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Multiguilds are specific organizations that have grouped together based
on common beliefs, goals, or heritage. For a list of multiguilds, both
for Immortals as well as Mortals, type 'multiguild'.

GLs can also use the 'multiguild' command to see all the options available
to them for administration of their guild rosters, including changing the
ranks, subranks, membership, and more.

To see the seeking requirements and information of all our multiguilds,
type 'template list' for the full index, then 'template show #' for the
specific guild in which you are interested.

To see who leads which guilds, type 'gllist'.  See the Guild Immortal
for any guilds without a mortal guildleader, or with any other questions
about the multiguilds.

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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