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-----------------------[ RPSeek ]------------------------
This command shows you as seeking roleplay (
Help Roleplay), when other
players type '

Syntax:  RPSeek (info)
Example: RPSeek Any roleplayer welcome.
When players type '
RPSeek List' they will see:
A) Which room you're currently in.  
B) Any information you put after 'RPSeek'.
  This command is not considered in character (
Help IC), nor is the
information it disclaims.  But it is quite usefull in locating, or
rather starting roleplay.  To turn RPSeeking off, simply type '
a second time.  If you set yourself to seek roleplaying in a room,
then you move to another room for more than one tick, your seeking
is automatically turned off.
See also: Where, IC, Roleplay

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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