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A Moment in Tyme, unlike other MUDS you may be familiar
with, does not have a coded class system.  This MUD is
unique, in that you are not limited merely to one form
of class such as a fighter, or a mage.

When you first log into the game and create your character,
you can choose certain
talents which ultimately define
what type of character you end up playing.  There aren't
any limits on the talents you can choose from when you
create your character, other than a leveling modifier
which basically increases the amount of experience you
need to level, based on how many talents you choose.  The
rarer or more advantageous the talents, the higher the
leveling modifier.  You can also choose weaknesses that
lower your leveling modifier, but these weaknesses must
be roleplayed out.

In the end, your 'class' is not determined by code, but
by your background, and which Guild (or Guilds) you end
up choosing.  All guilds require that you compose some
sort of background, which includes an explanation of
your talents and skills and why your character belongs.
More information can be found under the specific guild
help files, on the template board, or simply ask on the
newbie channel and someone will be able to point you in
the right direction.

See Also: Multiguild, Template, Talents, Channeling

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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