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             Help Information for Saldaea

SIGIL:  Three silver fish, one above the other; the Silver Fish
BANNER:  Three silver fish on a field of dark blue
RESOURCES: Sheep, Lumber, Furs and Ice Peppers

The largest of all of the Border nations, Saldaea stretches
from World's End on the western coast of the Aryth Ocean to
the River Arinelle, and the northern edge of the Black Hills.
It lies directly northeast of Arad Doman.  It is ruled by Her
Illuminated Majesty, Tenobia si Bashere Kazadi, Queen of
Saldaea, Shield of the North, Sword of the Blightborder, High
Seat of House Kazadi, Lady of Shahayni, Asnelle, Gunwar and
Ganai.  It is said that the young Queen Tenobia rules estates
larger than the entire city-state of Mayene.

The Marshal-General, currently Queen Tenobia's uncle, Davram
Bashere, is responsible for commanding the Saldaean military.  
The Saldaean cavalry is renowned for its mounted drills and
maneuvers in unites as large as nine thousand without missing a
step.  The cavalrymen of Saldaea can perform stunts on horseback
flashy enough to impress a gleeman.  War, for Saldaeans, is a
family affair.  Wives often ride to battle alongside their
husbands, though they do not engage in combat themselves.  Girls
are not taught the sword, but are often skilled with knives or
hand-to-hand fighting, and many stories tell of women taking up
the swords of their fallen husbands to lead the men back into

In Saldaea, a highborn lady is expected to be able to ride to
the hunt all day while reciting poetry, then play the cittern
at night while participating intelligently in discussion of
how to counter trolloc raids.

Saldaean women usually wear dresses with high necklines and
long sleeves.  Highborn ladies usually wear silk or brocade,
with embroidery along the sleeves and collar, while common
women wear similar, if simplier styles, but in wool.  Men
wear coats with embroidery on sleeves and collar.  Both men
and women usually go armed with at least a dagger.

Even Saldaean farm women are known to be fierce, and rumors
tell of some of them shaving the head of any woman caught
poaching another's chosen mate.

Saldaean women, in addition to their strong wills and fierce
natures, are also rumored to be quite sensual.  They use 'fan
talk' with lace or silk fans to convey messages to potential
suitors, and though it has been outlawed by several Queens,
and rumors are vehemently denied, high-born ladies are said
to be adept in a form of dance known as the sa'sara.  This
dance, which has supposedly caused wars, and even stopped them,
is said to make men's blood boil.

Other Saldaean tidbits:

* Trolloc raids are frequent in Saldaea.
* The eldest Saldaean child of either sex is trained in accounting and
  trading and those duties required to manage an estate one day.
* In Saldaea, men do the proposing of marriage.
* A girl's mother must approve of the marriage.
* The Queen is advised by a Council of Lords.
* The Marshal-General carries a wolf-headed ivory baton as a symbol of
  his office.
* People travel by snowshoes or skies in the winter in Saldaea.
* Saldaeans ride smaller-than-average horses.

See Also:  Nations, Update

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