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-----------------------------[ Wisdoms ]-----------------------------

Wisdoms are a group of women who are brought together by the ability
channel, or the spark, that most of the Wisdoms posses.  All of them -in
the books- were at one time in the
Tower. Some were sent away because they
were not strong enough to
Tower standards and others could not adapt to Tower
life, rules or whatever else. Not all cases are in the books so there is room
for speculation. Being that this is not the books, and that we are in a parallel
universe, the
Wisdoms do accept Wilders.  The Wisdoms have many rules, and
keep their secrets to themselves.  Although, it is later found that the
had almost always known of their existence.  

*  Leaders within the Wisdoms are designated more upon respect than upon

*  There are no extra chores for not getting a lesson done, as they do Aes
do to novices, and accepteds.  As a matter of fact, learning to
channel is -not- required, unless your RP leads in that direction.

*  Being able to channel is not a requirement, even the best Wisdoms within
   the books couldn't
channel a lick.

  If you're looking for a guild that will be fun without bowing and scraping,
and treat you like family, then look no further.

See Also: Wisdom Req, Template Show 12

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 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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