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                    The Horn of Valere  

The Grave is no Bar to my Call

These are the words said to be inscribed on the legendary Horn
of Valere, which it is said was hidden long ago to keep it safe
until it was needed for the Last Battle.  It is a well-known
legend that he who sounds the Horn of Valere will summon the
Heroes of the Horn back from the grave to fight against the
Shadow.  Prophecy states that it will be found in time for
Tarmon Gai'don.  Many stories have arisen from this legend
and from the Prophecies, and have become a part of the bardic
cycle 'The Great Hunt of the Horn'.

The Great Hunt of the Horn is called in Illian on occasion.
The Great Hunt had not been called for four hundred years, at
the end of the Trolloc Wars, and at the beginning of the War
of the Hundred Years.  But it was recently called again in Illian
on the Feast of Teven, and would be-Hunters came from every
nation to seek the Horn, or at least glory or fame.  The city
celebrated their coming with a carnival celebration with song
and dance, costumes and fireworks, and of course, a contest
for the best telling of the Great Hunt of the Horn, which takes
several days to recite in High Chant.  The Hunters swore the
Oath, and were sent forth on their quest with much pomp and

Since then, there have been rumors of the Horn everywhere,
and a dozen people will tell you they can -sell- you the
Horn of Valere.  Other rumors tell of an army of heroes of
legend appearing in Falme, but thus far, the Horn of Valere
has not been returned to Illian, which is deemed its rightful
place.  Therefore, one must only conclude that it has not yet
been found, or if it has been, it is still fair game, for all
the Hunters true are sworn to bring the Horn back to Illian.

See Also:  Illian

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