: Vnum of room to teleport player to.
U) Telep tick  : How long to wait before teleporting player.
X) Wipe teleport: Clear telepot settings.
Y) Wipe raided : Clear raided.
Q) Quit


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 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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