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Use NOTELL if you wish to prevent other players from using "tell" to
communicate with you.  You can also notell individuals rather than
making yourself deaf to all tells.

> notell
This makes you deaf to all tells.

> notell <player>
This makes it so the player entered cannot send you tells. You
may still receive tells from other players.

> notell list
This will list the players you currently have blocked.

You can notell up to eight people at any one time. Your notell
list lasts as long as you are logged on to the MUD. If you quit
and log back in the game later, you will need to reset your
notell list. They are not saved through logging out. Note that
notell does not work on Immortals. They cannot be blocked.

See also: Tell, Prefs

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 Copyright © 2003 A Moment in Tyme
 Web Design by: Tannil and Guy
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