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-----------------Seafolk Descrripptiions------------------ We are not tall, of only average height. We have black hair, straight, but in rare cases, curly. We have dark skin. We are very very graceful, with a "rolling walk" from being on ships constantly. Thus, Sea Folk women have a reputation of being exceptionally beautiful and tempting. *Men go barefoot and bare-chested with tattoos. We have hand tattoos, men have a six-pointed star on right hand with marks of clan and line, women (and men, perhaps, it's uncertain) have stars and seabirds with stylized waves. Bilgecleander through First Mate will have no more than 2 pairs of earrings. Sailmistresses and Cargomasters have 4. Wavemistresses and Swordmasters have 5. MotS and MotB have 6 pairs. Windfinders have one less pair than their counterpart. All female higher ranks have a nose ring attached to earrings by chain with medallions hanging from it. THe more medallions, the higher the rank. The MotS has another chain linking all six earrings. No men have nose rings. Lower ranked women may, but no chains attached to earrings. Men (and women, but women less) wear thick gold and silver necklaces. This is also an indication of rank. The more, the higher the rank. High rank women, SM, WM, WF, and MotS wear a gold perfume box as a necklace. It emits a musky scent. Wavemistresses have two-tiered red parasol and her swordmaster has a single tiered red parasol (Don't ask me what for!!!!) Men are clean-shaven. Women wear no shirts when at sea. All sexes wear baggy breeches held up by colorful sashes. When near shore, women wear colorful low-cut blouses. Higher ranks have belt knives with gold wire inlays and decorative carving. See Also: Seafolk, Seafolk Ships, Seafolk Facts, Seafolk EQ, Seafolk Attitudes, Seafolk Ranks, Seafolk Subranks, Seafolk Clans, Seafolk Sayings |
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