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    "rand",            /* if rand 30       - if random number < 30 */
    "mobhere",         /* if mobhere fido  - is there a 'fido' here */
    "objhere",         /* if objhere bottle    - is there a 'bottle' here */
                       /* if mobhere 1233  - is there mob vnum 1233 here */
                       /* if objhere 1233  - is there obj vnum 1233 here */
    "mobexists",       /* if mobexists fido    - is there a fido somewhere */
    "objexists",       /* if objexists sword   - is there a sword somewhere */

    "people",          /* if people > 4    - does room contain > 4 people */
    "players",         /* if players > 1   - does room contain > 1 pcs */
    "mobs",            /* if mobs > 2      - does room contain > 2 mobiles */
    "clones",          /* if clones > 3    - are there > 3 mobs of same vnum here */
    "order",           /* if order == 0    - is mob the first in room */
    "hour",            /* if hour > 11     - is the time > 11 o'clock */

    "ispc",            /* if ispc $n       - is $n a pc */
    "isnpc",           /* if isnpc $n      - is $n a mobile */
    "isgood",          /* if isgood $n     - is $n good */
    "isevil",          /* if isevil $n     - is $n evil */
    "isneutral",       /* if isneutral $n  - is $n neutral */
    "isimmort",        /* if isimmort $n   - is $n immortal */
    "ischarm",         /* if ischarm $n    - is $n charmed */
    "isfollow",        /* if isfollow $n   - is $n following someone */
    "isactive",        /* if isactive $n   - is $n's position > SLEEPING */
    "isdelay",         /* if isdelay $i    - does $i have mobprog pending */
    "isvisible",       /* if isvisible $n  - can mob see $n */
    "hastarget",       /* if hastarget $i  - does $i have a valid target */
    "istarget",        /* if istarget $n   - is $n mob's target */
    "exists",          /* if exists $n     - does $n exist somewhere */

    "affected",        /* if affected $n blind - is $n affected by blind */
    "act",             /* if act $i sentinel   - is $i flagged sentinel */
    "off",             /* if off $i berserk    - is $i flagged berserk */
    "imm",             /* if imm $i fire   - is $i immune to fire */
    "carries",         /* if carries $n sword  - does $n have a 'sword' */
                       /* if carries $n 1233   - does $n have obj vnum 1233 */
    "wears",           /* if wears $n lantern  - is $n wearing a 'lantern' */
                       /* if wears $n 1233 - is $n wearing obj vnum 1233 */
    "has",             /* if has $n weapon - does $n have obj of type weapon */
    "uses",            /* if uses $n armor - is $n wearing obj of type armor */
    "name",            /* if name $n puff  - is $n's name 'puff' */
    "pos",             /* if pos $n standing   - is $n standing */
    "clan",            /* if clan $n 'whatever'- does $n belong to clan 'whatever' */
    "race",            /* if race $n dragon    - is $n of 'dragon' race */
    "class",           /* if class $n mage - is $n's class 'mage' */
    "objtype",         /* if objtype $p scroll - is $p a scroll */

    "vnum",            /* if vnum $i == 1233   - virtual number check */
    "hpcnt",           /* if hpcnt $i > 30 - hit point percent check */
    "room",            /* if room $i == 1233   - room virtual number */
    "sex",             /* if sex $i == 0   - sex check */
    "level",           /* if level $n < 5  - level check */
    "align",           /* if align $n < -1000  - alignment check */
    "money",           /* if money $n */
    "objval0",         /* if objval0 > 1000    - object value[] checks 0..13 */
    "grpsize",                    /* if grpsize $n > 6    - group size check */
    "ercount",                    // if ercount $n > 2    - Emotes in Room
    "trcount",                    // if trcount $n > 4    - Ticks in room
    "ecount",                     // if ecount $n > 2     - Emotes since last rpexp update
    "ucount",                     // if ucount $n > 1    - Count of rpexp updates for player
    "hasmemory",                 // if hasmemory $n <text> - Does mob remember <text> about $n?
    "rank",                       // if rank $n "<guild tag> <rank>" - Does $n have rank <rank> in guild <guild tag>?  (MUST be in quotes!)
    "subrank",                    // if subrank $n "<guild tag> <subrank>" - Does $n have rank <rank> in guild <guild tag>?  (MUST be in quotes)
    "cmd",                        // if cmd milk          - Did the player type the 'milk' command?  (Only works with CMD triggers!)
    "cmdarg",                     // if cmdarg cow        - Did the player type the word 'cow' after the command that triggered this script? (Only works with CMD triggers)
    "success",                    // if success $n arrest - Did the player succeed at using the 'arrest' skill?
    "skill",                      // if skill '$n [skill]' > 500  - Is players skill level in [skill] greater than 50.0%? (Note:  Quotes are required and skill levels are divided by 10.  Thus 500 is 50.0%
    "trigger",                    // if trigger greet     - Was this script triggered with a 'greet' trigger?
    "phrase",                     // if phrase 'looks at you' - Was this script triggered by the phrase 'looks at you'?

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 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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