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> recall guild gl
This takes you to GL lounge. Come here if you wish to Multisession.

> multig <guild tag> rank <player> <rank>
> multig <guild tag> subrank <player> <subrank>
> multig <guild tag> alias <player> <alias>
This changes your guild member's Rank, Subrank or Alias.

> echo <text>
An echo to the room your GL is in. GL Echo skill required.

> zecho <text>
A zone echo. Use with discretion. Can be spammy in populated areas.

> qecho <text>
An echo to other players on the same Quest channel as your GL.

> sponsor guild <character name>
Grants a guild member sponsorship rights.

> sponsor authorize <full character name>
Authorizes a seeker of your guild.

> multig <guild tag> add <player>
Adds a character to your guild.

> multig <guild tag> remove <player>
Removes a currently guilded character from your guild.

> payplayer <player> bank <amount>
Online treasury payment to a player

> payplayer file <player> bank <amount>
Offline treasury payment to a player

> glt <text>
Use the Guild Leader Multiguild channel

> channel mute <guild tag> <player>
Mutes a guild members Multiguild channel.

> repedit <nation> <name>
This adds/edits a reputation of a player in a certain nation.

> repdelete <nation> <name>
This deletes a players reputation in a certain nation.

> icedit <location> <news|rumour> <keyword> <title>
This adds/edits posts to "updates"

> icdelete <location> <keyword>
This deletes an Update News or Rumours post.

> tool <item> <field> <description>
Alters an items appearance or alias
Fields are
alias/name/desc See Policy for rules of usage.

NOTE: Some of these commands presently have limited functionality.
If you have any questions or concerns about your command options
as a Guildleader, see your Guild Imm.

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 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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