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The Project Board is an OOC virtual board that can be read
from any place on the MUD. You can post comments, make new
posts, ask questions, post information, arguments (if done
politely) and read what other players have written in the past.

When you have read a post and all of it's comments, that post
will no longer be visible by simply typing "proj show". This is
to help make reading it a little bit easier and less spammy. If
you want to get a list of all posts, whether you've read them or
not, type "proj list"

Usage:  project <subcommand> <argument>

         project new <title>
         project comment <topic #> <title>
         project show [<topic #> [<comment #>]]
         project list [<topic #>]
         project edit <topic #> [<comment #>]
         project stats <topic #> [<comment #>]
         project delete <topic #> [<comment #>]

:: Beginning

 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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