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||                           A Moment in Tyme                             ||
||                      Founded by: Mikki and Dini                        ||
||                                          ||
||         Implementors:   Nicodemus   Lucardo   Duren                    ||
|| Duren     (Head Coder) | Shai'tan  (Head Shadow) | Lucardo  (Head War) ||
|| Nicodemus (Coder)      | Lucardo   (Shadow)      | Parol    (War)      ||
|| Boris     (Coder)      | Lucardo   (Head Story)  | Syrah    (Hd Bldr)  ||
|| Hale      (Coder)      | Rissa     (Story)       | Syrah    (Housing)  ||
|| Syrah     (Head CM)    | Parol     (Head WM)     | Lucardo  (Policy)   ||
||                      Mortal Guild Leaders:                             ||
|| Asha'man:         Volkare      |  Tower (WT and RT):      Maelyn       ||
|| Daes Dae'mar:     Etheniel     |                                           ||
||  Site Admins  | Implementors Emeritus: Alicia   Marek   Kane  Merdon   ||
|| Kahn   Simkin |    Valoc    Pel   Kane   Janus   Kalah   Scott         ||
||               |    Birk   Mattias   Mikki   Dini   Beonca              ||

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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