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This command allows you to transport yourself to various places
rather than walking there. Anyone can recall and it does not
stop working after certain levels. Note that recall is an OOC
action and cannot be used to escape an IC situation such as
hostile Roleplay.

> recall
This takes you to The Recall Room.

> recall guild <multiguild tag>
This will take you to your multiguild's recall point.

> recall <set|learned>
Entering <recall set> sets a room as your recall point. <recall learned>
will take you back to that point if you ever leave it.

> recall gl
This takes GuildLeaders to the GL lounge.

> recall <city name|list>
This will take you to the main recall of a city or list all the cities.
To recall to a city with multiple words to its name, you must put it in
> recall 'far madding'

> recall <city name> <location|list>
This will take you to a location in a city or list all the locations in that city.

See also: Multiguilds, GLCommands, Recall list

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 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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