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There are a myriad of channels, both public and private, that are available for everyone to use. You can get a list of the channels by typing <channel list> or simply typing <channels> will give you options on how to customize which channels you wish to receive and those you want shut off. OOC forms of communication: > question|answer <string> - A channel to have questions answered. > <multiguild tag> <string> - a channel for your specific multiguild(s). > glt <string> - The Guild Leader channel. > newbie <string> - A good channel for newbies to ask questions. > ooc <string> - Global channel for OOC communication. > osay/say <string> - A channel for OOC discussion in a single room. > qsay <string> - The channel for those currently in a Quest. > tell <player> <string> - A private channel for 2 people. > vg <string> - A channel for the Visitor Guides. -IC forms of communication: > emote <string> - Most commonly used command to dictate a players actions and words during RP. > pemote <string> - Much like Emote, it is slightly altered but still very useful to RP. |
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