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These are the color codes used on the MUD to add colors
to things like posts, titles, doings, descriptions, etc.

1=Red            !=Crimson          `rr=Red Background
2=Green          @=Lime             `gg=Green Background
3=Yellow         #=Gold             `yy=Yellow Background
4=Blue           *=Navy             `bb=Blue Background
5=Purple         %=Pink             `mm=Purple Background
6=Cyan           ^=Aqua             `cc=Cyan Background
7=Grey           &=White            `ww=Grey Background

To use color, simply put a backwards apostrophe before the color
code you want to use. Like this: title `
the `destroyer `of ``rall`
would make your title appear like this: Loth
the destroyer of `rall

Make sure you END all of your colorized commands with the `
This is the neutral color that prevents color bleed.

See also: Ansi, talkcolor

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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