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Entering the commands <buy> or <list> in a shop will list all of
the items for sale within the shop. If you would like to purchase
the equipment within the shop and have the gold to pay for it, use
one of these commands:
Example 1:  Buy sword        (Buys the first sword on the list)
Example 2:  Buy #3           (Buys the third item on the list)
Example 3:  Buy 4.sword      (Buys the fourth sword on the list)
Example 4:  Buy 10 bread     (Buys 10 pieces of bread)
Example 5:  Buy 10 #2        (Buys 10 of the second item on the list)
See also: Shops, Sell, Value

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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