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There are currently two known webpages for A Moment in Tyme:

The Official MiT Homepage
    This is the official webpage for A Moment in Tyme. You should
    be able to find a great deal of helpful information here.

The Seanchan Website
   This is the Seanchan webpage.  It is still in the works, and
   access to certain areas is restricted to guildmembers only.
   It contains useful information about the Seanchan and the
   Seanchan guild.

Note: If you wish to start your own Tyme page, please feel
free to do so but please let an Implementor know the address so
it may be referenced in this helpfile. What you put on your page
is up to you. Please ask an Implementor for permission to use anything
from the MUD itself.

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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