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Preconditions for use: Talents - Active/Latent Channeler or Wilder

Powersense is similar to the consider command, but is only useable by people
who can channel.  If you powersense a fellow channeler (must be used on same
sex as you), you will see how much stronger or weaker they are than you.

SYNTAX : powersense <target>
EXAMPLE: powersense nynaeve

In the above example, if you were female and powersensed nynaeve you would
probably get a message saying she was a lot stronger than you (depending on
your own strength of course). Males cannot powersense females and vice versa.
Power is based on strength in the flows and the amount of the One Power (mana)
you can hold at once.

See also: Consider

:: Beginning

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 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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